
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Standing shoulder to shoulder with the legend

In the second half, the two sides changed sides and fought again.

The Roma team led the score and deliberately slowed down the pace of the game. This way, the threat to Atlanta was naturally much smaller, and the defense did not have to bear the huge pressure in the first half.

Of course, this is only the idea of ​​the Romans.

It seems that the Romans are planning to let Atlanta go, and then hand out a small defeat.

The Atlanta people don't want to accept defeat. Since the Romans want to take a break, then take a walk on the court and wait for the end of the game, Atlanta doesn't want to do this. At the beginning of the second half, Atlanta, led by Degan, accelerated the pace of attack .

Just two minutes into the second half, that is, at the forty-sixth minute of the game, Atlanta launched an offensive.

Albertini took the ball from the center to split the side, and then Maxwell, who quickly advanced, dribbled the ball and forced a breakthrough from the left. Mex, who was in charge of defense, obviously did not expect that after the indiscriminate bombing in the first half, Atlanta's defense line actually Still daring to press forward, Maxwell's sudden advance was obviously beyond his expectations. When he was almost at the bottom line, Maxwell put the football in front of the goal.

Degan, who followed up in the middle, did not shoot directly. He was still a little uncomfortable with Maxwell's cross. Degan was not reconciled to giving up the attack like this. Under Dellas' gaze, Degan suddenly stopped suddenly, then turned around, stretched his legs and hooked back the football that was about to fly past.

De Las couldn't react in time, and actually landed on the spot. Fortunately, De Rossi and Ferrari reacted in time, and they both rushed forward, one after the other, to defend Degan. How much threat Degan is in the penalty area, all Everyone knows very well that if Digan completes his turn and shoots~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

But Digan didn't intend to turn around again. After catching up with the football, he raised his right foot forward, as if he was continuing to run, but when he fell, his heel hit the football. !

Heel shot!

Football got between De Rossi and Ferrari!

Neither of them expected that Degan would do such a trick. Caught off guard, neither made an effective defensive move. They both thought that Degan would either forcefully turn around and shoot, or pass the football back to reorganize. Offensively, no one thought that Digan would directly shoot with a heel!

Roma's goalkeeper Zotti also seemed unprepared, and Degan's kick with his heel was extremely tricky.

The football just rolled on the ground and went towards the near post.

Zotti was in the process of moving from the near post to the far post. His center of gravity was completely opposite to the direction in which the football was running.

So his body froze in the middle of the goal, his body twisted, his head turned, and he watched the football stick to the goal post, rolled into the goal, and didn't stop until it hit the side netting.

The ball actually went in!

It was Digan again. At this moment, he was only one goal away from tying Nordahl's record of 35 goals in a single season.

And it was a perfect heel goal. Degan played with two of Rome's central defenders and a goalkeeper with his magic, which can be called superb.

This ball perfectly demonstrated Degan's skills and awareness. The most amazing thing is that he is only nineteen years old now. Degan, who was born in 1985, is still less than twenty years old. The Italian league with the strongest defense is close to becoming a god.

"The thirty-fourth goal in the league, Degan completed it in only 18 rounds of the league. The performance of the talented Brazilian boy this season is enough to shock the whole world! This is Degan! Rodrigue Izersen. Santos Wright! Who would have believed that at the beginning of the season, Degan, who was still facing the dilemma of not having the ball to play, could complete such a magnificent turn, and now he is already the most feared shooter on the planet!"

When Degan fled Milanello in embarrassment at the beginning of the season and came to Bergamo, almost everyone thought that Degan was just going through the motions in Atlanta. A lot of good results were achieved, but after the 18th round of the league, everyone was absolutely convinced that Galliani's head was kicked by a donkey, and Atlanta picked up a huge bargain, which is very likely to be for the They brought the coveted league title.

The commentators at the Olympic Stadium were silent, but the commentators of various TV stations were stunned by Degan's performance like a god.

The fans at the Olympic Stadium are also like mourners. Just now they were laughing at Degan for overreaching and angering their prince Totti. They were still cheering for Totti's wonderful performance and Montella's twice. Now Well, Deegan slapped them hard again, until their faces were swollen.

Degan's ball came so suddenly that Mandolini felt unbelievable. He scored with a wonderful back heel. Standing on the sidelines, Mandolini held his head in both hands, then turned to face the coach's bench, and looked at his assistant Mondoni. Co: "Ricardo! Tell me this is real!"

But no one answered him, and Mondonico was now frightened.

