
Chapter 56: USED to be strange to…

As most things began and ended in Mirstone, a witch was behind it all. Most witches minded their own business, but that did not mean that the rest did the same.

The witch, who had failed the crops outside of Mirstone's farmsteads, was one such witch.

Oh, she knew of Kai, Lin, Ethan, and Amos. Shuddered at Battlepaws' shadow, feeling a chill in her bones.

The witch had no name, for she was old as dirt. Some might say that she was even older than the universe. She did not want to die.

Besides, she was old, very old, but most people did not even think she was 18 years old.

So, when Kai made a stop before her house, and saw a young maiden baking cookies, which was an activity no witch would do, Kai simply scratched the back of his head and urged Battlepaws forward.

The witch smiled, as the aroma of fresh chocolaty goodness filled the air.

Soon, she was going to sell the cookies to poor souls who thought that she was a Girl Scout mentor.