
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 150 Red Devil Godfather

Chapter 150 Red Devil Godfather

Gradually, the Fiorentina players discovered the problem. They discovered that the team they faced today was not like an English-style team at all.

Arsenal is a special case in the Premier League. That is because Wenger has injected French delicacy into Arsenal. However, in addition to emphasizing offense and passing the ball under the feet, Arsenal's tactical style is still British. of.

But Manchester United is completely different. British football emphasizes speed and confrontation, but Manchester United uses the space on the pitch to mobilize opponents and create opportunities.

This is the most distinctive feature of Manchester United under Ferguson. It is not for the sake of being different. Ferguson is unconventional. His arrangements and deployments are extremely targeted. His research and exploration of tactics and lineup, his practice and achievements in the fields of tactics, style of play, lineup, etc., have made him a leader in the reform of tactical play in the British Isles, and it is also the learning and research of Premier League club coaches. object.

Ferguson can be said to be the terminator of the rigid tactical thinking of traditional English football. He is also a pathfinder in the evolution of English football tactics. Through his persistent efforts, he has become the banner of English football and continental football. This is Ferguson, an active explorer, a coach who dares to deny himself, a reformer who is constantly changing, a tactical master who is very different from the general sense, and a godfather of the Red Devils who surpassed Busby.

In the 1980s, English football represented by Liverpool and Nottingham Forest was extremely competitive in the European arena. In England's top league, English football with long passes and winger tactics is also mainstream.

Against such a background, Ferguson, the Scot, took up the coach of Manchester United, a down-and-out giant, and started his fantasy journey. From 1986 to 1990, it was Ferguson's adaptation period. He was good at thinking and understood through repeated failures that his team could not do anything on the road of pure English football. It is to explore a football style suitable for Manchester United. The most critical factor in the revival of the Red Devils.

Innovation does not mean total negation, so in Ferguson's new team, he has signed the goalkeeper Schmeichel and the British tough guy central defender Bruce, Pallister, and super wingers like Kanchelski on the defensive line. Incur subordinates. But what really changed the team was the arrival of organizational midfielder Paul Ince and Frenchman Cantona, which brought a qualitative leap in Manchester United's skills and tactics.

In Ferguson's new English football concept, the winger is still the sharpest weapon to tear apart the opponent's defense, while the long pass is no longer a simple and rude direct attack to the penalty area, but directly finds the weak link of the opponent's defense by diverting the attack.

The joining of technical players has improved the accuracy and efficiency of Manchester United's offensive methods. It is with such advanced tactics that Ferguson and his Manchester United finally embarked on the road to success in the 1992/1993 season. If it weren't for Cantona's nine-month ban for kicking fans in the 1994/1995 season, which made the Red Devils miss the championship that season, Ferguson's team could have dominated the Premier League for a full five years.

In the 1997/1998 season, Manchester United entered the transition period between the old and the new. Although they lost the championship, they reaped the growth of the "golden generation" led by Beckham. It was this group of players who accompanied Ferguson through his longest period in the Red Devils. day.

Due to the Heysel tragedy, British football had to enter a dark period of "closed country". When the British returned to the European arena, they found that their tactical concepts had fallen far behind the advanced continental European football. Drawing on the essence of continental European football, it was Ferguson who allowed Manchester United to continue to dominate the Premier League and then hit the Champions League. The maturity of the "golden generation" just gave Ferguson the hardware guarantee to upgrade his new English football.

The Neville brothers made full use of the full-back's side-by-side tactics. The emergence of Scholes and the joining of Keane made it possible to pass the midfield quickly and strengthen the control of the midfield. Giggs and Beckham One left and one right, not only inherited the formation of the tradition of side attack in English football, but they also frequently exchange positions and actively cut inside like European football, making opponents hard to defend.

Since then, Ferguson has begun to reuse central defenders who can organize offenses from the backcourt and accurately deliver long passes, instead of favoring British central defenders who can only destroy and clear sieges.

The Dutchman Stam and the French star Blank are all good players in this area, which is why Sir Alex Ferdinand later signed Rio Ferdinand at a price that broke the transfer fee record for an English defender.

