
The Squishy Swordsman with Zero Attack Power

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Eugene participates in the trial

The South Continent I live in has 3 major powers.

-The Grandflare Empire that I was born in.

-The republican state formed from many small countries called the Blue

Waters Federation.

-The united nation of the Sacred Union with the Holy Land of Caldia as its


The dungeon city I am currently living in is not affiliated to any of the


It is an independent city-state.

Because of this, there's people from the Empire, the Federation, and the

Sacred Union.

And at the time of a trial, there's a jury formed from the 3 major powers so

that there's no favoritism with the people of their own nation.

"A Dungeon Destroyer… To think she would harm the Last Dungeon that

was created by the Gods… Just execute her."

The one who made an extreme remark must be from the Sacred Union.

They deify the Last Dungeon that's the construction of the Gods.

Because of that, they never forgive Dungeon Destroyers.

"Wait wait, you saw the footage of the Satellite System, right? There's no

doubt the criminal is a rare magic creature. Let's use her as a guinea pig for


This one here must be a member of the Blue Waters Federation.

The political disputes among the small countries inside the Federation is

intense, and there's many people who use whatever they can use.

This person must be within that group.

"Everyone, we don't even know if she is a criminal just yet in the first

place. We must ascertain the truth."

The one with the most reasonable opinion is from the Empire…or more

like, it is a teacher that I am acquainted with in the academy.

What a relief. There's an actual decent person here.

As for me, I am standing at the witness stand together with the girl that's

accused of being a Dungeon Destroyer, waiting for the participants to


The girl woke up just now and she is pretty scared seeing that she has been

brought to an unknown location.

"That said, judging from the footage, there's no doubt that fire came out

from her body. That's decisive evidence."

"From what I saw, it didn't seem like she could control it. It might have

been an accident."

"We have no choice but to ask the person herself for the truth, but…with a

language barrier…"

"It might be an act. This is suspicious."

"She seems to be speaking some sort of language. Not a language I have

heard before though…"

"It is most likely the language of demons from the North Continent. The

words of demons who worship sinful Gods are unintelligible for us after


"But the languages of the North Continent have been researched in the

magic academy, and none fit what she is saying."

"That can be explained if she is a demon from a minority in a remote


The jury formed by many nations were debating as they pleased.

There's also a decent amount of people at the spectator seats probably after

hearing the rumors.

Everyone is so curious.

There aren't many cases where His Majesty acts as the judge.

You could say that's just how important this case is, and it garners the

attention of the people.

The girl by my side has her eyes closed in unease.

…It would be nice if I could be of help here, but I can't do anything if I

don't know what she says.

It was at that moment…

"His Majesty has arrived!"

A loud voice echoed in the courtroom.

Eyes gather at the entrance.

The one who entered was a middle aged man with good physique.

With a deep scarlet cloak that has lustrous golden embroidery.

He looks like he is in his late 30s, but his actual age is unknown.

He observed every person in the courtroom with a sharp gaze like that of a

carnivore…and then he directed his gaze at me.

"It has been a while, Eugene. Are you doing well?"

He made a smile that showed his teeth.

"It has been a while, Principal Uther." (Eugene)

I lowered my head courteously and greeted him.

The people around also lowered their heads all together.

—Uther Mercurius Pendragon.

The king of the dungeon city, Caliph, and also the magic academy principal

that I attend.

That said, he calls himself a magic researcher and the eternal explorer. His

job as a king and academy principal is just on the side.

"No need to be so stiff, everyone. Time is finite and must be used logically.

Let's begin the trial for the current case." (Uther)

"Then, I will explain the outline of this time's—"

"No need. I have seen what's necessary with Farsight. I am aware of what

happened." (Uther)

"Excuse my rudeness!"

The staff member at the court hurriedly took back the documents that they

were about to read.

…What a hasty person as always.

This person is always living on fast-forward.

Even though there's no mage that can match him on the continent.

"If it is Uther-sama, there should be no need for questioning. Please

dispatch strict punishment for this criminal that has destroyed the relic of

the Holy Gods. We of the Sacred Union will execute it."

"No no, please let us of the Blue Waters Federation take custody of her.

With mana enough to create that much fire, she could serve as an effective

tool depending on how you use it."

The people of the Union and the Federation were bringing out their own

demands one after the other.

The Principal didn't answer.

"Well, calm down. First, let's try listening to what the person herself has to

say." (Uther)

Principal Uther said this, landed nimbly at the highest official seat and

stood right in front of me.

"Eugene, put this on the arm of Sumire-kun." (Uther)

"Sumire…?" (Eugene)

It is the first time I hear that name, but judging from the gaze of the

Principal, it must be the name of this girl.