It's not just the two of them who couldn't believe it, the entire coaching staff and substitute players in Atlanta had the same expressions. The closer they were to that record, the more they felt that all this was unreal, but this happened in real existence.

Many people even forgot to celebrate, they were all waiting, waiting for the moment when Degan made history, and then celebrated wildly, tying Nordahl, or even surpassing Nordahl.

After the goal this time, Degan didn't seem too excited, but jogged like a leisurely stroll, and even waved to the stands of the Olympic Stadium in a special dress.

On the contrary, his teammates seemed more excited than him. They rushed up to hug Digan, shouted and cheered frantically, and kept waving their fists at the Olympic Stadium.

At the beginning of the second half, Atlanta equalized the score. Degan's goal has already stunned Roma. When Atlanta's players flocked to celebrate the goal in front of their goal, they didn't react, they didn't even show anger, they were like a bunch of scarecrows without emotion and expression, yes All external stimuli are indifferent.

The Roma fans in the stands were even more silent. They had ridiculed Degan for overreaching, and shouted that Degan should see the Olympic Stadium of Hell.

The results of it?

Degan didn't take it seriously at all, and easily equalized the score. Against Degan's powerful counterattack, the Roma fans had nothing to do. Only two minutes into the second half, Degan scored another goal. The score was equalized, which was really unimaginable for them before.

They still had an absolute advantage in the first half. Although they were attacked by Digan and scored a goal, they quickly equalized the score and even overtook them. But now that lead by one goal no longer exists.

"Cheer up! Do you want to just throw in the towel?"

Totti suddenly shouted loudly, but unlike before, the captain's encouragement seemed to have little effect. Everyone looked at him with a question in their eyes: What should we do now?

It's a pity that Totti didn't know that the Roman prince had never lacked fighting spirit, but the current situation was beyond his control. The young Brazilian in front of him made people feel fearful!

Mandolini on the sidelines is also distressed now, the score is equalized, so what should we do next?

Roma is stronger than Atlanta, should they keep a draw, or continue to attack and help Digan to chase the legend?

Mandolini was very distressed. The Italian coach's racial talent is conservative. A draw is not unacceptable, but now Digan can even hit this kind of heel goal. What else can he not do?

Now Degan is in the most hungry state. If he chooses to suffer and pursue a draw at this time, Mandolini's choice cannot be said to be wrong. After all, in terms of overall strength, Atlanta does not have an advantage , and Degan still has a chance to break Nordahl's record, but if that is the case, the most wonderful moment of a player will be terminated in advance. Obviously Degan is not satisfied, he is still running on the field, looking for Opportunity, since this is the case, why can't I go crazy with it and simply help Digan become that legend.

Degan really didn't want to stop. He really didn't pay attention to Nordahl's record before. When he arrived on the field, his mind was full of victory and goals, but when he gradually approached that legend, he couldn't help it. If the heart is moved, if there is a chance to equalize or even surpass, why not let this moment come earlier? Moreover, Degan felt that he was in a very good state. This state made him feel unbelievable. He felt that maybe God was possessed by him.

Although Digan had always believed in that white-haired old man, at this moment that old man happened to find him.

Degan doesn't want to stop now, and he can't stop. He wants to keep going. He can feel his body is very hungry. He is still eager to score goals, and keep scoring goals.

So Digan kept running, looking for an opportunity to break the goal without stopping for a moment. Since the legend is in front of him, let's fight!

Mandolini saw Degan's performance. Finally, he made up his mind and knew what he should do. He walked to the sidelines, whistled to the players on the field, and continued to attack one by one with a wave of his hand!

Mandolini's decision stunned the team's field commander, Albertini, but soon Albertini understood that since the coach was going to help Digan go crazy, there was nothing for them to hesitate.

attack! attack!

Atlanta's sudden force caught the Roma team by surprise. They had just been equalized, and their morale had already been hit. At this moment, under Atlanta's crazy attack, they suddenly became flustered.

Atalanta's players on the field are now thinking of helping Degan score.

Although the outside world's comments on Degan say that he is arrogant, self-righteous, arrogant, and even violent, but only when he is really a teammate of Degan, people will know that even if Degan is a bad boy, he is also a likable bad boy. boy.

Degan usually feels very quiet, even a little shy. He is not good at communicating with people, but as long as he can become a friend, Degan promises to give 100% friendship.

So although those people outside are criticizing Degan, the group of people who are Degan's teammates have a good impression of him, and Degan's popularity in the Atlanta team is also good.

