
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 164 Defensive Counterattack

Chapter 164 Defensive Counterattack

In the final of the World Cup, Belgium actually took the lead against Italy. Looking at the time, the game has just started fifteen minutes ago. Not only this goal, but in the previous ten minutes of the game, Belgium also suppressed Italy on the scene. In addition to Totti's shot, the Italian team has no bright spot in the offense. In comparison, the Belgian obviously has to do better.

When the Belgian's celebration ended and the game restarted, the Italian team still seemed to have no improvement. Lippi seemed to want to pass the constant impact of Totti and Camoranesi in the middle, as well as Perotta's tireless running, The water was muddy, but it was a pity that it was not successful. The only few set-piece attacks, and because of Degan's repeated orders before the game, the entire Belgian team became more vigilant and returned without success!

The Italian team's offense was a little monotonous, but the Belgian side played vigorously, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack while based on a solid defense.

The original defensive and counterattack tactics are the essence of Italian football. For this kind of tactics, the Italians can be said to be handy. This formation pays attention to solid defense first, and then waits for an opportunity to counterattack the opponent.

This style of play can be said to be very smart. First of all, it is a solid defense. With a large number of players in the midfield and a small gap, there is little room for the opponent to play. And your own players can effectively defend the incoming ball in a short distance. Doing so can not only save the physical strength of the players, but also effectively attract the opponent's offensive players to go deep.

And when the opponent does not have an advantage in the frontcourt, they cannot play an effective offensive organization. And once the number of offensive players in the frontcourt is increased for offense, the backcourt will inevitably be empty.

At this time, once the defending side gets the ball, it will pass it to the players in the opponent's half in time. At this time, the defensive formation will immediately change to the offensive formation, that is, from 451, 532 to 352 or 343. In an instant, the advantage of the number of people in the opponent's field is achieved, and a fatal blow is given to the opponent.

The reason for Italy's defensive counterattack?

The name is because first of all, its defensive ability is known as reinforced concrete, which is very tight, and most importantly, the reason why Italy can achieve good results by relying on this general weak team's tactics is the outstanding talent of Italy's midfield players, who can be fast and effective It is necessary to find a forward teammate, and the forward ability is strong, so it can create opportunities.

In the previous quarter-finals, they defeated the Ukrainian team 3-0, ending the miracle created by the new World Cup team in the World Cup in Germany. The Italian team used a defensive counterattack similar to a teaching film to beat the Ukrainian team.

This game proved that, compared with the Swiss team's defensive tactics, the Italian team's solid defense and sharp counterattack style of play can be called a model. The win brought Italy's unbeaten streak in international competitions to 23.

Before this game, although the main players of the Italian team such as De Rossi, Nesta and Materazzi were unable to play due to suspensions and injuries, and their strength was damaged, the team played well in Buffon, Cannava and so on. Under the leadership of the main players such as Luo, Zambrotta, Totti, and Tony, they played the highest level since the start of the game. Their near-perfect performance in defense and offense convinced the Ukrainian team to lose.

In the game, if Italy scored first, it would undoubtedly be a nightmare. Any Italian team that performs normally has this strength, and all have the strength to give the opponent such a nightmare.

Italy's defensive counterattack is different from any other team. This is mainly reflected in the way of counterattack.

Some people say that Spain is the master of passing. However, Italy's passing is not inferior at all. Speaking of long passes, Italy can be said to be the most accurate. This is not the gap between the players, but what Italy's defensive counterattack tactics require. In the heyday of the Italian team, any backcourt player can initiate a precise long pass. pass. And this kind of long pass is not vague or random, but strategic, accurate, and guaranteed. Therefore, Italy's counterattack is the most efficient.

In addition to the long pass, Italy's counterattack also has a unique secret, that is, the Italian-style movement. This kind of running position has been accumulated over a long period of time, and a complete indoctrination system has been developed since childhood players. Every player will undergo such training. Therefore, Italy's counterattack is often an intellectual problem. Often before scoring a goal, it is impossible to guess the way of scoring or the route of the ball, because this is Italy's running position, which makes it difficult for opponents to predict.

This kind of unpredictable, sometimes, is not even the intentional effect of the players, but the habitual football thinking that is deposited in the subconscious of every player. Italy's counterattack, Italy's penetration, is often a few moments of the ball, and the opponent's head has been taken off.

More, can only be felt, can not be expressed in words, can not be expressed in words.

What should I do if I concede the goal first?

It doesn't matter, the Italians have never lacked skills with their feet. Those who think Italians are rough, are very wrong. It's just that the innate character of the sloppy Italians has caused the Italians to be unable to concentrate and concentrate on their feet, so they are often intercepted. However, the Italians are not afraid, they know how to counterattack offensively.