This refreshing Manchester United team not only became invincible in the Premier League in the following three seasons and won three consecutive championships, but also brought Sir Alex the first Champions League gold cup in 1999.

Poverty means change. Ferguson's third innovation of his tactical concept is very similar to the first one, because the successive rise of Arsenal and Chelsea forced Sir Alex Ferguson to seek more advanced weapons to defeat his opponents.

The "French football" that Wenger brought to Arsenal conquered the Premier League with strong ball control and precise and smooth ground coordination, and also created a record of 49 unbeaten Premier League games. At that time, Ferguson also wanted to play like Arsenal, so he bought Argentine midfielder Veron and Brazil's 2002 World Cup champion midfielder Kleberson, but the facts proved that the purely technical road was not suitable. Manchester United.

In the end, it was Porto coach Mourinho who eliminated Manchester United in the 2003/2004 Champions League season for Ferguson. Not only defeated Manchester United in the Champions League, but the "Magic Bird" who entered Stamford Bridge in the next two seasons stole the Red Devils' championship twice in the Premier League.

But Ferguson found the hope of victory from the failure. He first gave up the 442 formation that he had insisted on for many years, and began to experiment with the 451 formation that Chelsea adopted at the time with stronger midfield control.

The second change for Manchester United is that, like Mourinho, who advocates pragmatism, he no longer pursues the initiative and good looks on the scene, and instead pays more attention to the efficiency in counterattacks.

Ronaldo, who was originally regarded as the successor of Giggs, became the top free man in the frontcourt, while Rooney, who was more capable, retreated as the second point of attack. This tactical adjustment brought Ferguson two Premier League titles, as well as today's Champions League final.

Ferguson has been at Manchester United for more than a fifth of a century. In more than 20 years, Ferguson created the red Manchester United empire. The strongest, Champions League champion.

For more than two decades, Ferguson has been a unique existence for British football and European football. For the Red Devils fans, no matter what wind and rain or saliva, it will not damage his honor, his efforts at Manchester United and the height and level he has reached.

The wheel of time is constant and firm, and it continues to move forward without stopping without being noticed. Only after a long period of time, Ferguson will also feel sad, and things are changing.

From the winter of 1986 to the present, Ferguson's wisdom and efforts as Manchester United coach, and the sacrifices and injuries he suffered because of persistence and fighting, have far exceeded people's imagination. For more than a fifth of a century, he has created a new Manchester United like magic. Here he has gone through countless tests from the wheel of time and the axis of destiny, and finally gained power and freedom, and realized glory and pride. He is the coach of Manchester United and the patron saint of Manchester United. He is the godfather of Manchester United and the symbol of Manchester United. He is the secret of Manchester United's resurgence and continued strength. To be precise, he is the soul of Manchester United.

In other words, Ferguson is Manchester United!

Why was Manchester United able to re-emerge, and why did Manchester United kill all quarters in the Premier League and establish hegemony?

Why can you reach the top of Europe and win the championship?

Why can Manchester United have the most fans in the world and is the team with the most commercial value?

What is the cause of all this?

The answer is: Manchester United has Ferguson!

It is precisely because of Ferguson that Manchester United has reached such heights and will be so successful!

Over the past 22 years, Manchester United has been closely linked with the name of Ferguson. Ferguson led the team through hardships and dangers, survived hardships, survived continuous blows, stepped on the wire rope of the FA Cup, and realized self-salvation.

Ferguson led Manchester United to start from the cup championship, get rid of the fate, and finally grow into a super team. Ferguson's rise in the fierce competition, his breakthrough in the hostility and scheming, did not mean that there are no heroes in the world, so that he became famous.

Over the long years, Ferguson has been like a cunning fox and a brave lion. He is like a sharp falcon and an old hen protecting its young. A wolf who commands a pack of wolves is also like a cheetah that dares to go straight ahead.

He reprimanded Fang Qiu, led the soldiers to fight in all directions, fought against England, and played against Europe, showing his true hero's true colors. He looked forward to being a hero, fought with the Football Association, fired at referees, put pressure on competing teams, blocked the media, and plotted frequently. , The ruthless methods are staggering.

