

Sushant_James · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Kaizu: "Huh. What are you doing here?"

Kaizu: "And how did you get my address?"

Yumi: "Leave that. First, tell me how many members are there in your house."

Kaizu: "Why? What happened? What's the matter and what do you want to do?"

Yumi: "Tell me, it's urgent."

Kaizu: "Me, Mom, Dad, and my dog."

Yumi: "Hmmm… okay, but something I want to tell you."

House lights go out.

Yumi: "Oh no, it came."

Kaizu: "What just came?"

Dog barks in a very heavy and scared voice.

Kaizu: "Huh? What happened to Rocky?"

Yumi: "Just stay here."

Kaizu: "No, you just stay here. I have to go and check."

Kaizu checks his table's drawer. "Ohh! Got it, my torch."

Kaizu: "Hell no, the torch is not working."

Yumi: "Because of that thing."


Yumi's hands begin to shine like a bulb.

Kaizu: "What? How can you do that?"

Kaizu: "Leave this. We have to go down now."

Kaizu: "Mother, Father, are you okay?"

Yumi: "Your mother doesn't seem conscious right now."

Yumi: "No way, your mother's soul has been taken by a soul sucker."

Yumi: "I will bring back your mother to life, but there is one problem."

Yumi: "We have to kill that entity, then only her life will come back."

Yumi: "But I don't know how much power is in my sword and chants to defeat him."

Kaizu: "Do you have a sword?"

Yumi: "But I got punishment from headquarters to remain on Earth for 1 month without full potential so I can't use my sword fully to defeat him."

Kaizu: "Where did it go?"

Yumi: "Which sucker?"

Kaizu: "Yes."

Kaizu: "So, I will be able to get my mother's soul back?"

Yumi: "Actually, we can. I have this tracker from headquarters. I have put one on him; we have his location axis."

Kaizu: "But then how will we defeat him?"

Yumi: "Not me, it's you who's gonna defeat him."

Kaizu: "Huh? What? No, I can't."

Yumi: "First, listen to my full sentence. I will not train you."

Yumi: "I will send you to the training combat of headquarters."

Kaizu: "But why me?"

Yumi: "Because you were accepted by a great rock."

Kaizu: "Hmmmm… which rock? From which I got hurt?"

Yumi: "Yes."

Yumi: "Also, remember, high-level souls easily take 30 days to vanish, but your mom's soul is of low concentration power. It will only take 7 days."

Kaizu: "But…!"

Yumi: "Wait, listen. Every human has concentration power or spiritual power."

Kaizu: "But it's tough to awaken your concentration power."

Yumi: "So, get your concentration enlightened to save your mother's soul."

Yumi: "Okay, tomorrow we are going for training grounds."

Kaizu: "Okay, we will."