When the ball was conceded first, the Italian had no choice but to attack.

However, the Italian's offense is completely different from any other team. They will not run wildly and siege, but always initiate from the backcourt, always give the opponent a chance to attack, give the opponent space, and of course, they also gain space. At this time, destruction has become the main method. At this time, the Italians will lure the opponent to attack, making the opponent feel that there is a gap to take advantage of. In the midfield, or even the backcourt, the destruction and robbery in the offensive counterattack tactics, it seems, It is all destruction and interception, but this time is different. This kind of counterattack is not a defensive counterattack, but an offensive counterattack. After luring the opponent out, it opens up space for the striker. At this time, the counterattack does not need Many, often a few times can create opportunities, and even take the lead.

Defensive counterattacks and offensive counterattacks have the same thing in that the midfield remains the same. Whether it is the first goal or the first conceded goal, the midfielder is always the same, always giving the opponent a chance, even if the goal is conceded, the opponent is still given a chance.

Some people say that the Italian team has no midfield and is always busy at both ends, either attacking or defending. In fact, this is also where the Italians are cunning, allowing the opponent to play out and let the opponent see hope. In fact, a fatal counterattack is already brewing.

Of course, all of this, first of all, Italy is very confident in its defense.

Let the opponent, when they see hope, the city gate fall. This is Italian football.

Italian football, some people say, is a kind of conspiracy, the football of a group of conspirators, as long as anyone who understands football will agree with this point.

It's just that this group of conspirators are very tenacious, or in other words, they are a group of conspirators who can't run away to death.

Of course, defensive counterattack is just one of the best styles of play of the Italian team, or one of the styles of play. And this style of play is definitely not monopolized by Italy, and Italy's defensive counterattack is absolutely impossible to dominate the world forever.

Speaking of dominating the world, how should I put it this way, it should be said that Italy's defensive counterattack, from the perspective of tactics, tradition, and DNA, there is no doubt that it must dominate the world.

However, why do you say that it is impossible to dominate the world forever? That is because the players of each national team are different. The gap between players has led to the effect of the "defensive counterattack" style of play. Of course, there must be The gap is gone.

Therefore, the defensive counterattacks played by each Italian team have different effects, and the senses are also different.

Don't be one-sided to distinguish "defensive counterattack" tactics from the naked eye. Italy's "defensive counterattack" is not mentally handicapped, not sb, and not everyone can see it at a glance. Italy's defensive counterattack is present all the time, just , hidden deeper, not so obvious to be noticed.

Degan doesn't think that the Italians are scared and can't play anymore. After two years in Serie A, he knows the temperament of the Italians very well. They are just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a chance that can kill with one blow. .

When that opportunity comes, Italy will show their claws and tear the Belgian defense to shreds.

What Belgium has to do now is to concentrate, not to give the Italians this chance, and keep the rhythm of the game going.

However, those commentators who wore suits and ties did not have such deep considerations. They commented on the game purely from the perspective of the scene. At present, it seems that the Italian team is suppressed.

"The Italian team seems to be afraid in front of the Belgians. They seem to be timid. There are very few opportunities for the football to enter the 30-meter zone of the Belgian team! Lippi should make some changes, especially in Totti's position , he seems to be completely out of shape! It feels like he is always preoccupied!"

Totti is indeed out of form. In fact, he has been out of form since the start of the World Cup. The game against Australia was a rare good goal for him, but he only played 30%.

Before the start of the World Cup, Totti announced that this will be his last international competition. After the World Cup in Germany, he will quit the national team and concentrate on playing for Rome.

Lippi is obviously also very dissatisfied with Totti's performance. In his tactics, Pirlo is the core of the organization, and Totti is the finisher and the conveyor of the last pass, but so far, he can't see it at all. Totti's role.

Pirlo had a few good passes, but it was a pity that Totti failed to reach the point and was wasted.

The time of the game passed by every minute and every second. On the whole, Lippi was basically satisfied with the performance of the Italian team. At least his tactics, as well as the essence of Italian football, and the players on the field showed very well.

Now the difference is only one goal!

Italy need to score, Belgium also need to score, they need to seal the victory. ,

Although Degan was still running, his speed was obviously getting slower and slower. He even made mistakes in stopping the ball a few times. The injury to his left leg made it difficult for him to perform 100%.

He had to score another goal to completely extinguish the hope of the Italian team's counterattack and seal the victory. Only then can he get a rest time.

Degan was working hard to find opportunities to attack, which gradually affected his teammates, and the formation of the Belgian team began to gradually press upwards.

In normal times, Degan would definitely remind his teammates loudly to keep the formation and keep the distance between the three lines, but now he can't do anything about it.

He could feel that his body had reached its limit, and at this moment, he had to make an end to the game.

