

CHRISTINE ROMANO had a lot to make up for in this life especially to her mother and grandfather most of all she had to get her revenge on the people who took her life

ShortGyal_Steph · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 10 MY Last Life pt3

My dad had a wife and two sons both 2 years older than me my dad was working as a bouncer at a night club he also was an enforcer for the club boss I left my mom when I was 17 years old and went to live with my dad his wife was very nice to me when he was around but as he left she would have a lot to say about my mom and I her son would beat me up and if my dad give me money they would demand that I give it to them I was so afraid of them I wanted to go home but my dad wouldn't let me he beat me if I talk about my mom I was living in hell or so I thought I would later find out that was a paradise my mom died on April 14th 2023 my grandpa held the funeral on April 22nd 2023 after the funeral my grandpa said he wanted to speak to me my dad didn't want to leave my side but my grandpa bodyguards didn't give him a choice in my grandpa study he gave me a flashdrive and the blood red jade pendants he said he would give me some time to be alone