
The Star Actor and The Secret Idol

PotatoMaster69 · LGBT+
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24 Chs


<p>I woke up early the next morning, so I decided to plan my next album. I have already recorded a few of the new songs, they just needed some editing. After editing three songs, I got another call. "Hello", I said. "Hello this is reporter, Jacelyn Carter for Main Central News. I was wondering if you'd like to do a radio interview tomorrow?", she asked me. Tomorrow is Saturday so I'm off school then, "Sure what time?" "6 o'clock pm, if that is fine with you." " Yes it is." "Thank you!", she said before hanging up. Well I'll go sign the agreement for the movie before 6 tomorrow.<br/><br/>I quickly got dressed for school, this time with a jacket because it's cold today. I head outside and meet up with Denton. We stop by a local restaurant to get breakfast and head to school. As we walked into the gate we saw a bunch of people in a group. "Isn't this song amazing!" "Yeah, I'm glad it's so popular!" "Kendrix's music is really awesome." I could feel my face get red from embarrassment, and Denton lightly elbowed me in the side. He is obviously teasing me about the situation. I smack him on the shoulder and we go inside the school. We go to our homeroom class and I pick a seat behind Denton. <br/><br/>He turns around on his chair so he can talk to me. "How's Taylor doing?", I ask him. "She's good, she's coming back here in December.", he says. We continue to talk until the bell rings, then other students flood into the classroom. Austin walks in last and the only open seat is next to me. He sits down and a few girls in the class giggle.<br/><br/>"I know it's Friday, but everyone needs to settle down.", Mrs.Wellgood said. Sometimes I'm glad she is a bit strict. Class went on as usual, and it was now time for lunch. Denton and I go up on the rooftop for lunch, like we always have. He leaves to go get us lunch from the cafeteria, and I'm sitting up there alone. I hear footsteps approach me and I assume it's Denton. I'm turning on a show to watch on my phone. "Um, hi.", someone says. It is not Denton. "Oh hi.", I say back. It's a guy I've never talked to before. He has blonde hair and green eyes, he is tall and muscular like Denton. I stand up to talk to him," I'm from Denton's team in basketball, my name is Preston.", he says while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nice to meet you Preston, I'm Noah.", I say. He grabs my hands in his and pulled me closer to him. "Um", I can't help but say. "I uh, really like you Noah. Please be my boyfriend!", he asks nervously. "Umm, I'm sorry I can't.", I say back in a nice tone not to hurt his feelings. He grabs onto my hands even tighter and asks, "Are you sure? Come on just date me for a little bit!", he practically yells in my ear. "Can you let go of me, I said no?", I asked as I tried to pull myself away from him. He leaned in towards me, and he was suddenly punched in the face. I was pulled backwards and away from Preston.<br/><br/>I now see that the one who punched Preston was Denton, and the one who pulled me away was Austin.<br/><br/><br/></p>