
Chapter 68: Prince of The City

The fucking agent was surrounded by too many suits for me to get to him now, so it looks like I'll have to come back later and take care of it. No one followed us from the house so I was thinking they didn't know where my place was. I was feeling like an idiot for not seeing that this man was more of a danger than I first thought. Never underestimate the power of greed.

I'd paid this asshole over the years to look the other way. I'm sure I've paid him more than the government in the three years I'd been dealing with his dumb ass. The thing is, he knows me, knows what a colossal fucking mistake it is to cross me, so the triads must've offered him something that was worth him risking his damn life over. My phone rang cutting off my train of thought.

"Why is your wife calling me, what's wrong with your phone bro?" I didn't stop to think that something might be wrong and that's why my little sister was calling me instead of her husband.