

"Alexander! Take good care of yourself. You don't have to worry about anything at home. Study well and come back when you can. I've packed a few sandwiches in case you are hungry, you'll find them in your suitcase."

"I will do my best, mom! Take care of yourself too. Don't work too hard and don't hesitate to ask the neighbors for help! I'll be back very soon and will bring you a big surprise. Just wait for me!" exclaimed Alexander. He closed his eyes as his mother warmly held him in her embrace. Anne was trying her best to not show her weak side but no matter how hard she tried, tears slowly started to roll down her cheeks. It has always been hard for a mother to watch their children finally leave the nest to start their own life.

"Go! You are already late! Remember to send me a message every day. I know that it will be hard but don't give up! Go, I am counting on you!"

Alexander nodded. He quickly turned around to avoid showing his tears to his mother. "I will! Wait for me, mom."

He quickly waved at his mom before jumping into the bus. The bus faintly trembled and soon hit the road. From his seat, he looked at the shrinking figure of his mother before turning his attention toward the only other passenger of the bus.

"Good, welcome on board. I am Instructor Keno. Nice to meet you, Alexander Vagras."

Alexander nodded. The emotional time was over; he needed to focus on his present task.

"First of all, congratulations on getting admitted at the Earth Academy. It is remarkable for someone from such a recluse area to pass our test! I just want to give you these documents for you to study while we travel. If there is anything you want to ask, don't hesitate," said Instructor Keno while lending a thick set of notes to Alexander.

The latter respectfully accepted the documents. On the cover, a Phoenix could be seen circling around planet Earth; it was the emblem of the Earth Academy, representing the hope of humanity. It was to go to that place to study that he had to leave behind his parents.

The Earth Academy was a relatively new institution built a decade ago by the United Nations. Officially, the Earth Academy had the same standing as any of the world's best universities. The only difference was that instead of teaching the well-known subjects like Economy, Engineering, and Medicine, it taught its students magic!

It was an international institution and people all over the world could apply to it like any other regular universities. However, only the cream of the top was allowed there, every year, only ten thousand applicants were accepted and Alexander was one of the lucky few selected.

"We'll travel by bus for four hours before arriving at the harbor. Take your time and study well. The rules of the academy are strict; there will be severe consequences if you break even just one of them. You better be prepared," said Instructor Keno before moving away from Alexander to give him some space. It was not the first time he was dispatched to escort the Academy's students; he knew very well that it was better to give them some space as they had just left their family.

As for Alexander, he completely ignored the instructor, leaned back and closed eyes. The documents he was supposed to study have already been forgotten.

'It has only been a week since I've been back and it's already time for me to leave mom... I hope everything will go well this time...'