Every game is a battle for Ferguson. Only victory is the only goal, and it can even do everything for it. He will cheer for the team's victory, be furious for the failure, be mad for the referee's misjudgment, and be violent for the opponent's foul. When the big score bloodbathed the opponent, he did not have the slightest pride, remained restrained, and was not complacent. When offended by his children and grandchildren, he kept calm and looked at each other coldly. When the team was slaughtered, he turned on the hair dryer to spur the team. Do not sink.

He is so diligent, so hardworking, so persistent, and never gives up, which makes people stunned. His achievements and status came from fighting in fierce competition, and he reached the pinnacle of victory after going through hardships and tossing. After the victory, he continued to learn, to experiment, to try new tactics and new styles of play, to boldly change his life, willing to hurt his muscles and bones, and willing to pay the price for his achievements. In the end, Ferguson will always get the final success, he will always have the last laugh.

Ferguson led Manchester United to play domineering, which is the domineering branded by Ferguson. This kind of domineering has nothing to do with elegance and beauty, and it has nothing to do with exquisite art. It is a fighting style of open and close, and it is a high-pressure and forced fighting style. When the thunder is angry and drifts for ten miles, that is Manchester United. Domineering, bloody fighting, endless death, that is the domineering of Manchester United. Crush the opponent, win the victory, make the opponent timid before fighting, that is the domineering of Manchester United.

Ferguson led Manchester United to maintain the pride of a victorious general. No matter which game, no matter which opponent it is, the team will be full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

Long-term victories, long-term domination, long-term crushing, and long-term conquest have made Ferguson the coach of other teams. His team has also made many opponents nightmare. Old Trafford has become an opponent A land of nightmares where courage is lost.

Not only that, Ferguson has successfully completed many renewals and reconstructions for Manchester United. In order to maintain the vitality and strength of the team, he did not hesitate to clean up those superstars or cores who were considered to hinder the progress of the team, even the leaders. . The four generations of powerful Manchester United are always changing. Under his mastery, they have always maintained strong combat effectiveness and deterrence, and have always been a strong contender for the Premier League and the Champions League. Every generation of Ferguson's team takes the championship as their pride. Under Ferguson, famous generals were driven by him, and generations of Red Devils fought for him. Manchester United was cast by him as a winning team, and he fought hard on the road to win the championship, and finally returned with the laurels.

Manchester United! This team, which takes the color of blood as the club's logo color, has become a super team in England and even Europe after being built and tempered by Ferguson, and it is a great club all over the world.

Ferguson dared to destroy the old Manchester United, dared to create a new Manchester United, dared to revolutionize his own tactics, and dared to trust young people to take risks. Over the past two decades, the brilliant record of the Red Devils has made all Manchester United people are proud, and the most critical soul is Ferguson. The ability, strength, momentum, and arrogance he showed in leading Manchester United are just so powerful! He and Manchester United have demonstrated the way of Red Devils football. To a certain extent, Ferguson has become the godfather of Manchester United. With his own efforts and persistence, Ferguson led Manchester United to create the era of the Red Empire in the Premier League, led Manchester United to rise again, and won the league. Gloriously, he led several generations of Manchester United soldiers to conquer the Premier League, and finally achieved the great goal of kicking the sworn enemy from the throne of the league.

It's not just about competitive performance, but under Ferguson's excellent management, Manchester United has gone forward indomitably and played triumphant songs in the business world. Manchester United now has the largest fan base in the world. The value of the club has been ranked first in the sports world for nearly ten consecutive years. The income of each season is the highest among the world's clubs. Many sponsors line up and hold money. Come and wait to sign with Manchester United.

Not just a club, Manchester United led by Ferguson also promoted the Premier League to the world. Since 1992, Manchester United has continuously won the league championship with its sharp offensive style of play, strong midfield suppression, and smooth team football, thus becoming one of the largest, most fans and most successful clubs in the world. Make a great contribution to the promotion all over the world.

Ferguson was so successful, he was at United for so long, he was so much talked about, he was so interesting that his every move became the center of attention.