Now let everyone work together to help Digan catch up with that legend. Naturally, everyone will have no complaints.

Let a team serve one person. Not only did the Atlanta players have no complaints, they even had some expectations. They all expected Degan to stand side by side with the legend, or even surpass the legend. At that time, they will also become the witnesses of this legend. And you don't have to be as aggrieved like the Roman players.

So everyone made up their minds to help Digan score and score more goals!

The players in Atlanta have this confidence. The game has only lasted 50 minutes. Degan is only one goal away from the legendary striker Nordahl's single-season scoring record. In the remaining 40 minutes, why can't he How many more goals?

Beyond legend!

Step on the legend!

Although Nordahl's reputation is great, but he is from AC Milan, so what does it have to do with their Atlanta, if you step on it, you will step on it!

So when the game resumed, everyone found that Atlanta suddenly changed its previous suffering and launched a quick attack. Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they were planning to completely destroy Rome's city defense in one go.

Degan quickly felt the support of his teammates, and he became more active, running non-stop, asking for the ball, trying every opportunity he had.

The Roma players quickly figured out what was going on, being defiant, it was fucking too much.

Totti was the first to stand up and sent a vicious tackle on Digan, for which he even took the initiative to apply for a yellow card.

Albertini, who has always been good-tempered, saw Digan screaming and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but exploded. He rushed up and pushed Totti away. , roaring at Totti for a while.

"Boy! Is that all you fucking can do? Look how well you're doing. I'm ashamed of you being an Italian. You don't deserve any credit. You're a bloody executioner!"

Totti is not to be outdone. Once upon a time, when Totti was just a junior and first entered the national team, it was Albertini who introduced him to the teammates of the national team and helped him integrate into the national team. But now It's not the time to miss the old love, he is the standard bearer of the city of Rome, the leader here, and he can't back down at this moment.

"Shut up! It's a fucking game, it's war, and if he's a coward, get out!"

The referee at the scene hurried over, separated the two angry people, and then gave Totti a yellow card. Totti's action just now, let alone a yellow card, was not an exaggeration. Gan's ankle was injured. If Digan hadn't dodged in time and was just hung up for a while, he could go to the hospital right now.

Albertini negotiated with the referee for a while, and hurried over to check on Degan's injury: "How do you feel? Rhodes!"

Digan tried to stand up, but it was only a minor injury just now, and it doesn't matter much if he moves around, at least it doesn't affect his running.

"No problem, Demi! I can go on!"

Albertini held Degan's shoulders and whispered, "Be careful, those Romans are going crazy now, they obviously don't want you to step on their shoulders and become a legend!"

Digan smiled indifferently and said, "It's okay, they will be disappointed!"

As the game continued, Degan, as a pure shooter, surrounded by so many teammates who tried their best to help him score goals, was simply the happiest striker in the world.

Roma is still disrupted by Atlanta's crazy attack. They don't even think about the game itself anymore. They just want to stop Degan from scoring. They try their best to prevent Degan from scoring at all costs .

At this moment, in the eyes of the Roma players, Degan is simply a big tree, and their legs are sharp axes.

However, the stubborn Degan chose to stand up again and again, didn't he not want me to score? I will not let you get your wish.

At the eighty-eighth minute of the game, Atalanta made a continuous one-kick pass in the frontcourt. The football started from the full-back Maxwell, passed the ball diagonally all the way, to Nocerino, and Nocerino to Albertini. , Albertini then passed to Jimenez who had been pulled across the sidewalk.

At this time, the football has reached the 30-meter area of ​​Rome. Jimenez took a step forward. Just when everyone thought he was going to pass from the bottom, Jimenez suddenly changed direction and took the ball into the penalty area. Breaking through, after successfully attracting the attention of Roma's defense, he passed the football back to Albertini who was plugged in behind.

Albertini made a gesture to shoot from a long distance, and all the defensive players in Roma came to pounce on him, but he lightly poked the football to Degan. The role of the midfielder's metronome is not only to control the rhythm, but also when necessary. Can pierce the heart with an arrow.

Degan knocked away the stalking Dellas, and after getting the ball, he shot directly without hesitation. The football went through Mex's crotch. Zotti fought hard to save it, but he could only catch a ball Air, the ball hits the net again.

Seeing Degan scored another goal, the Atlanta players and coaches on the bench were all crazy. They jumped up from their seats and shouted loudly that they wanted to celebrate with Degan.

