
The Stalker and The Actress

She is an "Actress" and He is a "Stalker". He follows her but She avoids him. Having a huge fandom, Could she able to recognise him? Everyone think it will not work. But, What if they are made for each other? Let's find out ....... How the fate made them together? How will they end up together? Read and enjoy "The Stalker and The Actress".

Riya_Tae · Urban
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2 Chs

Investor Jeon

"Why in the whole world he is stalking me".

"Am I the only one actress exist in the world"?

"No.... Why"??

Hana desperately shouts and continues that,

"Yes he is right, I am a piece of art".

"Everyone can't born like me".

Ha Ha Ha... Hana laughs.

Mr. Park only witness the praising scene.

"Why can't she recognise me"?

"Why in the whole world am I in love with her"?


The stalker loudly said in a dark room which only filled in Hana's photos and videos playing in big screen.

"Hey...don't be loud, you may be disturb the neighbours". "Don't you remember that time when you shouted like siren, the neighbours complained to police the real siren sound is outside our home".

"Hey... Jeon why are you so obsessed over her, instead of doing stalking just succeed in your life". Jeon's friend Yeon gave advice.


Jeon put his hand on Yeon's shirt collar and shook him like he's shaking a tree to drop the fruits, and says....

"Can't you see I'm in love with her. I'm waiting for her to recognise me and give back the same love that I'm giving her. But she can't recognises me".

He cries loudly. The tears on his face rolling down as they saying I'm loving her not obsessed over her. I'm not stalking her. I'm waiting for her by washing hands with my own tears. Even though he's stalking her or obsessed over her he's not going to accept that.

"Hey.. you asked me to succeed in my life, don't you know how much wealth am I? and you're also living with my own money which was earned with my own blood, sweat and tears".

Jeon shows off his wealth and continues to do that..

"Yeon....my dear friend.....I'm going to make her fall for me. Even if I stand in a crowd of thousands of people, she will identifies me. I will make that happen at any cost."

"From now on, I Jeon Tak.... CEO of Jeon electronic company will do anything to approach my love to her".

Yeon comes to the middle showing off show and says...

"Now....what are you going to do, whatever it may be don't make in involve in that. I'm already exhausted by you. I will give advice relating to business only from now on".

Jeon takes the decision of investing on Hana's new project that was her new drama named as "Life is full of Happiness". He informs Yeon to contact the director and author. But the thing is poor Yeon didn't know that is Hana's drama and he obey Jeon's words. He thinks that Jeon listened to my advice of succeeding and went to contact the author and director.

Jeon strangely laughs.

Mr. Park come to Hana's apartment to inform her that....

"Oh my Queen, No...No...Oh our queen I came to inform a goodnews can I proceed"?

Hana laughs and asks what's that goodnews. "Did you get rid of that bastard"?

"It's not that level of goodnews, and don't be overexcited". Okay? Mr. Park replies in sadly.

"Your next project is confirmed and someone interested to invest on that.....author said it's a quite big and good company. But it's a electronic company. Why does they want to invest on drama"? Mr. Park doubts on them.

Hana happily says...

" Oh my goodness..., it's finally confirmed. Why are you doubting on them, may be they want to earn fame on this industry. Let them do what they want,

Anyways it confirmed that's a relief".

Mr. Park -

"Author asked me to attend tomorrow's meeting with the CEO of that company".

Hana -

"Waah....then tomorrow's scedule is too tight".

"Is that CEO handsome"?

Mr. Park handsomely says..

"He's handsome as hell".