Not only in England, but tens of thousands of footballers all over the world are proud to talk about him. Football organizations and officials pay attention to his movements, coaches pay attention to his remarks and various actions, and respond to his various appeals and calls. Fans People care about his emotions, tabloids care about his various gossip news, those journalists and media who run football, although they often scold him bloody, they are even blocked by him, and the most extreme ones are even sued by him The court, but no matter what, the reporters take pleasure in chasing him, chasing his words, his news, reporting everything about him in detail, his whimsy, his outrageous words and deeds when he led the team, his To investigate football seedlings, he attended horse races, he was warned and fined, he participated in various football affairs, he was awarded an honorary degree, he went to play golf, it can be said that Ferguson is the guarantee of ratings or subscription rates in the football field, in England In football, he is the most exposed star coach.

It can be said that Ferguson defined the era of the Premier League. No one can make a greater contribution to the Premier League than Ferguson. The success of the Premier League today is due to Ferguson and his "Manchester United Dynasty".

But the long-term battle has made Ferguson, a stubborn Scottish old man, tired. As early as the 2001/2002 season, Ferguson had the idea of ​​leaving, probably because at that time the chances of Manchester United in the Premier League had no rivals. The previous European Champions Cup win in 1999 also made Ferguson feel that he had completed his greatest mission. However, under Arsene Wenger's leadership, Arsenal's impact momentum is extremely strong. Naturally, it is impossible for Ferguson to watch his opponent succeed in counterattack and destroy the dynasty he built. So, he withdrew his decision and continued to coach.

In 2005, Ferguson was accused and interfered in the club management because of the economic dispute with the major shareholder. In the arena competition, under the strong challenge of Chelsea's rapid rise, Manchester United became weak, losing the league championship and cup championship one after another, and the limelight in England was completely snatched by Chelsea. At that time, there was a bit of discord within Manchester United. Ferguson was pushed out to bear the responsibility for the loss and the loss of the championship, and he was once facing the crisis of getting out of get out of class. But the old Scottish man's stubbornness once again had the last laugh in the power struggle.

More than 20 years have passed, and Ferguson has left his deep imprint on every corner of Manchester United, and the traces of time can be seen in the title of him.

When he first came to Manchester, Manchester United called him the coach face to face, and called him "Scottish boater" behind his back, and the media reporters called him "Scottish farmer". After he showed his dominance in the locker room, the players and staff Call him the boss and call him a "tyrant" behind his back.

During Ferguson's most difficult time at Manchester United in 1990, the fans called him "waste", "bastard" and "garbage", and the players called him "coach" to keep distance. After he led Manchester United to dominate the Premier League, the fans began He respectfully called him "boss" and "sir", and the players unanimously called him "boss" and "foreman".

After entering the new century, fans began to get used to calling him "Jazz" or "Sergeant", while the players' names were basically fixed as "Boss" and "Sergeant".

With the change in appellation, what Ferguson brought to Manchester United is a powerful dynasty beyond the glorious history.

There are endless records in the football field and even in the sports world. All records have the possibility of being broken, or are waiting to be broken by others.

But the record Ferguson created at Manchester United, the record of coaching a wealthy club for more than 20 years, is almost impossible to surpass in the time that has happened and can be seen in the future.

Ferguson has coached Manchester United for more than 20 years. He did not lead Manchester United to dawdle, but to forge ahead in adversity and rise from the trough. He brought Manchester United, a down-and-out giant that has been ups and downs in the middle reaches for more than 20 years, back to the pinnacle of the Premier League and the top of the world.

More importantly, Ferguson led Manchester United to achieve sustained brilliance. This is not a temporary success, but a long-term achievement worth looking up to. In the fiercely competitive football field, it is not easy to achieve momentary brilliance and glory. It has stood firm for more than a fifth of a century. The pain of player replacement, the threat of being attacked by other strong teams, even facing the rebellious desire in the locker room, the difficulty of superstar leaving and retiring, the collective doubts and scolding of fans, and once falling into the desperate situation of betraying relatives, the strong can still be strong. This is not ordinary. Success can be summed up, the miracle created by Ferguson has special magic and mystery.