However, they were soon collectively stunned.

The referee blew his whistle, but judging by his gestures, it was not valid for a goal.

What's going on here?

Football is obviously in, right?

So does football really go in?

Why didn't the goal be declared valid? What does the raised hand mean?

Digan tied Nordahl's scoring record in a single season. Are the referees stupid?

The Olympic Stadium remembered the cheers, and the huge cheers were like a late storm, quickly sweeping the audience.

What are the Romans happy about?

Have they all abandoned evil and followed good?

Oh shit!

The referee actually judged Degan as a foul. In the 88th minute of the game, he actually disallowed Degan's goal to tie Nordahl.

Digan was about to celebrate at first, but when he saw the referee's gesture, he was stunned for a moment. He made a foul, and looked down again, and Dellas was clutching his chest and fell to the ground in pain, rolling over and over again. It was as if Deegan had cast a milk-grabbing dragon claw on him.

Amidst the huge cheers in Rome, people realized that Degan's goal alongside the legend did not exist, Degan fouled, Degan grabbed a handful of air, and despicably attacked poor Della with a shock wave Si!

When the game restarted, Degan didn't stop him, he still wanted to score!

Deegan was still standing there, but the Atlanta players quit. What is this? Why did Deagan foul? They want to seek justice for their little brother.

"It's a good shot!"

"Deegan did not foul!"

"The damned Greek is pretending!"

The Atlanta players were really in a hurry. They looked like they were going to eat people. It was Albertini who stood up at this moment, pushed all his teammates away, and stood in front of the referee.

"Mr. Referee, I am sure that Rhodes did not foul just now. This is a good shot, a good shot. Your behavior just now killed the birth of a legend!"

The referee may also know that he was wrong, especially when he saw Dellas standing up like a normal person, he knew he was cheated, but the penalty that had already been made cannot be changed. In order to realize the power of the referee, He can only be wrong to the end.

"No! Digan did commit a foul. I can see it clearly, Demi! Don't make trouble, take care of your people!"

Although Albertini is angry, he can't be an example. The referee is the biggest on the court.

Cursing secretly, Albertini walked up to Digan, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't take it to heart, Rhodes! Sometimes, good things always come late!"

Digan sighed and said with a smile: "Are you trying to say that good things take forever? I know what to do, Demi!"

The fighting flames in Degan's eyes did not go out because of this episode, on the contrary, they burned even hotter. This is the scariest thing about him.

The fighting will not stop, the heart of fighting will never die!

If Digan wanted to continue, his teammates naturally made a choice immediately and gave their full support.

Mandolini on the sidelines also became angry after protesting to the referee to no avail. He kept waving his big hands forward, continued to speed up the rhythm and strengthen the attack.

Although the Romans could rely on the help of the referee to escape, what next?

Can they continue to have such good luck! ?

In the next game, Atlanta kept trying to attack, while Rome could only be exhausted. They seemed to be frightened by Atlanta's madness.

Roma fans also held their breath, becoming a legendary background board, no one hoped so, they are proud Roma, how can they be trampled on their heads by others?

Atlanta's offensive was like a wave, but under Roma's hard defense, until the end of the game, Atlanta still failed to score a goal, and their good luck seemed to have disappeared.

Degan tried three shots during this period, but failed to score, and the luck seemed to disappear with the referee's whistle and the bastard's penalty.

The players in Atlanta seemed a little anxious, except for Degan, who no longer cares about that record. He just wants to score goals, keep scoring goals, and he wants to use goals to conquer the Olympic Stadium.

In fact, with his current number of goals, it is enough to make countless forwards look up to him for a lifetime, and there are still many rounds in the league. Degan broke Nordahl's record and became the player with the most goals in Serie A. It is a certainty, but Degan is Want to score goals, want to keep scoring goals, score more goals, keep scoring goals, yes, no one can stop him from scoring goals, unless it is the whistle at the end of the game!

So he is still looking for this opportunity, although the opportunities are getting less and less, Digan just doesn't want to give up, he is not reconciled, even God is moved by his reluctance.

In the 90th minute, Roma was back and forth in the backcourt. They hoped to delay the game time. As a result, when Dellas passed the ball forward, there was a pass error.

As a result, the football fell directly to Degan's feet!

Draas was stunned, and immediately thought of an idea that was completely contrary to his beliefs—karma!

He was clearly apologizing for the flop just now!

Digan was also taken aback, but he reacted in less than a second.

This is really a great opportunity!

