

CHRISTINE ROMANO had a lot to make up for in this life especially to her mother and grandfather most of all she had to get her revenge on the people who took her life

ShortGyal_Steph · Urban
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40 Chs


After hanging up with my school principal I decided to call my five friends and find out how they did because we studied together we had a group chat so I rang everyone to find out their scores as luck would have it all of them score above 725 I was so happy for them because like me they didn't have an easy time at school either we chatted about what university we would like to go to and we decided we should try and go to the same one after a long discussion we decided to go to ROYAL university because it was giving all of us full scholarships and we could look out for each other we even decided to look for a house so all of us could stay and share the bills after awhile I invited all of them and their parents over to my house for a meal this would have two effects.

One: the parents could meet and get to know each other as well as their children college mates .

Two: knowing one another would put all parents mind at ease when we were away at college.

I told my mom Grandpa and YUki my plans with my friends and they all supported me but I saw that YUKI looked disappointed.