
The Stars Shine Down.

The life isn't easy to people belong ti any section of the society. If passion comes first, your family might always agree with you. All Nezha ever wanted was to become a successful scriptwriter. But to achieve her dreams, she had to bend some rules, experience unimaginable stuff and do a one night stand with a super rich bad boy Dylan in town, who dreams to be become an A listed actor. But at some point they don't get along well. And they couldn't each other for years. Will the writer and the actor get along and get together?

Aaliyah_Stark_ · Urban
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23 Chs


The sun was up. I could sense the rays falling on my face. "Uff its cold" I pulled the blanket to cover up the most. "why is it so cramped? I should get a new bed." I murmured in my sleep. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled. 'Mom. I miss you. Next time I meet you I will tell you about everything.' I thought in my sleep. And later I opened my eyes and jumped up suddenly. I looked around the room. 'lighthouse' I thought. The room looked really shabby. The table with the candle burned out. Empty beer cans Chips bags lying down and the half-finished bottle of wine lying down along with the tossed chair. Luckily the bottle is not broken. And I looked at myself, covered in blanket sleeping with a beautiful man next to me, our phone and clothes lying down near the couch. 'I slept with him, I slept with a guy. I got drunk and let myself sleep with a guy' reality hit me hard as I came back to my senses. I recalled everything that happened the day before and it ringed a bell. 'My huge failure, a crush, and alcohol have made me sleep with a person I just met that day. Holy fuck' I got out of the couch, without waking him up. I didn't want to look at his face when he wakes up. Because I don't know how I should face him after sleeping with thinking what he would think of me. he surely will know this is my first time. I should run away. I have committed a great sin enough to get me kicked out of the house. I sat for a moment after dressing up, putting own his hoodies, and holding my heart, that was literally exploding inside thinking of what I have done, thinking of the consequences about to come and thinking of leaving him behind and accepting the reality it is only a 'one-night stand.' I got scared. Not a soul should know that I of all the people gave away myself. I collected my phone and kept his clothes folded on top of the table. I took the wine bottle and kept in back in the chair and looked at him for a moment. A man that I have created a memory with, 'why does he look so handsome and peaceful even in his sleep.' That was all I could think. I leaned and gave him a soft kiss. I prayed that he should forget me, that he doesn't wake up right now and silently left the place.

Half an hour later, I cried all the way down walking through the beach to the bus stop. I got on in one and went back to the city. I tried hard to remember what his name was, but then I knew that both of us do not know even our names each other. My heart was aching inside so much that I wanted just to become invisible and forever fade away. The reality was all coming back. I can't go back home, I have to prepare for my exams and cover up all the classes I skipped for the scripts and writing. And of all, I have to tell my heart to not fall for him. I didn't care if anyone was staring at me, I cried on the bus until I reached my place. I didn't know where to end nor where to begin. I dried my face and got into the hostel silently and decided to lock myself in the room for the next two days.

oh no !! that was unexpected. Running away just like that.

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