When Digan was hit by a pie falling from the sky, he still kept his composure.

He didn't dribble the ball himself, nor did he shoot the goal directly from a long distance, but passed the ball to Jimenez, who was in a better position, and then he pushed forward decisively.

Immediately after Jimenez received the ball, he dribbled the ball to the baseline.

The few Atlanta fans who traveled with the team to the away game in the stands immediately gave out huge cheers.

Roma did not dare to take Degan lightly. Their two central defenders, Ferrari and Mex, followed Digan closely and did not give him any chance to shoot.

But Digan had his own way to get rid of them. When he was about to run into the penalty area, he made a fake move to speed up and rush to the goal, so Ferrari and Mex quickly retreated, thinking Take a good position in advance and stop Digan. Unexpectedly, Digan was a fake move. After the two Roman central defenders he tricked retreated, they stopped suddenly, then retreated two steps, and returned to the outside of the penalty area. It was pulled out just like that.

And just at this time, Jimenez's pass also arrived. He seemed to know what would happen to Degan. The ball happened to be passed back to the position after Degan's retreat. Even if the pass is bad, it will be passed directly behind Digan.

The most important reason why Jimenez can occupy a place in the powerful Inter Milan in the future is that Jimenez is good at integrating into a team, familiar with the playing habits of his teammates around him, and then quickly integrates with the entire team.

As Atlanta's most important player, Degan is obviously Jimenez's most important observation object. Now Degan's sudden retreat turned the ball into a very good inverted triangle pass.

Fortunately, Mex was more alert and did not retreat too deep, but only took a step back. When Jimenez passed the ball, he was able to rush up to defend immediately.

The current Mex is definitely one of the best central defenders in the world. If it is replaced by the big stupid elephant who will only enjoy high salary in Milan City in the future, his head will reflect the ball and his body will not be able to keep up. .

When Mex saw the football passed to Deegan, he forced him up again. He didn't want to stop Deegan's ball. As long as he could delay the time and let Ferrari come up again to form a double-team, Deegan would There won't be too many good shooting opportunities.

In this way, Degan can only seek cooperation with his teammates to reorganize the offense, and the Roma team's defense can also be reorganized, then Atlanta's offense will lose its threat this time.

The game is coming to an end, as long as Atlanta's attack can be resolved and a tie can be kept, it is acceptable.

Degan stopped the ball with his right foot, and Mex also ran to his right side. Degan also saw Mex's movement. He raised his right foot, but he missed the football, but a fake action, right When the foot fell, he also sideways passed the football, so that the football reached his left foot.

Degan is most used to pulling to the left to attack in normal games, but he is a solid right-footer, but this time Degan is going to be unexpected, and he is about to collide with him in Mex At that time, Degan suddenly swung his left leg and kicked the football firmly with his left foot.

The football draws a small arc and passes by Max, who is rushing up. Facing the sudden football, Max has no reaction in amazement. He did not expect Digan to choose to use him. He was too good at direct long-range shots with his left foot, and he seemed unprepared for this, so he played the best supporting role for Digan's shot.

Roma goalkeeper Zotti did not expect Degan to shoot with his left foot at all, and the quality of this kick was surprisingly high. When he jumped up hastily to save, the football was already close at hand. He stretched his hand as much as possible, But he failed to catch the football, and the football flew into the goal against his fingertips!

After the shot, Degan looked at the football, and his eyes followed the football. When he saw the football bypassing the goalkeeper Zotti's fingers and finally hitting the goal net, he did not turn around and run, but stood directly in the original place. On the ground, he looked at the referee with a playful look.

Can this ball count?

When the referee saw Degan's eyes, he felt a little scared for a moment.

Can it be counted?

Of course not!

The referee lowered his head and blew his whistle, making a gesture that the goal was valid.

Degan smiled, and stood in front of the penalty area of ​​the Roma team, raising his arms high. He didn't run wildly to celebrate, and he didn't let the Romans take laxatives again. Degan chose such an unassuming gesture. Celebrating him alongside legend Nordahl.

Nordahl once scored 35 goals in one season 53 years ago, and now this record is overtaken by Degan. In any case, this is a historic moment.

Soon Digan, who was raising his arms high, was overwhelmed by the swarming Atlanta players. The Roma players who finally woke up realized that they were behind. When the game was about to lose, they rushed in front of the referee, shouting protested.

But who would care about their feelings at this moment, Degan, who is side by side with the legend, is the most important thing.