Under the hands of Ferguson, Manchester United has accumulated a lot of money, winning more than one championship every year on average, achieving more than 10% revenue growth in operations every season, and increasing the number of fans by an average of 5% every season, ensuring that the number of fans in the world is the first. This is a double miracle in terms of competition and management. Manchester United has become the leader in the number of championships, total revenue, and total number of fans in England. Even in Europe and the world, Manchester United is a super giant. This is Ferguson's magic, this is Ferguson's ability .

Many Premier League reporters said that Ferguson has magical powers and can create incredible miracles, while Manchester United fans pay homage to Ferguson. In the eyes of Red Devils fans, Ferguson is the legend of Manchester United, the godfather of Manchester United, and the creator of the Red Devils. , the patron saint of Dream Theater.

From the moment he came to Manchester, from the first press conference, from the first match, Ferguson fought. He has been fighting with Manchester United, Ferguson is fighting with reporters, he is fighting with football commentators, starting from the first media questioning, from "You can't win anything with a bunch of little kids", Ferguson's entanglement with the media runs through throughout his Manchester United career.

In the end, Ferguson used the actions of blocking the BBC and other media, and used the youth storm of the 92 golden generation to slap Alan Hansen sharply in the face, and used countless championships to realize "The greatest achievement in my life is to get Liverpool from the fucking Kick down under the throne!", "Fucking Veron is a good player, and you are a bunch of fucking bastards!"

He won the final battle, which can be seen from the media's praise and kneel and lick, who will win the war in the end.

Ferguson's Manchester United is like a storm. They always take a slanted sword and never pursue safety. Whether at home or away, they always try their best to win, even if it is almost impossible to reverse.

For more than 20 years, his Manchester United has been the "horror nightmare" of the British club, and it has also been an extremely headache for the European powers.

For opponents, the most incomprehensible thing about this Scottish stubborn old man is that he can not only build a team of a certain period to the strongest, not only can make a certain formation invincible in the world, he can also keep pace with the times, Dare to deny yourself, dare to overthrow the original team and start over, and once again conquer the opponent.

Even if he can be defeated at a certain point, even if he can be proved wrong at a certain point, but in the future he will crush any opponent again with a stronger momentum.

He has encountered failures, fallen into a low ebb, and almost betrayed his relatives, but he has been fighting and will never stop. He has been advancing and never retreating. The stronger he is, the stronger he is when he encounters setbacks. Every new attempt of his is a new shock, which deeply affects the whole of Europe.

Over the years, Ferguson has fought with countless coaches, and Manchester United has also fought with countless teams. Fighting and conquering will always be his proposition.

Over the years, opponents in the Premier League, Europe, and the world have all been conquered by him. The whole world is witnessing the rise of a powerful giant, witnessing how this giant is always fighting and always new, survived the low tide, and stood in the world for a long time pinnacle.

It is impossible for Ferguson's personal character and behavior to deserve all the praise. Ferguson may be an extremely ruthless person. He is ruthless, vengeful, and almost never considers the impact of his words and actions on other people. His management of the team was almost strict, and the health of many players was even ruined in the training game, and they had to leave Carrington covered in scars.

His press conferences ranged from tense to tedious, and he held all the power on the team, taking no offense at all. His insistence feels like a medieval knight long overdue for a grave. Whenever he gets offended, he blows up his "hairdryer" and sprays in all directions, which people have seen firsthand, and there's no point in pretending to cover it up, and at some point he might actually be a complete jerk.

Fighting with people is a lot of fun, or Ferguson is fighting against time!

On the thorny road to success, nothing can stop him. Any difficulty can only provoke his stronger desire to overcome. He cast a spell on time, and in front of Ferguson's persistent attitude, time had to bow its head and obey. Although he has become an old man, an old man with a bad heart who has passed the retirement age, an old man with gray hair and trembling hands, he is more energetic than a young man, and his life is more exciting.

He still works more than ten hours a day, he can do everything for victory, he is energetic, brave and diligent, leading Manchester United to never stop and continue to move forward.

Every season is a frenzy swept by a red storm, and every championship is a crowning of the tyrannical king who is dressed in red and rushes forward.

