
The Starlight Savior

In this world of supernatural, the weak fall defeat while the strong conquers. A story of a young man, who traveled back in time to watch the world go prosper, destroyed, and suffer, would experience everything even through the darkest moments. === The base image of the cover isn't mine and I don't plan on claiming that it's mine. The base image is respectfully owned by the owner.

RSP_24 · Urban
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2 Chs

[1] CH1: Starlight Origin and Destruction

It all began thousands of millennia ago when a boy discovered that he could control flames. At first, most people didn't believe what the news and gossip said as they lived in a world of technology, which evolved from time to time.

Since then, 5% of the 12-year-old children all around the globe also got the ability to control flames, water, air, and earth. Their powers were acknowledged by people after it was confirmed as genuine.

Time continued to flow without knowing these powers' existence, and the world gradually changed.

Before the world realized it, the technology's evolution rapidly declined, and the number of people with this power significantly increased. From 5% to 97%, these made the society completely change.

With 95% of these special abilities to control flames, water, air, and earth and 2% of people that could manipulate something else, the age of superhuman society was born.

Throughout millions of years after the first manifestation of this ability, conflict erupted between several factions. It caused the destruction of several countries and ceased their existence. It also caused a sudden significant population percentage reduction with these abilities. From 97%, it plummeted to 43%.

But this also brought benefits to the planet. Humans began taking care of nature more, and as time flew by, most countries united to form a whole new nation.

In the year, 2635 of the new calendar, the nations were divided into four: [1] Hydra of the Western Waters, [2] Geo of the Central Plain, [3] Aero of the Eastern Peaks, and [4] the Pyro of the Southern Volcanoes.

These powers' unidentified origin is still unknown, so society called these powers as simple as [Bending].

[Bending] is the unique trait that grants you authority over a specific element. 99% of benders could only bend 1 element, while the other 2% could bend 2 elements.

Traditionally, when you turn 12 years old, they will naturally know their elements.

You can train and improve your Bending and eventually become a [Bending Master], professional bender, and a member of the highest hierarchy. These masters were respected by the aspiring benders and non-benders.

On the other hand, the hierarchy as we speak significantly changed. The non-benders eventually became the lowest part of the hierarchy and were treated as a pheasant.

And I, Theo Atlanta, am a part of a fallen bender family. And still, no one knew how our family fell.

Yet, before the beginning of the journey that I wasn't expecting that I'll experience, I found out that all of the stories that my parents told me about our family being once a bending family were all a lie...


• Year 7777 • 5th District • City of Contracts, Zelfrom •

"Mom? Do you think that I'll get a bending technique on any element anytime soon?" Theo, the white-haired boy, and purple eyes asked as he held his hand towards the sky while lying down on the grass field beside his mother. The sky is blue and it was peaceful. There's no noise, just the breeze hitting their faces.

"Theo, I hope, but our family hasn't produced any benders for millenniums. The probability of you awakening your Bending is almost impossible." Theo's mom, Lilith, replied with a gentle and sad smile. Even if she wanted to give hope to Theo that he would have a bending skill, he couldn't since it was the best thing to do. Giving a false hope would just break him more.

"..." Theo silently sighed. He was aware of it, but he still desires to awaken his bending to improve their lifestyle. Over these past twelve years of his existence, he never experienced eating any fancy or delicious meal.

Every time he went out to the nearby city, he could only stare at the other people, eating delicious meats, salads, and seafood. Over the years, they only eat raw meats, vegetables, or fruits, which are healthy, but not enough for the whole day. Therefore, they only eat once per day.

'I want to become a bender so that I could help mom. If there's really a god, I wonder if he'll consider the wish that I've been wishing ever since I'm 7?' Theo inwardly thought with a hint of sad expression on his face. He already feels broken enough to see his mother work so hard just to get a piece of bread or earn money.

On top of all that suffering, another greater challenge was dealing with them every day. His lovely father abuses them. Theo's father neglected and treat him as a nobody despite being his own sweat and blood.

Most of the time, Theo's scum father took all the money that Lilith earned for themselves. He only uses it to gamble and earn money for himself, without giving any to his family. He's an irresponsible and abusive father that a 12-year-old shouldn't have.

The silence between the mother and son grew, but Theo broke it and asked out of nowhere, "Mom, can I hunt a wild animal later?".

"No! Don't try to!" Lilith immediately replied. The forest was too dangerous for his child. She could always see people crying because of the death of their loved ones, who entered the forest.