"What, so you still haven't even heard her name? Well, fine. Eugene, make

it quick." (Uther)

"Y-Yes." (Eugene)

I asked her with my eyes whether I could put the bracelet on her.

I thought she would resist, but she easily accepted.

The bracelet made a clicking sound and was fastened onto her arm.

"Sumire-kun, do you understand what we are saying?" (Uther)

The Principal asked the girl.

"....Yes, I do."

The girl answered in a low volume.

Ooh, it got through!

The courtroom grew noisy.

Before Principal Uther came, a number of magic tools were used to try and

translate what the girl said, but they all failed.

To think it would easily succeed here…

"Then, can you introduce yourself?" (Uther)

"My name is Sumire."

Just as the Principal said, her name is apparently Sumire.

What an unusual name.

It is not a name you hear often in the South Continent.

"Where did you come from?" (Uther)

"…I don't know. By the time I noticed, I was in a grass-covered plain. My

memory…is hazy." (Sumire)

"Amnesia, huh." (Uther)

The Principal fell in thought at the words of the girl and brushed his beard.

"How convenient! Can't believe in her amnesia!"

The heckling of someone rang.

The girl trembled.

There's no need to put it like that.

"Is there anything you remember? Like where you were born?" (Eugene)

"I was born in…in…Tokyo, Japan. Born and raised…" (Sumire)


I haven't heard about it, but judging from the intonation, is it somewhere in

the East Continent?

"We will be able to tell once we do an Appraisal! We can tell whether what

she says is the truth!"

"We already tried that. Appraisal doesn't work on her for some reason."

"That's why I am saying she is suspicious! There's no doubt she wants to

hide something by blocking the Appraisal!"

The people from the Sacred Union seem to want to make her the bad guy

here as much as possible.

"Hmmm…Appraisal doesn't work, huh. I see. By the way, Eugene-kun,

bring out the two cases when you can't appraise something. You learned

that at school, right?" (Uther)

It was suddenly thrown onto me!

"Uhm…the first case would be when the target is using a jamming spell for

Appraisal. The other one is when the appraiser lacks the capability."



"Drivel. The Appraisers in the court are all highly qualified appraisers. It is

impossible that they lack the capability."

"Can't really rule that out. My Appraisal Eye is clearly showing the race

and Status of the girl." (Uther)


The person complaining fell silent at the words of the Principal.

Oi oi, Principal Uther, you knew that long before?

"Then, who is this girl?"

"Want to know?" (Uther)

The Principal grins.

This person really likes this theatrical talk.

And it creates a lot of flair.

"I shall answer! Her race is: Fire Half-God**, Ifrit! A resident of the

mythological era that was said to have fallen." (Uther) <TLN: It is called 神

⼈(Shinjin) which would translate literally to Human-God(maybe use that

instead?). I normally would translate that as Demigod, but there has already

been a demigod mention in WM with 半神 (Hanshin). Comment any

suggestions you may have.>


The unexpected answer silenced the courtroom.

Fire Half-God, Ifrit…?

I haven't seen anything like that anywhere outside of picture books. Isn't

that a mythological being?

"It is one of the races that were said to have existed in the mythological era

before humans resided in this world. A mythological being that was said to

have fallen in those ancient times. It has come back to live in the modern

world!" (Uther)

Uther was explaining with excitement.

He seems to be having fun.

This person loves rare magic creatures after all.

"B-But if she is an Ifrit, where did she come from? Suddenly appearing in

the dungeon is not a good explanation! In the first place, it is the irrefutable

truth that she destroyed the Zenith Tower. It is not something that can be


"I told you to calm down, right?" (Uther)

Principal Uther stopped the words of the jury member from the Sacred


"Let's go one by one. First, where did Sumire-kun come from?" (Uther)

The courtroom went silent and waited for the words of the Principal.

"The hint is in the words that Sumire-kun said just now." (Uther)

"My words…?" (Sumire)

The girl muttered in wonder.

"She said just now that she came from 'Tokyo, Japan'. But unfortunately,

there's no country or city with those names in this world!" (Uther)

"N-No way!" (Sumire)

The girl raised her voice in distress.

It seems she thought we were accusing her of lying.

"Wait. I said 'this world'. In other words, the world Sumire-kun came from

actually had the places called Japan and Tokyo." (Uther)

"…What does that mean?"

"Could it be…"

"…No way!"

Not only the jury, but even the audience was growing noisy.

I see…so that's what it is.

"Uhm…what does it mean?" (Sumire)

The girl asked me in a whisper.

It would be better for me to not answer, right?

I glanced at Principal Uther and he grinned at me.

"Sumire-kun, welcome to the Lykeion Magic Academy. We shall welcome

a parallel world reincarnator!"

"...Eh?" (Sumire)

The girl opened her mouth wide in shock.

Looks like the girl I found was a rare stray from a parallel world.