For Ferguson, victory, victory without rest, was the magic elixir for his rejuvenation. Even at the age of seventy, he is still trying to surpass. It is both a challenge and an enjoyment for him for the team to continue to move forward under his command, to continue to win and win more titles. He will continue to cheer for his team's victories, rage for losses, and rage for misjudgments by referees and bad fouls by opponents. He is still looking for talents for the team, constantly realizing the team's...renewal, putting forward new suggestions for the improvement of the team and the league, he is still learning and...renewing himself, constantly experimenting with new lineups, trying New tactics and the implementation of new styles of play continue to lead Manchester United to conquer more peaks, making other teams continue to tremble in front of him, crumble and surrender.

In a way, he was even fighting football. Ferguson changed football in this country and made it more open. He created the Premier League model. He created the way of Manchester United. This concept can be sold all over the world. .

Although Liverpool has created a dynasty, Nottingham Forest and Aston Villa have also won victories in the European arena, but almost no one thought that England had the best clubs in the world, at least lack of entertaining clubs, until Ferguson's Manchester United stood up.

Only Ferguson's Manchester United can conquer people's hearts with scenes, only Ferguson's Manchester United can persevere in attacking and insist on the most original characteristics of football.

Manchester United's domineering style of play, concise and fast offense, emphasis on high-speed offensive and defensive transitions, upholding rough body fighting, rigorous and efficient tactical discipline, tacit team building and selfless cooperation, these are the labels that Ferguson really imprinted on Manchester United.

Manchester United won the game with "Ferguson style", and Manchester United also won the championship with "Ferguson style", won fans, won attention, and won more teams to follow suit. Manchester United became the overlord in the Premier League, and at the same time perfectly explained the competition model of the Premier League, enhanced the competitiveness of the Premier League, and finally made the Premier League the world's number one league.

This is Ferguson's great contribution.

Ferguson has been at Manchester United for more than 20 years, and he has led Manchester United to be reborn from the Jedi for more than 20 years. In this fiery era, he turned a legendary giant Manchester United into a complete "Made in Ferguson", putting a distinctive personal label on it. He built successive generations of the Red Legion, and each generation of red children swept across the British Isles, and from time to time marched into the European continent. He's going on with... Manchester United with a fantastic frequency, constantly rebuilding the team, reinventing the game, he's never letting titles and successes go, he's going to keep winning titles.

More than 20 years of teaching time and so many championships are enough to make Ferguson a legend, but more importantly, he has personally inherited and carried forward the tradition of Manchester United, forged the spirit of Manchester United, enriched the style of Manchester United, and served the whole world. The fans of the world brought the Manchester United way.

For more than 20 years, Ferguson has commanded countless classic games, and the classic memories created are like sand in the sea. At the last moment, he reversed Newcastle's 12-point advantage and won the championship. It is more unexpected and inspiring than classic movies.

The peak glory of winning the "Triple Crown" in 1999 is even more unbelievable than the plot of the most suspenseful novel, and it is full of meaning of fate.

In terms of cultivating newcomers outside of competitions, Ferguson is unparalleled in the field of cultivating the stars of tomorrow. Since he became the head coach of Manchester United, Manchester United's youth training has been at the forefront of the world.

Not only the youth training, Ferguson also began to create a legendary superstar exclusive to Manchester United. Cantona has become a legend in his hands and has achieved the myth of the King of Old Trafford. "92 Golden Generation" can be said to be his pinnacle. "Ferguson's Children" not only have one or two superstars, but It is a large number of powerful players in a blowout style, and it is an almost perfect whole.

The young Red Devils are famous in England and Europe, and their influence and radiation spread to the world. Although it is difficult to make a breakthrough after the peak, Manchester United's youth team still has players such as Brown, Fletcher, O'Shea, Rooney, and Jin Maoluo who continue to grow, and continue to provide Manchester United with elite players.

Ferguson has also contributed a lot in supporting younger generations and mentoring peers. In England's football circle, Ferguson has almost no natural enemies, and he has few rivals. He has been highly praised by many junior peers. Head coaches like Redknapp, Hodgson, Wenger, etc. who are similar to Ferguson have a lot of respect for him. In addition, Moyes, O'Neill, and Allardyce almost obeyed Ferguson. As for the head coaches of the new era such as Rodgers and Bruce, they completely regarded Ferguson as a role model to learn from.

