
The Star Actor and The Secret Idol

PotatoMaster69 · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Our date #2

After a few more games, Austin led me to the restaurant. It was quite fancy, and I felt a bit out of place since I wore basic date clothes. It had large gold chandeliers, marble floors, and was decorated with fountains and statues. But, as soon as we entered, the staff led us to a secluded part of the dining area. This area had no other guests and had a nice table for two set up. It had a velvet-like table cloth, and a lit candelabra. "Ah, this is a bit-", I started to say as we were sitting down. "I know it's a bit much, but I wanted our first date to be special.", He told me, a bit red with embarrassment. I giggled, how can he be so cute without trying.

I ordered Lobster Mac and cheese, since it was the plainest looking thing on the menu. I also got a berry iced tea. While Austin got a filet mignon, and a lemonade. We talked while eating, honestly I'm still a bit nervous. This is because I plan on telling Austin about my music career. Since the charity concert is about two weeks away, I'll be extremely busy. I don't want him to think that I am avoiding him. When dinner was over, I paid for my half. Austin tried to convince me otherwise, but I make more than enough money to cover my meal.

When we left the restaurant, I suggested going on the Ferris wheel, which Austin agreed to. We walked over there, and we got into one of the cabins. Austin sat right next to me, and I held onto his hand. I think he noticed how stressed I am at this point. "What's wrong?", he asked concerned. "Oh, it's just that I-I, need to tell you something.", I replied trying not to stutter. "Huh?", he asked, he seemed concerned like it was something bad. "No-No! It's not bad!" "Have you ever heard of the musician Kendrix?", I asked. He seemed a bit confused were that question came from, but he nodded his head. "Well, I am that singer.", I told him avoiding his eye contact.