"All of this is unbelievable, Digan! This young player, who is not yet twenty years old, has actually tied Nordahl's 53-year-old record! Now he is shoulder to shoulder with the legend!"

"Degan, although his off-court reputation is not good, but with such an outstanding performance, I think any language praise is pale! He is now standing beside the legend, and his performance deserves any praise! "

On the sidelines, the Atlanta coach bench and the bench were also full of cheers, a great goal, no matter what the future holds, Atlanta and their players will forever be recorded in history with Degan, when many years later, even if their Their careers are still mediocre, but as long as they mention this game, they can proudly tell everyone.

"When Degan scored that goal, we were with him!"

"Degan really did it! He has scored thirty-five league goals this season, tying Nordahl's record. Next, we can look forward to Degan's next goal , surpass the legend and become a new legend!"

"When Degan scored that goal, I could even hear my own heartbeat. It was a great feeling. Degan equaled Nordahl's record of 35 goals. It was amazing! "

Now it's just tying, so what's next?

Naturally, it is to go beyond history!

But the referee obviously didn't want Degan to surpass history so easily. When the game restarted, he didn't even give Atlanta an opportunity to attack. When Totti's long shot went over the crossbar, he announced the end of the game .

"This damn referee killed the birth of a legend. If it weren't for his bad judgment, Degan would have surpassed Nordahl in this game and become a new legend!"

"Deegan's previous goal was perfectly fine, Draas fell on his own, of course he may have been attacked by aliens, but his performance was really good, maybe we should throw him and The shot after the fall was cut and sent to the United States to participate in the Oscar selection, and of course there was Mr. Judge's poor performance, but he couldn't get the Oscar, he could only get the Golden Raspberry Award, Worst Actor!"

After the game, people finally remembered that just before Degan's goal to tie Nordahl, the referee blew off a good goal by Degan. sound of crusade.

Everyone wanted to see the birth of a legend, but the referee screwed everything up.

Some people were very sorry, but Degan was very open-minded. After the game, when he was interviewed, he was very pregnant, which made the reporters stunned: "I don't think there is anything wrong with it, of course I am very disappointed. , but this is a football game. The referee made a penalty. We can question it, but we can only choose to accept it. It is indeed a pity that I failed to surpass Nordahl's scoring record today, but I still have many games to play. Don't think that I won't be able to score a single goal in the next game!"

When the reporters heard this, they immediately rolled their eyes. Who would think this way? They are really crazy. Unless the submachine gun degenerates into a red-tasseled gun, there are still 20 games left. How could Digan fail to score a single goal!

Since Degan didn't pursue it anymore, if the reporters were pestering them, it would be a shame. Anyway, Degan's relationship with them is very bad, and there is no need for them to stand up for Degan.

It didn't take long for someone to ask questions about key shots of the game, such as the line: "I'm going to put you on laxatives!"

"Excessive! Do you think I insulted Rome? Please wake up! The first person to do this is not me, but Francisco Totti. I think you know these historical data better than me. Since He can do it, why can't I, the only difference between us is that Totti did it, no shit, and I got a yellow card for it!"

Degan was really dissatisfied with that yellow card. The referee thought he was undressing to celebrate, but he didn't even show a piece of abdominal muscle, so it's nothing like undressing to celebrate.

"But do you think it's appropriate to make such a challenge to a well-known star?"

Digan smiled disdainfully, and said: "Your question is so stupid, should I deliberately lose to a well-known star and let him win? The football field is a battlefield, and this is not a place to respect the old and the young. If Francis If Ko Totti can't accept it, he should retire as soon as possible, and then, like you, really speak with his mouth!"

Sure enough, he was still a bastard!

The reporters thought that Degan had changed his gender just now, but now they realized that everything was just an illusion, a bastard is a bastard, even if he puts on a gentleman's coat, he can't hide the bastard aura all over him.

"In the next game, I will continue to score goals. At that time, Nordahl's record will be mine. I am not used to sharing honor with others. If I want to do it, I will be the unique one!"

Degan once again showed his arrogance in front of people, will anyone still criticize him for this?

Of course there will be, but in the face of Degan's achievements, any criticism will be pale and powerless. A player who can score more than 30 goals in one and a half seasons, even if people want to attack him, Can't find a suitable excuse either, can't you?

After the game, the local newspapers in Bergamo couldn't wait to publish the news that Degan was about to surpass the legend. Who would have thought that Degan would not be able to score?

That's the real hell!

Standing alongside a legend today, it's time to surpass it tomorrow.