
The Stars Beneath the Clouds

As much as I want to live a quite and peaceful life, the deity that was guarding me doesn't want me to. In this world where the land, the sea and sky meet lies the country where I was born, a place where everything was determined by fate and needs to be followed continously without any questions. But what if one day a boy out of nowhere suddenly emerges and change everything.

CamillaMarie_JAI · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Rejection and Persuasion

FLASHBACK-In the Village of Vishia

After being rejected by Akashia I told Camilla to go back to her defensive form -which is a knife-

I went back inside the temple but the village chieftain isn't there any longer

"I guess I need to go back on my own" I said to myself and started making my way back to the main village.

On my way I keep on encountering villagers going to the temple. Almost all of them are holding something which I think is an offer.

I was able to get back to the hotel safely.

When I get there I saw Jack and Jerome eating something. "Hey" I greeted them as I continue to draw closer

"What's with all the people going to the temple?" I asked and they both looked at me. "So that's where you went" they said in unision as if they are twins

"Why?" I asked wearing my questioning look. They set aside their food and started strerching their hands before leaning on their respective chairs and giving off that smile that kinda creeps me out

"Seriously, what's wrong?" I said

"So you went around the whole village, find yourself in the temple, made your way back only to see people going there and you didn't even bother to ask one what was going on" Jerome sums up and that left me speechless.

'This guy really knows when to get me' I thought.

"Well, that didn't come to my mind that time." I said hoping that reason will do and I think it did when I saw him nod

"Well, today was their holy fiest. Today is the day the spirit deity came to their village. Accoding to one of the villagers the deity's name is Akashia, she's a nature deity. As long as she's here the forest would forever be purify causing a special barrier that sorrounds the whole village making it safe to any disaster" Jerome then explained

"With that being said the palace of course want to get Akashia for the pdrotection of the palace and the capital city. I kinda find it selfish actually" Jack continued and Jerome seemed to agree with his older brother

"The current queen seemed to be afraid of something" we heard a familliar voice causing us all to jump out of our seats. We all stood straight and greeted Captain Luke before returning to our seats.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"The village chief didn't tell you?" he answered back. And both Jerome and Jack looked at me

"Well, I ask him a while ago to show me around and we ended up at the temple. We were there for a couple of minutes then he told me he had to do something so he left me there" I lied. Captain Luke seemed to know that I went with the village chief, I should be careful

The captain seemed to buy my reason and just nodded his head.

"This gossip didn't seem to reach your village but around the whole kingdom, the capital and the 9 different district with 11 villages per district and even the palace itself. A gossip was circulating that the former queen had seen something in her dream, people believe it's a profecy about the downfall of the kingdom, some believe that it is a bad omen about spirit dieties overpowering the people and others say that the dream is about her being killed by a spirit deity. No one knows what really is the dream but after that day, the queen started acting strange and was very agitated all the time to the point where she can no longer rule the kingdom" Captain explained and all three of us was just listening attentively.

"What happends next?" Jerome asked eagerly.

It seems like I'm nod the only one haven't heard the story I thought

Captain Luke took a deep breath and continued, "The queen's eldest child Prince Kyle decided to talk to her mother about her dream finding out about the truth and the Prince did his best to comfort her mother making her feel safe and soon after that rumor was gone since the queen regained her senses back. After a few more years the Prince Philip was suppose to be the next in line to the throne but he refused making her younger sister Princess Alia the queen"

"The queen succeeded the throne when she was 18 and as far as I can remember five years after her coronation a dreadful event had happend, the queen mother died and for whatever reason the Queen Alia ordered the execution of all shamans around the kingdom and the capturing of spirit deities with no owner. After sometime more laws concerning the shamans and apirit deity was imposed" Captain paused for a while to take a deep breath

"And right then the Queen Alia started acting strange just like the deceased queen however she still was able to rule the kingdom perfectly" He stopped and looked at us

"So the rumor was now awaken" I said and he nodded

"What about the Prince Philip?" Jack asked

"Right after he sister's coronation, the people are shocked to hear that the Queen Alia exiled Prince Philip and forbid him to ever returning to the kingdom, once seen a direct kill must be done" He explained

"Why?!" Me, Jerome, and Jack shouted in unison

"That, I don't know. No one really knows exept for them. But many people, in fact almost everyone believed that it has something to do with the former queen's dream" after explaining it to us. It made me realize one thing and that is I really need to go to the palace. The informations that I currently have and the knowledge I just acquired isn't enough to pin point where my mother is. Then suddenly a question popped up

"If you don't mind me asking, when did this all happend?" I the asked after sometime of silence.

"The first execution of shamans, the laws concerning the spirit deities, and the re-spreading of rumors all happend ten years ago" he answered.

Then suddenly something in me clicked. I need to pursuade Akashia