"But mom, I want to help. I already know how to take care of myself. Please, mom, let me help..." Theo pleads as he stares at his mother with determination. Theo loved his mother so much, that it wouldn't matter if he would go against the world.

"..." Lilith hesitatingly looked at her son's determined eyes and sighed, "Fine. But you must only enter the outer part of the forest. Don't ever go deeper, alright?"

'She agreed?! I don't have to sneak in there anymore?!' Theo excitedly thought. Theo tried to convince his mother to enter the forest before, but she was also resolved that she wouldn't let him go alone. Because of their stubbornness, Theo always sneaks into the forest to capture a wild beast, bringing it back home, and tells his mother that he got it from a good samaritan.

"Yes, mom. I know the danger lies there, so I won't go there!" Theo replied with sparkling eyes. The forest has three distinctive parts: outer, border, and deepest parts. The outer border wasn't much of a danger, but the border and deepest part were still unknown to Theo the danger inside it, especially the strength or ability of the wild monsters.

Lilith helplessly sighed at his son's expression and smiled with a hint of sad expression in her eyes, "When are you going?"

"Now! I have to find wild animals before anyone does!" Theo immediately sat straight up.

Every day, multiple people enter the forest to hunt wild animals. They were either from a bender family or pheasants. Usually, they act in a team, so most of the wild animals were taken by larger groups. The weaker the group, the easier for the stronger group to plunder them.

"I see. Then, off you go. I'll go back home to check if your father came back..." Lilith sighed as Theo stiffened. He hated the fact that his mother was still sticking to the old scum. She doesn't deserve a bad husband like him. She was better off without him.

Lilith was a kind-hearted woman. She was always genuine in her emotions and calmly assesses any troublesome situation. Such a person wouldn't deserve an abusive husband!

Theo lowered his head and asked, "Mom—why are we still with him anyway?"

"..." Lilith silently stared at her son. She knew what he meant. She always knew that he hated his father because of what he was doing to her and him. But she still loves his husband unconditionally. She's a martyr in love.

"We could run away anytime! Why are we still stuck with that old useless apeshit?" Theo gently continued as he stood up, turning his gaze away from his mother. His voice might sound gentle, but Lilith could feel the venom in his words.

"I-I can't tell you. Some things must be kept hidden forever..." Lilith looked down to the ground as her eyes were filled with a painful expression. Theo hated it. Theo hated the expression her mother was making whenever she was telling the secret over and over again. That face shouldn't have existed for his mother.

'She always says that. What's the deal with that bastard anyways?' Theo frowned as he began walking towards the forest near the grass field where they usually rest. His eyes were still filled with anger. He couldn't understand the concept of unconditional love for a person who is highly dislikable.

Lilith continued sitting at the same spot as a tear dropped from her eyes, 'I'm sorry. I should've told you, but I prefer to keep this burden myself.' Lilith sobs as she slowly stands up.

'I hope you'll have a good life, Theo. I wish you good luck.' Lilith stared at the distant city and began heading there with a hint of hesitation. But then, she suddenly stopped as she stared in the direction of where Theo went and sadly closed her eyes.

'But—I also want you to know what happened millions of years ago. But time is running out—I know that you're always sneaking into the forest to train hunting. After you asked me for permission to enter the forest, I have to agree. I hope that 'that thing' won't find you there in the forest...' Lilith continued heading back to the city and gently smiled. She always liked the smell of the environment. It's calming for her.

'It's our fault that we'll disappear from our existence. Humanity would disappear because of the wrong actions, we, humanity toward looking for the truth. Now, humanity's future will have to get destroyed...' Lilith continued. She really wanted to let Theo know, but she don't know what would be Theo's reaction if she knew what she and his father did.

'Human's nature of greed gets out of hand because of that incident. Greed is the origin of human's wrong actions that would lead to some terrible consequences. If greed weren't involved at that time, maybe the future wouldn't be like this...' Lilith took something out of her pocket and took a necklace it. The necklace has an openable heart pendant and is opened, revealing the picture of their happy family before the 'incident.'

It's a family of four. She and her husbands were there. There's also a girl beside Lilith and a baby boy in her husband's arm, presumably Theo.

'The future's fate is in the hands of the present's action. With the wrong actions, regret would come onto you—' Lilith closed the pendant and placed it back into her pocket.

'—That's what you said to me, Quinella. I regret not believing you. I hope you'll watch your brother there in heaven...' Lilith stared at the blue sky and sighed.

