
The spy who hates me

Leonard is the cold hearted CEO of the most successful perfume company in paris. He is constantly pressured by his grandfather to get married since he's in early thirties but he is still holding some lingering feelings for his high school sweetheart who is said to have died in a fatal accident but he thinks otherwise. Ayra is greatest spy in her company who is after all the evil men of the business industry because to the death of her family in the hands of the business world. She had been given a new mission,to kill the CEO of LaVarne enterprises by making him fall in love with her. Will ayra make Leonard fall in love with her and succeed in killing him?will Leonard find his missing lover or will he find a new love? _________________(•∆•)__________________

Mary_Maji · Urban
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3 Chs

chapter 2

Meanwhile,in the country's most famous and exquisite restaurant, ' La Grenouille ', there seemed to be a commotion.

"How dare you, you pig!", Yelled a woman with a stain on her dress. " I'm sorry miss,I had lost my footing and slipped" replied the waitress apologetically.

Anyone who saw this scene could immediately depict what was going on. It was a typical scene of an obnoxious customer and an unlucky waiter. "Do you know how much this dress costs, huh?!. Its a Jeanne Lavin dress and its only three in existence. Even your three years salary wouldn't make a dent in the payment for this dress", blared the customer.

After a couple of minutes,the manager rushed down to the scene. He was a short pot bellied middle aged man. "What's with all the commotion?", questioned manger to the waitress. But before she could explain, the customer had already started to complain.

"I ordered a Dubonnet and this pig here poured the drink all over my expensive dress", explained the woman pointing to a red stain on her white dress.

"I'm sorry miss for the inconvenience that this clumsy waitress might have caused you", the manager said coaxing the customer. " Apologise to her now!",he said to the scared waitress.

"I'm sorry ma'am", the waitress said to the customer who just huffed and sat down arrogantly.

"We will compensate you for the inconvenience with a new drink".The manager said.

He then turned to to the waitress who now had her head down. "Wait for me in my office, now".

The waitress immediately took the tray on the table and ran out if the dinning hall. When she was out of sight, the manager faced the angry customer.

"Rest assured she will be punished for inconveniencing your experience here".

He turned around and walked to the side bar, "You, get that lady a new cocktail", he said signalling the bartender.

The manager apologised to the other customers and excused himself from the dinning hall.

He entered his office and saw the waitress seated down on a chair with her head down. Releasing a deep sigh,he walked up to her back and placed his hands on her shoulders.

" Alice, Alice, Alice, there's nothing to worry about. You won't get into trouble," he said assuring her. The waitress called Alice raised her head up slowly "really?" she asked with a faint tone. "Of course you won't,Alice. But that is, if you do something for me in return". He said now rubbing her shoulders slowly down to her chest. The waitress didn't make any movement but the expression on her face meant that she knew exactly what he meant.

Seeing that she didn't make any form of refusal he assumed that she was okay with it. " You know, I've had my eyes on you for a while now,Alice. You are everything I want in a woman. you're gentle, beautiful and mist importantly you have good assets in all the right places" the manager said moving his hand from her chest to her back, slowly unzipping her uniform.

Before he could completely unzip her uniform the waitress held his hand in place and used her other hand which held a small knife to stab him on his left leg. A sharp scream came out of the manager's mouth as he fell on the floor and his eyes widened in shock. He crawled backwards holding his knee where he was stabbed. The waitress got up from the chair with a wide grin on her face as his face was twisted in agony and a bloodied knife in her hand.

"Why?why did you do this to me?", the manager said screaming in pain on the floor. Alice walked towards him with slow steps and he started crawling backwards in fear of what she would do to him. He kept on dragging himself on the floor until his back hit the door behind him.

Alice came closer to him closing the gap between them and bent down so they could be on the same head level and slapped him hard across the face. When she withdrew her hand, a handprint was seen on the manager's face as he grunted in pain by the sudden slap.

" You don't deserve to ask me that,you perverted old cow", said the waitress in anger."But I will in fact answer your question. I was sent by my agency to uncover your dirty little secrets. I know all your dirty little schemes and soon the whole world would know about them too", she said and pointed at a camera on the top shelf of the office.

"That camera has been recording everything that has happened in this office since the moment you entered" Alice snickered as she watched the manager's face covered in horror.

"But... but...I don't know what you're talking about this must be a mistake,I don't have..any dirty secret-" before he could complete his sentence his face was met with yet another slap across the face by Alice whose face was angrier than ever.

"Don't you dare lie to me you pervert. You hire fake customers to purposely frame your workers by putting them in trouble and then you take advantage of their vulnerability and sleep with them so they won't loose their Jobs", Alice said with a disgusted look on her face.

" How..?how did you know that? "the manager asked in shock as he had made sure that no one was aware of his deeds and if anyone did find out he would make sure they were dealt with, so how did this girl get to know about all this?

" I don't think I need to answer that question as you won't be alive in the next five minutes". The manager's face immediately turned cold as he heard this statement. "Who are you and what do you want?I'll give you anything you ask for if you spare me today,I'll stop everything just please spare me". He wailed loudly getting in a kneeling position in front of Alice.

Alice came closer to him,leaned over to his ear and whispered softly" I don't want anything from you except than to rid the world of your kind. But I will tell you my name though" she said as she leaned in more "it's Arielle. Make sure you remember this name so you can tell the devil who sent you".She said in a whisper as she stabbed him right in his chest.

Arielle got up and looked down at the man's lifeless body." Pourrir en enfer" (rot in hell) she said,giving one last look at the man before taking the camera from the shelf and walking out of the office.