
The Spy Queen

Aria Slytharyn. The abandoned illegimate Young Miss of the Slytharyn household. Hated by her uncles, aunts, cousins and grandfather, she is sent out as a replacement to the princess to be peace offering to a far greater kingdom. Her only purpose is to spy on, and bring down the King of the country. Haman Zein. The King of the Tyranum kingdom. Forced to marry a woman he loathes in order to secure peace, hatred develops in his heart for her. His only goal is to use her to weaken the Balgaria Kingdom. When two cunning people, with two different goals are placed together, what will be the outcome?

Alexa_Basil · Fantasy
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2 Chs

11 Years Later



A loud scream filled the palace.

"I can't take it anymore! I feel like dying! I just want to get out of here! Why do I have to study so hard anyways?"

Aria smiled gently as she grinded the ink. She looked at the complaining princess who was sitting wantonly in the chair and giggled. "If you don't finish your piece before the candle burns out, Teacher Ma will be mad."

"Noooooo." The Princess groaned. Ignoring her trailing red robes, she clambered over the chair and rushed Aria's side. "My baby Aria, sweet sugar Aria, why don't you complete it for me, hm?" She swung Aria's hands to and fro. Added with her large watery black eyes and her cute little smile, she was an irresistible attraction.

Aria smiled as she dipped the quill into the ink and handed it to the princess. "You have less than two minutes, my princess."

"Ahhhhhh!!!" The Princess screamed and stomped her feet on the ground. She grabbed the quill from Aria and began writing messily on the paper. "Write, write, write! There, I've written!"

Aria laughed. The Princess looked up and was stunned. Although she always knew that her friend was a beauty, but sometimes it just struck at her. Because she was laughing, her eyes were curved up at the edges, her delicate silver locks shook as she turned around to hide her laughter. It was just a pity...

The Princess' eyes fell on the veil shielding the lower half of Aria's face and rage and pain bloomed in her heart. Such a good face was ruined!

"Princess? Princess? Princess Neta? Neta?"

The Princess was brought back to earth by Aria calling out to her. Her eyes sparkled as she grabbed Aria's hands. "You finally called me by my name again! I thought you would make me beg! Come, call it again let me hear!"

"It was just a momentary slip, My Highness. Please forgive me." Aria immediately bowed.

"Who are you being all formal to?" The Princess frowned. "Will you call me by my name or not?" Seeing Aria keep her head bowed, she snorted. "Fine. You brought this upon yourself." With that, she reached out her hands and began to attack.

"Princess! Pri...prin...princess!" Aria burst into a fit of laughter. She tried to shake off the hands on her waist but couldn't and couldn't help but fall into the princess laps. "Please stop!"

"Stop? Call me by my name!"

"I will, I will! Please stop, Your Majesty." Aria choked out. The Princess stopped immediately. Looking into those pair of expectant eyes, Aria pursed her lips and called out, "Neta."

Princess Neta felt her heart clench. Her face burned as that soft and sweet voice scratched at her heart.

"See, it wasn't hard." She coughed to regain her composure.

"The Court Teacher arrives!" Outside, the maid's voice sounded.

"Oh no." Princess Neta held Aria and scrambled up. "That old crooner, Teacher Ma is here."

Teacher Ma entered elegantly. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and long legs. His black hair was shoved into a ponytail that swung from side to side as he strided towards them.

"Did the Princess just curse me?" He teased as he walked forward.

"No, no." The Princess scratched her nose guiltily.

"Why not? I have already thought up four different punishments for you." Teacher Ma sighed.

Aria could feel the princess tremble slightly besides her. She chuckled but quickly kept quiet when a heavy gaze fell on her.

"Oh, Lady Aria? You're still here?"

Aria took the hint and bowed graciously. "Greetings to Teacher. I was just about to leave." With that, she retreated, ignoring the princess' attempts to grab on to her.

She could hear the two still squibbling as she exited the room. Regaining her bearing, she nodded at the maids stationed outside the room. At the end of the line, her personal maid was waiting for her. As Aria swept pass, she immediately followed after her.

"My Lady! Are you done? My legs are killing me!" The maid puffed up her chubby cheeks.

Aria smiled and pinched those cheeks. "When will you grow up, umm?"

"I'm already grown!" The maid complained.

They walked through the palace as Aria enjoyed the momentary period of silence. Her mind turned over as she thought through things.

It had been 11 years. 11 years since she had come to a realization and since then she had begun implementing her plans. Her chess board was beginning to look perfect. Her major players were in position and it would soon be time for her to show her hand. But she still had to visit a few people in order to determine their positions.

With that thought, she took a detour and headed for the palace garden.