'Theo, I'm terribly sorry. Goodbye—' Lilith said as a tear fell from her eyes. A tear from a painful expression that Theo hates.


Theo began leaping from tree to tree, finding some wild animals to hunt for food in the forest. He was si agile at his age. He's like a human with a cheetah-like speed. He can run 143 km/h if he uses his full speed, but since he wasn't impatient in looking, he only ran 75 km/h. It's still fast.

"Maybe I should go deeper?" Theo muttered. It was helpless! There were no wild animals in the outer part of the forest left. The only choice he considers now is going deeper down the forest.

Since most wild animals were hunted down in the outer area, the deeper part should have many wild animals.

There are many wild animals and monsters there. They'll probably be either too strong or dangerous. That's why no hunter enters there without in a raiding team, a team composed of 20 to 50 members. Except for Theo, of course. He was born strangely strong and fast. It's like he is a living strong warrior from a primitive era.

"I need to go at least to the border!" Theo continued jumping from tree to tree, fastening his pace.

He only needed to go to the so-called border, the border of the deepest part and the outer part. He can't go any deeper than that since once you entered the deepest part, you wouldn't be able to get out—or that's what the legend said.

The border is considered the passage between the deepest from the outermost part of the forest. There are many wild animals there, but the hunters rarely hunt at the border since the wild animals know how to sneak, hide, and ambush there.

Theo is strong enough to effortlessly kill a wild animal from the outermost part of the forest. Thus, there's also a high chance for him to kill at least the weakest wild animal from the border. The power gap of the beasts between these two locations wasn't that wide.

'How dangerous were the wild animals there?' Theo curiously thought. He always sneaks into the forest to train against wild animals, so he already knows the strength of these beasts. Eventually, he became bored hunting there.

Somehow, it made him excited from the thought of fighting stronger beasts.

He is excited to analyze the beasts or monsters there and fight them, which is strangely weird.

Theo is just a 12-year-old lad, yet he enjoys hunting animals.

'Hm? What's that?' Theo noticed a bright reflection ahead of him. He fastened his pace and saw elegant scenery.

It's a waterfall with a large lake at the bottom. It's like an enchanted lake of some sort.

The flowers were lushly blooming, and the water was as clear as the sky. The birds were happily singing, and the wind gusted, blowing the dandelion's white ray floret towards Theo's location.

'W-where am I? No one told us about this place...' Theo confusingly jumped from the tree and observed his surroundings. He already heard a lot of news in the forest, yet he didn't hear any information about a lake, especially a beautiful and attractive one. If someone discovered this place, they should've told everyone or at least created a rumor...

Birds are flying around, and butterflies are flapping their wings. Foxes played hide and seek while koalas were climbing onto bamboos beside the fountain.

It's a peaceful place. It's the perfect embodiment of freedom and harmony.

Theo slowly walked towards the water and saw many underwater creatures. Turtles, some harmless jellyfish, and kois. It's once in a blue moon to see them in one body of water.

When Theo began stepping back, his feet slipped. His body fell, and his head was stuck on a large boulder, falling unconscious.

As the area was too slippery and wet, his body began slipping into the water like a slide and eventually sank as his body's weight pulled him downwards.

He managed to open his eyes for a moment after feeling cold and insane pressure but eventually passed out in a second. The last thing he saw was—

—endless darkness


After Theo entered the forest, a disaster struck the city. The whole place is in chaos. People were running from left to right, buildings were now in ruins, burning, and some were stuck into large rubbles.

One of those people—

"I'm sorry, Theo. I'm sorry that I can't be with you. I can't stop this from happening—I'm sorry..." The woman, Theo's mother, Lilith, weakly said with tears falling down her cheeks. She was holding the necklace she kept for several years.

"Take care of yourself, my dear..." Lilith said as her breathing stopped. Her life ended with a tear, falling from her eyes and a smile of gentleness.

And now, the city of Zelfrom, the City of Contracts, ceased its mighty existence. No, not just the city of Contracts—the planet itself is crumbling to the ground. It's slowly getting destroyed.

And then, the time——






——was turned back from the very beginning. The beginning where it all began.

Heya! I'm RSP_24! I hope you like the first chapter!

Please suggest anything to change in the chapter. Feel free to ask about anything!

Also, help me improve my writing skills. :3

Please tell me the wrong usage of words, grammar, and more. :3

I'm sorry if this first chapter sucks...

RSP_24creators' thoughts