
the stars in her eyes

He was once my savior, but everything has been changed. He's now my greatest Nightmare

anggeeeskiii · Teen
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4 Chs


"Sirius! Please talk to me" he said while tears are streaming down his face.

"No!" I screamed as I slapped him. He look so shocked about that I did. "You left me! You fucking left me while I almost died! You promised Ac! You promise that you will never leave me, you promise that you stayed when everything is not right!"

I wipe my tears and look at him with pure anger and disgust. "And you comeback like everything is fine?! You comeback like you did nothing wrong?!" he tried to hold my hand but I snatched it away.

"I love you so much but it hurts! I love you so much but I'm hella tired! I wish I didn't met you! I wish I didn't love you this hard!" I screamed. I can see his tired eyes. He is in pain but remained quiet.

I hurriedly went back to my room and locked it. I'm crying hard to the point that I can't breath. I clenched my t-shirt and take a deep breath. I tried to stand but I pushed the vases near me.

"Sirius! Open the door! Baby please!" he said.

"No!" I whispered

I fell down and can't breathe anymore. I am about to closed my eyes but the door is cracked. He is telling me to stay awake but I can't anymore.

Today, I was about to become One of the Stars