"Huh? Miss? My Lady! Wait up!" The ignorant maid looked up from counting her steps to see her mistress disappearing around the corner. She chased after her hastily. "My Lady! My Lady!"

Aria quickened her footsteps and dashed into the garden. Her maid, Mya, ran after her and finally caught up to her.

"My Lady!" The two of them bumped into someone. Mya couldn't control herself and fell to the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grabbed her butt.

Aria felt her body being held by a pair of strong arms. Her green eyes trailed over the white shirt and upwards over a sturdy chin, full lips, a high nose and into blue eyes.

As I thought, he's here!

"Hello Lady Aria." His hoarse voice was just like him, enthralling.

Aria widened her eyes in shock and immediately pushed away from him. She dropped unto the ground. "Please punish your servant for this dishonour, My Prince."

Prince Roja laughed as he reached out to help Aria up. "Punish you? I've been waiting for you." He smiled.

Aria was dazzled by his smile and went blank. It wasn't until a pitiful voice called out to her that she regained her senses.

"My Lady." Mya's crying voice came from the side. Aria turned and saw her sitting in the floor, holding unto her butt. Tears trailed down her puffy cheeks as she sniffed.

"You little..." Aria hurried over and helped the girl up. Her eyes filled with heartache as she patted her shoulders. "You big child!" She scolded her.

Mya sniffed. "I am not. It just hurts."

Prince Roja laughed as he watched them. "It is always a delight to see you two ladies. I see you two are still as hilarious as ever."

Aria bowed. "Greetings to the Third Prince. I didn't know that you had returned from your sojourn."

"I just arrived this morning and had a bath." Prince Roja smiled. "I knew Lady Aria would enter the palace today so I specifically rushed over."

"Me?" Aria gazed up at him in surprise, then quickly bowed her head. "Many thanks to the Third Prince for being magnanimous and thinking of his subjects." Underneath her veil, a cold smile graced her lips.

"Is that how you welcome your Prince? With flippant words?" Prince Roja walked towards her.

Aria moved back hastily. "Your Highness, what are you doing?!"

"I remember leaving you with your red, watery eyes and a handkerchief clenched between your clasped hands, muttering a prayer for my quick return. Now I'm back, but why is your welcome so cold? Hmm?"

Aria lowered her head and clenched her gown tightly. Her voice shook as she muttered. "It has been six months, Lady Aria wasn't sure if my Prince would still bear me in MIND!"

Her voice went shrill at the end as the Prince grabbed unto her. He pulled her until her body was molded to his. "What were you saying again?"

Aria lowered her head shyly as she blushed. "I...I..."

"You naughty little worrier." Prince Roja flicked her nose. "Can I live without air?"

Aria lips beneath the veil twitched. "No." Her voice was coy.

"That's how you are to me." Prince Roja kissed her forehead.

Aria almost snorted in disgust at this line. She barely managed to keep her voice soft, "Third Prince!" She thumped his chest cutely.

"Where's my welcome gift?" He pulled away from her.

"I didn't know you'll be back so I didn't come along with it." Aria pulled on her veil shyly.

"Lady Aria..." Staring at that graceful stature, Prince Roja' s heart thumped heavily. The love he had been keeping for over four years seemed like it would erupt. He couldn't keep it in any longer. He already had everything; gold, silver, houses and the King's trust. He was sure he could give her a perfect lifestyle. Especially since she was living in a family of snakes. He couldn't wait to take her out.

With a deep breath, he started. "Actually, the reason I came back was to..."

His words were swallowed as voices came from behind them. Aria raised her head to look and wasn't surprised to see the Fourth Prince. As usual, following behind him was the Second Prince and her cousin.

"Greetings to the Fourth Prince, Second Prince and to his companion, Lady Henrietta." Aria greeted. Mya hastily followed suit.

"Third Brother. Why are you always hanging out with trash? Come let's go hunt!" The Fourth Prince urged him.

Roja clenched his jaws. "They're no trash."

"Yeah, yeah." The Fourth Prince waved. " They are your people. Fine, come let's go hunting."

Prince Roja looked towards Aria and smiled. "There is going to banquet for me this evening. I'll be looking forward to your presence, my Lady."

Aria hastily bowed. "Yes, my prince."

Prince Roja turned to the Second Prince and his eyes hardened. "Second Brother, won't you come along?"

The Second Prince's gaze drifted over the lady with the silver hair. He sneered before he strode pass them.

Henrietta walked past and stared down at Aria before she left.

Prince Roja smiled and left them.

Aria looked up. Her green eyes shone as she watched them leave. After they had disappeared, she turned to Mya.

"Let's go."