
The Spriggan Who Became The Fairy King

In a world where 9 different races of fairies exist,there he stood on top of them all.One fairy that united all the 9 races.This is the story of Zylvyr a lowly spriggan who then changed his faith and became the fairy king.

Zylvyr · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Massacre

"And there he stood on top of all the 9 races, he vanquised the evil fairy king."

"That fairy united the 9 races and had brought peace to the land."

"After that the fairy who have vanquished the evil fairy king had became the fairy king himself and alfheim was peaceful in his rule."

"The fairy king travelled alfheim but never returned and the throne of the fairy king has no owner ever since."

"The end."

"Again read it again mom" said the little spriggan

"Now now it's time for bed zylvyr you need to sleep i'll read the fairy king's story again tomorrow so sleep now." His replied

"Okay..." the boy replied with a yawn

but at the same time a large explosion was heard


the salamanders are attacking their tiny village


now the sound was more closer than before

zylvyr was crying for he was just a child and did not know what was happening

"Mother... what's happening mother." he said in a scared voice

his mother replied, "Stay close to me dear."

fear has engulfed the whole village and the both of them. The door to their room creak open and a man covered in blood came in

It was zylvyr's father xarune

shocked and scared aria came to his husband's aid

"Xarune!what happened to you?what's going on?" She asked

his husband replied, "The salamanders are attacking the village take zylvyr and get out of here quick."

"NO! WE WON'T LEAVE YOU,stay still while i cast a healing magic."

aria chanted the spell for healing magic but was interrupted half-way

"Sue Fylla Svalr Ban-"

"No don't they'll detect your magic aria,leave now take zylvyr and leave."

zylvyr was crying while looking at his father covered in blood

"Father don't leave us." zylvyr said while crying

"Now now my child, remember what ever happends i'll always be looking after you even in the afterlife."

"Take this zylvyr that's my bow and daggers. Use them only when you truly need it."

xarune gave zylvyr his bow and daggers

the bow was pitch black while the daggers were more of a crimsom color

"Now go leave the house now!" xarune shouted

the both of them flew out of the window and into the forest but a group of salamanders spotted them while they were trying to escape

"There, follow them!" the salamander shouted

they flew through the forest until they saw a cave.

"Stay here zylvyr i'll distract them so that you can escape" aria said

"No mother,don't leave me too." zylvyr cryingly said

"Cast a concealment spell and don't come out until they are gone. Here take my pendant it'll protect you from any harm always remember that i love you my child."

aria flew out of the cave and lured the salamanders so that they won't see zylvyr

zylvyr casted the concealment spell fast as he can

"Shikku Ser Oviss Grœnn Lopt"

concealment magic activated

a wall of illusion hid zylvyr from the sight of the salamanders

meanwhile aria was being chased by the salamanders and they were casting a fire spell to attack her direct

"Ek Verpa Einn Brandr Muspilli, Steypa Lundr Drott"

fire ball spell was casted aiming directly towards aria

one directly hit her back making it hard for her to fly

"You've got no where to run spriggan." the salamander said not knowing that aria was casting a dark spell

"Ek Kalla Svartr Tjúgari Hverfa Himun,Brott Regin Gapa Nioafjol"

Sacrifice was the dark spell, as the name implies the user sacrifices his/her life and explodes after the chant is finished

zylvyr heard the explosion and he knew what it meant his mother used the forbidden spell Sacrifice

zylvyr couldn't help but cry his parents were killed by the salamanders he then sweared that he'd be the fairy king and unite all the races so that no more unnecessary bloodshed wouldn't happen anymore

after a few minutes zylvyr came out of the cave not knowing that one salamander is still nearby

zylvyr was walking straight into a trap

he was at front of the cave entrance when suddenly a sword was near his neck

"You lowly spriggan didn't think i'd detect you're magic did you?" he said

"Even if your a kid orders are still absolute. Leave no one alive that goes for you kid."

zylvyr was full of rage knowing that his parents' killer was in front of him

he unsheathed one of his daggers and plunged it right into the salamanders wrist

"ARGHH!!" the salamander shouted in pain

zylvyr then unsheathed his other dagger and rushed towards him slashing his left eye

"For a spriggan you are good kid."

Info:fairies who reach the age of 10 were trained in combat so that they can defend themselves from attackers

"What's your name kid?" the salamander asked

"You don't need to know murderer!" he shouted angrily

"HAH! well feisty for a spriggan i'll tell you name instead the name's vecta remember that kid for that is the name of your village's destroyer"

zylvyr casted a dark spell due to his anger

he sheathed his daggers and used his bow

"Seiya Uraza Austr Drott, Svalr Diptou"

three dark arrows appeared

he shot the first two arrows aiming directly at vecta's heart and head both missed

"HAH!is that the best you can do? " Vecta said

unbeknown to him the third arrow shot pierced right through his shoulder

the first two arrows were decoys and the last arrow was the real one

vecta was stunned not only this kid was able to wound him the kid actually pulled a difficult spell and successfully casted it

"WHO IS THIS SPRIGGAN?!" the angered vecta asked to himself

while vecta was unable to move zylvyr flew aways as fast as he can until his wings gave up

he crashed right in front of a house inside the forest

the middle aged imp who was living at the house was startled by sound of zylvyr crashing

there he saw a spriggan lying in front of his house

"Hey kid what happened to you?" the imp asked

but zylvyr was to weak to answer he used all his strength just to escape vecta and eventually fainted in front of the imp's house

Info:while war rages through alfheim some races are in good terms like the imps and spriggans

the imp sensed another life form and took zylvyr inside his house for the kid is badly injured physically, mentally and emotionally because of the recent events that had happened

the imp took care of zylvyr treating him like his own kin, and now 8 years have past since that awful day