
The Star Actor and The Secret Idol

PotatoMaster69 · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Amusement park

I woke up the next morning, and felt a lot better. I checked and my fever was completely gone. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got ready for school. As I walked out of the door, I saw Austin waiting for me instead of Denton. "Good morning.", he says sweetly. He always wears his cap and mask outside of the school. "Morning.", I reply tiredly. "Feeling better?", he asks me while patting my head. I just nod as we start heading towards the school.

When we are somewhat close to the school, Austin puts his hand on my shoulder. "Noah." "Yes?" "I want to take you on a date after school, is that ok?", He asks. I nod my head again, and we continue walking until we get to the gate. Austin walks away from me, and I go look for Denton. I find him at the gym, practicing for an upcoming game. I also see Taylor sitting up on the bleachers, I go and join her. "Hey Taylor, how are you?" , I ask as she was scrolling on her phone. "Good, how are you Noah?", she replies looking up at me. "I'm good." We sit and chat before the first bell rings.

The day was normal and boring as ever, but Denton and Taylor never showed up at the roof at lunch. So I just talked to Austin throughout lunch. At the end of the day I head home and change. It took me a while to decide what to wear. Even though it's technically not our first date because of the movies, I can't help but be nervous. I decided a white turtleneck sweater, black jeans, and my white and black sneakers.

About ten minutes after I got ready I got a text from Austin. "I'm here!" I head downstairs and as I go out the door I hear my mom yell, "Be safe!" "Yes Mom, I will!", I yell back before I close the door. As I walk down the driveway I see Austin standing next to a black SUV. He's wearing his cap and mask, but he has on a band T-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. "Hop in.", He says going around to the driver's side. I get in and buckle myself in "Where are we going?", I ask. Without taking his eyes off the road he responds,"It's a surprise." while smiling. About twenty minutes of driving and small chit-chat, he pulls up to a large amusement park. "Wow, I've never been here before.", I say while stepping out of the car. "It's even better than just the park.", he tells me while smiling.