Gul cut off Totti's pass, and the Belgian team immediately sped up and suddenly pressed up. The speed was so fast that the Italian team could not build a second line of defense, and could only concentrate their defensive forces at the front of the penalty area.

Degan got the ball, Materazzi came up to meet him, his AC Milan teammate Gattuso also rushed over from the side and rear, Degan observed the position of the two people, and made a gesture to break through, but suddenly the ball was concealed When the pass was passed, Materazzi was caught off guard and wanted to steal the ball, but was a little slower.

Mponsa Jr. received the ball on the penalty area line, looked behind him, and saw that Degan had already run over, with Materazzi behind him, back on his heels.

Digan faced the ball and shot directly, but before he could kick the ball, he flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this, Antiiennis on the sidelines couldn't help feeling startled. He rushed to the sidelines in a few steps, stretched his neck, and wanted to see how Digan was going.

Fortunately, Digan stood up quickly, and Antiiennis felt relieved.

Everything happened very quickly just now. Just when Digan was about to shoot, Cannavaro suddenly rushed over from the left, made a fierce tackle, and intercepted the ball, but Cannavaro's tackle was very good. Cleanly, he even deliberately avoided Degan's injured left leg, but after stealing the ball, he brought Degan down.

Fight back!

The camera lens was still focused on Digan, wanting to see how he was injured?

Seeing that Degan stood up by himself, he immediately went to catch the football, and at this moment the football had passed half-court and just passed to Pirlo's feet.

After Pirlo received the ball, he made a gesture to make a long pass and hit the ball into the penalty area. Gul jumped up and wanted to intercept it, but Pirlo didn't do what he wanted. Instead, he kicked the ball through and hit the ball. To the back of the Belgian defense.

So far in the game, Totti, who has not entered the state at all, suddenly started, received the ball behind him, took advantage of the trend, and then slipped through the gap between Kompany and Van Buyten.

"Dangerous! Totti has entered the penalty area! Proto is attacking!"

The Belgian narrator exclaimed, while the Italian narrator squirted hormones.

"Opportunity! Francisco Totti! Today's game, he seemed to disappear on the field, but he appeared at the most critical moment, Kompany and Van Buyten failed to stop him, Totti shot~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Spoon! It's a spoon! Totti scored a goal! A beautiful shot from a spoon! Totti proved to everyone that as long as he is on the field, even if he disappears for 89 minutes in the whole game, he only needs to be given once Given the opportunity, he has the ability to change the game!"

The Italian commentator sang praises to Totti without any integrity. You must know that just a minute ago, he was still spitting on Totti, and even suggested that Lippi should replace Totti as soon as possible to improve his state. De Rossi played well and even suggested that the Sensi family in charge of Rome should not renew the contract with Totti because he was finished.

As a result, in such a blink of an eye, Yone Tiangong, who had just been pulled out, was all sat back by him without any blushing and heartbeat, as if the person who sprayed manure with his mouth just now was not him.

To score a goal on the stage of the World Cup, even if he is as elegant as Totti, he can no longer control the passion of his heart. After confirming that the goal was scored, he screamed and ran towards the sidelines, where the Italian substitute players had already I am waiting.

Totti's handsome face became a bit ferocious at this time, which was rare in the past. Even in the season when Roma won the championship, when Totti scored a crucial goal, he still had a gentlemanly look on his face. With a smile, he calmly accepted the worship of the fans, but this time, he couldn't calm down.

This is the final stage of the World Cup, and he scored the key goal that brought Italy back to life!

Degan, who was planning to chase back, also stopped at this moment, crossed his hips, and looked at the Italian who was wildly celebrating the goal. He didn't feel frustrated. In fact, the goal will come back sooner or later. Since Belgium has already started betting, Be mentally prepared to lose.

Lippi saw the goal, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, but the self-cultivation skills he has cultivated over the years are not comparable to Totti's. His coaching staff was full of joy, but he just clenched his fists and turned back. out of the coach's seat.

Now it was the turn of the Italian fans to go crazy in the stands. Just now they had been suppressed by the Belgians, and they didn't even have a chance to make a sound. Now they can finally release themselves.

Just now the stands were still full of red, but now they turned into dark blue. This is football. There is no permanent winner. This is football. Until the moment the game ends, no one knows who will have the last laugh.

Look at the time, just thirty-five minutes, there are still many opportunities, but it was evened!

Degan doesn't think so, he has confidence in himself, since he can break Fontaine's single World Cup record, then he can keep refreshing it, and those who want to challenge will be desperate in the future.

Digan thought, he was about to walk towards the center line, but just as his left foot landed, he suddenly felt a heart-rending pain, and in an instant, half of his body was numb.