
The Star Child Games

Cultivation is easy! Just win a death game from beyond the stars, and you too can become an Immortal! In this strange, Sci-fi world, watch as a man 6 years behind the competition begins his unstoppable winning streak... DISCLAIMER: The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this novel are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

evilantoniowriting · Sci-fi
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 001: An auspicious day...

17 MONTHS LATER... In Delaware...

The sun shined brightly over Pineville Psychiatric hospital; to such an extent that, even with its massive frame, the structure couldn't block rays of light from reaching neighboring buildings normally dwarfed in its shade. The hospital itself resembled a claw when viewed from above.

Three wings, extending perpendicular to each other for the length of 3 football fields. The space in between them was filled with lush park environments, but one could still notice an artificiality to it if they looked closely enough. Like electric fences and concrete walls at the gap in between the tips of the claw, or security cameras mounted in such a way that every angle of the outside was within their gaze.

World famous Dr. Russo pulled into his parking spot in front of the horizontal building connecting the nails of the claw. He checked the time on his watch, which cost more than a family sedan, and quickly entered the facility.

To his left, a guard reading the newspaper behind his desk immediately stood and greeted the handsomely dressed figure.

"Good morning, Dr Russo, will you be visiting the maximum security wing again today?"

Dr Russo turned and flashed his perfect smile, the dental work for which cost more than the down payment for a mortgage, at the guard and responded,

"Not today, I have business in central wing."

"I'll call ahead for you then, sir," the guard replied before grabbing the phone at his desk.

Dr. Russo was already at the security checkpoint by this point. He removed his shoes, which cost about as much as 50 limited edition Nikes; and his belt, the worth of which was equal to a bar of silver, before stepping through the metal detector.

On the other side of it, a nurse from central wing was already waiting for him; excitement plastered all over her face.

"We appreciate your visit to central wing, Dr. Russo. I have here all the documents, findings, and observations on patient 30126, as per your request. The patient has caused no problems with the non-unique individuals who make up our wing."

"Any sleep walking?"

"Not since you prescribed the new course of medicine, no. We did attempt instigation via collaborating patients per your orders, but only one instance of sleep fighting was captured."

Dr Russo calmly walked through central wing during their conversation, stopping only to watch a video of the altercation. In it, A large bald man can be seen aggressively pointing and shouting at another individual, who was asleep on a lounge chair.

"Patient 22084 instigated the conflict under the guise of the sleeping man being in his spot. Oh, here is the good part," she interrupts herself while pointing at the screen of Dr. Russo's phone, which wasn't due for commercial release until next year.

The larger patient throws a punch at the sleeping man but, within a second, he found himself unconscious on the floor, the sleeping individual now on top of him. Dr Russo then swiped the screen, which now showed the medical report of patient 22084.

"No lasting injuries, excellent! I have to thank you all for assisting in this observational period. I hope this has taught you many things with regards to the caution needed when treating unique individuals."

"It's our pleasure, Dr Russo. Patient 30126's release documentation has been completed, pending your approval. The patient is here for his final consolation. Will you require anything else from us?"

"Coffee, unsweetened with a splash of milk," the doctor ordered before entering a room which looked closer to a police interrogation room than anything you'd find in a hospital. The young man from the video was seated inside, handcuffed to the special steel loops on the table in front of him.

He was 5'10"; possessed a slim, yet muscular physique; looked no older than 25; sported a black buzz cut; and his eyes were a remarkable shade of blue which, when looked at closely, gave the feeling one gets when watching the still surface of a perfectly clear lake.

Dr. Russo paid no attention to these details and immediately took a seat from across this patient.

"Good morning, Patient 30126. I heard you got into a little incident the other day," he asked while still looking at documents on his phone.

"Oh yes, Dr. Russo. I was so scared, on account of the nurses not even telling me if the guy was still alive. I could only pray that the psychic meditation you taught me had dulled the somnambulist enough... He's okay, isn't he doctor," the patient asked, a feigned look of worry on his face.

The Doctor, meanwhile, gave a perfect smile and said "He's just fine, no permanent injuries! I have to say, you've made great progress since I took over your case. Hence, I've approved your release. You'll leave immediately following our meeting. Do you have any questions?"

"Gee doctor, I don't know what to say... I just can't thank you enough for never giving up on me, and giving me the tools needed to conquer my illness... I won't lie and say I'm not worried about adjusting to the free world, though. Please Dr. Russo, grace me with your wisdom and advise me!"

"Your words flatter me, Patient 30126. Your medication should keep you in a deep enough sleep to prevent anymore fights. And you can always call on the staff here if you are overwhelmed. I have to go now, my schedule's packed."

These were the last things Dr. Russo said to the patient before rushing off; he didn't even stop to shake hands, for his time was just that valuable. The patient's time, meanwhile, was worth next to nothing; it took another 4 hours of waiting before he finally walked out the front doors to the hospital.

"Keep in touch, patient 30126... Or, should I say Logan Carrello now,"

The nurse asked while turning over his personal effects, which couldn't even fill a brown paper bag. The question made sense, as he was no longer dressed like a prisoner. His outfit now consisted of a plain white t-shirt, off-brand jeans, hospital socks, and a pair of flip flops. All together, the outfit cost no more than a pack of cigarettes; and yet, when Logan smiled before giving a response, it was easily more perfect than Dr. Russo's.

"It feels good hearing that name again after 6 long years. Today is an auspicious day, indeed..."

"Welcome back to..."

"MEET... THE... AUTHOR!!!!"

The audience applauds loudly, but one member of it is found to not be applauding sufficiently. He is escorted off set by armed guard, returning several minutes later with a bizarre contraption stapled to his head.

"So last week we talked with new writer evilantonio, AKA Bobo the performing giant sloth. Since nobody else wants to do this show for free and we can literally pay bobo in imaginary money, he has returned for an extended interview."

The 'please laugh' sign turns on, and the live audience members make sure to laugh extra hard in response. Still, another 2 of them as escorted away.

"So Bobo; I noticed that, aside from one character, nobody in the prologue makes another appearance here in chapter 1. Care to explain?"

The sloth takes a moment to think about this, his giant claw slowly stratching his chin while doing so.


"Ah, so they allude to important backstory stuff..."


"You have over 11 pages of this backstory stuff? You aren't going to make us read it all, I hope."

The sloth shakes his head as quickly as possible for a sloth, prompting a stray chuckle from the audience.

"ALRIGHT! Who's the joker that laughed when the laugh sign wasn't on?"

Someone accidentally dropped a pin, getting immediately escorted out because of it.

"I apologize, viewers at home. Tune in next time when HOPEFULLY YOU IDIOTS WILL COOPERATE!!!!"

As the screen went dark, the announcer could be seen chucking her coffee mug at the crowd.

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