
Chapter 18: Roxy

My eyes popped open, and I came instantly awake. Something had awakened me, some sound, what was it? I held still and listened, my heart racing with fear until I remembered that I was no longer the defenseless little girl who’d been awakened many times during the night to face torment and horror.

I sat up slowly in the dark and pulled on my shoes with my back to the wall as I listened and peered around in the darkness. Whatever it was had come from outside, there was no one in my direct vicinity, I was sure. Crawling on my hands and knees, I made it to the nearest window, or the place where a window once was I should say since they’d all been long gone.

Looking down into the night, I didn’t see anything which meant whatever it was might be around the front of the building. From my place on the top floor, I should be able to see fine, but if it was indeed a person out there, they might have a better shot at me from their vantage point since the moon was so high.