Even in the most neglected fields, his contribution to football theory is also very large, especially to English football, which is extremely profound. He brought more technical factors to Manchester United, put more emphasis on wing attack, thoroughly used the traditional lineup of 442, established the invincible 99 Manchester United team, and combined the "strength" and "fastness" of British football to the fullest. , and infused with the nutrition of technology and consciousness.

After the new century, he boldly borrowed and learned from the advanced style of play in the mainland, and explored how to reform Manchester United. He dared to bear the failure of introducing Veron, Kleberson and others. He dared to introduce more players into the team. Technical flow, the introduction of Latin-style football dancers like Jin Maoluo, his Manchester United has played breathless oppression, played amazing attacks with left swords and right swords, played sharp counterattacks with tridents, and played once. The quickness and smoothness of passing and running, and his practice at Manchester United have had a huge impact on the English football world.

Ferguson's tactical ideas are extremely rich and eclectic. There are not only the strong style of flying with both wings and fast attack based on the golden generation of 92, but also the introduction of a midfield metronome after 2000 to try to pass the delicate transition of the midfield. After 2006, the fast offense and defense and the overall conversion, the practice of quickly cutting the opponent's defense system is impressive. The lineup displayed by the team has evolved from 442 to 460, 4321, 4231, 4411, 451, etc., which are great. Greatly enriched the theoretical and realistic content of British football, and attracted the attention of opponents and the discussion of the entire football world. Every tactical change of his brought thinking to the whole of Europe.

Objectively speaking, Ferguson is not a groundbreaking tactician. He did not invent any new styles of play or new lineups, but he is a decision-maker and executor who is brave in practice and bold in innovation. Inventors are great, and practitioners who put theory into practice are equally great! In a sense, Ferguson also shoulders the important mission of leading Manchester United to explore unknown areas of technology and tactics for Premier League football. Every attempt of Manchester United, regardless of success or failure, is a valuable asset for other Premier League teams.

Ferguson's football practice and theoretical achievements have undoubtedly become a valuable asset in world football. His pursuit of ideals, adherence to principles, continuous learning, and the spirit of continuous innovation, his effective management practices, excellent response command, unique experience and theory, and dazzling achievements make him proud to be among the greatest football coaches in the world . He not only contributed to Manchester United, but also made great contributions to the Premier League, European football, and the entire world football.

On top of this, Ferguson means more to the vast majority of Red Devils fans the spirit of Manchester United, the tradition of Manchester United, he inherited the great tradition of Manchester United's wonderful football from the legendary Busby, from the blood and death of the Munich air disaster Inheriting unyielding perseverance, drawing strength from the trough and the dark years of being suppressed, he poured bravery, violence, domineering, fighting, etc. into the spiritual home of the Red Devils, and engraved every generation of Manchester United in different eras. mental imprint. The red Manchester United, the passionate Manchester United, the proud Manchester United, and the offensive Manchester United are what he has been pursuing and the direction he has guided for the Red Devils.

Ferguson led the direction and motivation of Manchester United and became a model for coaches in the Premier League and even the world. His fighting spirit, his unremitting learning, his aggressiveness, his never giving up, his strong nerves, his incredible tactics, his maintenance of Manchester United's heritage, his unchanging strength of character, character and spirit, The way of Red Devils football he and Manchester United showed has inspired Red Devils and fans all over the world.

It is unimaginable to stay in a club for more than 20 years without moving. The most rare thing is Ferguson's continuous persistence, continuous efforts, and continuous struggle. After doing anything for more than 20 years, there will always be burnout.

Even with gray hair, he is still enjoying the happiness brought by football, and uses the victory to describe the title of Godfather.

Now, Ferguson and his disciples once again stood at the foot of the step to Europe, one step forward to become king, one step back to die, this feeling between life and death can actually make this old Scottish man excited.

"Run! Cristiano, don't let me kick your ass!"