
The Stars Beneath the Clouds

As much as I want to live a quite and peaceful life, the deity that was guarding me doesn't want me to. In this world where the land, the sea and sky meet lies the country where I was born, a place where everything was determined by fate and needs to be followed continously without any questions. But what if one day a boy out of nowhere suddenly emerges and change everything.

CamillaMarie_JAI · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Running off

It's already pass 10 when I arrive back at my village. I proceed to visit Leah but according to her land lord she left this afternoin to visit her mother's grave on the Village of Cateion.

He said she'll be back tomorrow, knowing that I won't stay here longer I asked the land lord to give her my letter. I then went to Old Shailo's house.

I told him everything that I was able to discover and asked him a few things and he obliged on doing it. He also give something, it's a bow and arrow made out of metal and a special dagger. He said it was my mother's I thank him and went to proceed to where I'm going to Mount Senai and look for Priestess Leona.

Mount Senai is not that far from my village, a normal type of travelling would take you there in two-three days but a rush travel like this could only take an hour or less that is if I would make Camilla use her teleportation spell that she's still trying to control. By the way I asked Akashia to train Camilla while I'm away, it would be a huge advantage if she masters at least two or three of her powers, she might even disvover new powers. I didn't use my horse, instead I use the horse Akashia gave me. She said it will take me faster to my destination but I honestly dont know how to manuever this horse, I mean it's flying!!!

I am trying my best to manuever it but it's really hard, and the fact that I keep o falling on the ground make both me and the horse exausted. Half way on our journey I decided to stop and rest for a while. I looked for forest where fresh water is present and thankfully I was able to spot one. We landed there and the horse immediately drank water and so as I. Since it's already midnight I decided to sleep for a while to let the horse rest a little longer.

I could only feel the cold air and hear the silence of the night as if they were cradling to sleep but I was awoken by a noise of foot steps. I stood up and grab my bag and my weapon and went straight to ride my horse

"Alright buddy it's time to go. I'm not yet expert in making you fly but I'll try okay. Now it's time to fly" I said and took a deep breath before commanding the horse to fly. Luckily I was able to control it, while flying away I saw a light coming inside the forest. I directed the horseto go near where the light is coming from and there I saw three people talking to each other

"I wonder what kind of spirit deity it is this time" one of the guys said

"According to the report that I recieve it's a forest deity" the other guy asked

"Well it would be an easy job collecting this deity, forest deity are not for combat anyways" the last person says

I cursed upon hearing their conversation. If that's true then Akashia would be captured in no time and if that happends Camilla would definetly intervine that will expose her identity. I was about to make the horse go someone attack me from behind causing me to fall and the horse running away in fear

"Damn" I said

"You should be more careful next time you are talking about a very important mission" The person who knocked me said

This person was wearing a mask so I couldn't see her face

"Tell me who are you and who sent you to spy on us?" she asked while pulling out her sword.

I was kinda scared but I tried to maintain my composure. I looked around and saw the three guys looking shocked

I stood up "I wasn't sent by anyone. I got curious so I did try to eavesdrop but that was it, I had no intentions of hurting you" I explained

"You have no intention of hurting us. I guess I believe that but I want to hear something from you" he said then he re.... oh no.... I mean to say she said then she took her mask off.

"You eavesdrop because of curiosity, but you wont hurt us, you dont plan to stop us aren't you?" she asked

"Ahaha, well I dont plan to hurt you but I never said I wont stop you" Upon saying those words I saw the sword coming towads my direction so I did my best to dodge it.

I fell on the ground once again.

"Anyone who dares to stop our mission shall be tied down, now stay still if you

value your life" She said and once again pointed the sword on me

"Jeremiah, get the rope" she ordered and the guy followed her eventually. I guess this girl is the person-in-charge to this mission

"May I just ask, who is the spirit deity that you want to capture?" at the very least I've got to know if they are the ones to capture Akashia so that I wont regret beatinh them up. Before answering the girl asked the other two guys to hold me then she put her sword away 'Opps wrong move' I thought

"I'm from the village near here, but I already went to a village near mine. There I meet a deity named Akashia, is she the deity that you seek?" I asked

"And where exactly this conversation take us" she said

"I am on a quest. I know that you can't take a spirit deity once it was blessed by a priestess" I said however she doesn't seem to like the idea of calling a priestess

"I'm planning to go and get a priestess to bless Akashia. The villagers need her there and I wont allow you to just get her. The villagers will definitely fight with you and don't want anyone to die and so as Akashia so I'm asking you once you get there wait for me for a day. If I wont be able to return, I'll let you have me"

"Have you?"

"Those are the words of Akashia, and she promised that. In fact she is now cinvincing the villagers"

"Before the midnight comes on the day we arrive at the village." said before telling the guys to release me

"Oh and before I forget, Yes it was Akashia that we will take. Did that answer your question?" she said

"May I ask what you name is?"

"People call me Lilith" she said

"I'll wait for you then" she said. I thank her and went out of the forest. There I summoned the majical horse and hurriedly made my way to Mount Senai

I need to go back there tomorrow.

Meanwhile back at the forest

"Get yourselves ready" the girl said to her comrades

"But I thought"

"I wont let a mere village guy and a prietesa ruin my quest. I'll get the spirit deity no matter what. Now get yourselves ready" she said before getting on her horse

"Listen we need to get there by tomorrow" she said the took off

"I wonder why her mood turned awful" the guy said

"Bases from what I heard a priestess killed her whole family because she was consumed by the powers she have and starting there she started to hate priestesses even though they are legally part of the kingdom as spirit deity keepers" the other man explains

"Besides she also dispise spirit deity"

"And why is that?"

"Because her mother is a shaman, and because of her she lost everything"

"Her name means death, she's now here to kill not to capture"

"Is it because?"

"Let's just hope she wont see that biy once again"

"She's really horrifying once she's angry"

"Well enough of the talk, let's just go. We'll be left behind" then they all followed