
Chapter 45: IT is never too late!

Lin looked at the mess before him. As he had first decided that the undead hamsters would make good warriors, he had not been prepared for that which he was seeing now.

The hamsters were circling around Gog, Kai and Battlepaws, their eyes shining in the dim light.

Lin knew what that meant. He had come to save them, but Gog did not trust him. Amos might be on his next great adventure, Lin thought to himself, but that did not mean that Gog got fired.

Once a champion of Death, always a champion. Lin should know. He still felt a slight connection to Amos. If Lin had to be honest, a murder muffin was precisely what the git deserved to be reborn as.

Battlepaws growled, but Lin paid him no attention. No, the fairy parted the undead hamsters like a river, marching towards Gog. His chewed-up wings in full display.

"Brother," Lin began, as he made a stop before the goblin. "You seem well."