
The stand´s Trio in the Multivers

When Jojo Dies at the age of 13 along with his two best friends in a car accident, all three of them are given the chance to reincarnate into MHA. With three wishes of course. they want to travel the Multiverse

Chronosjikan · Anime & Comics
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Suddenly jojo or Jonathan wakes up in a completely white room opening his eyes he looks at a man wearing white clothes but jojo isn´t scared or anything he is really calm he doesn´t why but he just felt like he always knew the person he is looking at. The man started to speak you have been chosen to reincarnated with 3 wishes because of some special circumstances any way what are your wishes

Jojo spoke "can i ask you something first"

"you may" answered the man

"Then can i wish for Luke and Paul to come with me and what are the limits spoke" Jojo

"there are no limits and you can bring them with you but you have to wish for where you are reincarnating " said the man

"Then i wish that me Luke and Paul reincarnate in MHA with the stand´s we talked about this morning" spoke Jojo he meant the Stands he and his Friends talked about in school what the ability he and his friends wanted to get if they get Stand´s {you will see them later in the story}

"As second wish i want all of us tho become extremely Handsome orphans in the new world bur place us in a really good orphanage and for the third wish i want all of us to get the ability to travel the Multiverse via a system with a shop status map quests and Multiverse travel Function and link to other system users no AI" Spoke Jojo to the Man who nodded at his choice the next moment he saw himself in front of a gate but he wasn´t sure it was a Gate because his eyes where a blur "system" he thought to himself when a screen that was clearly visible for him on it was a text that said that he can only use the communication with other users till he turns four he tried talking to people in his head saying hello can you hear me and surprisingly two voices said yes after a few seconds of silents he asked the other two if they got any information they answered with No so he told them what he talked about with the Man in White after a Few seconds they started talking again about what to do and Jojo Figured out that the must be baby´s and in front of the Gate of the orphanage

Sorry for short First Chapter others will be Longer i just found it hard to make the start

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