
The Spinster

Ria Zhang was the ultimate spinster. Her heart stopped beating at 60. When she opened her eyes again, she was already inside the body of a 28-year old woman. Not just any woman but a vicious one. Sierra Co was the Vice President of Co TouchMe, a beauty company specializing in styling and grooming of both men and women. She liked Marvin Kang who loved Kara Lu. But that was Sierra Co. She was Ria Zhang in the body of Sierra Co. And she's already 60 years old! No plan to be a cradle snatcher. Hmmmp, and why would she chase after that man? His D was not that big. Duh. Again, she might be a spinster but she's already 60 years old.

Yuinavarro · General
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34 Chs

Harmless Banter

Lunch time has ended.

Ria Zhang told Stanley Co that she would just go to the comfort room.

As she pushed the door opened, the breath was caught in her throat. The comfort room was illuminated with yellow lights, making the atmosphere soft and romantic.

The sink was made of cement while the floor was made of different stones which were cemented with each other.

Ria Zhang nodded. Overall, it gave someone a rustic feel. This would be conducive for writing stories and poems.

Giving the sink one last look, she went inside the cubicle and did her thing.

Outside, Stanley Co was talking to two men. If one would look closely, they were the two men at the glass room.

Ria Zhang who was still caught in her own thoughts had not noticed the two men. When she reached her brother's side, she linked her arm with his before raising her eyes.

She sucked in her breath as her eyes met those brown eyes.

The 'broad shoulders, nice ass' man!

The man was looking at her steadily. His eyes flickered with curiosity.

"Your girl?" The man asked Stanley Co without removing his gaze from her face. His voice sounded like milk and honey. Deep and smooth with a little bit of sweetness.

Stanley Co, despite being full siblings with Sierra Co didn't have any similarity when it comes to physical features.

Sierra Co got her features from her late grandmother that's why her grandpa doted on her.

All news related to Sierra Co's real connection with the Co Family has always been guarded strictly.

Even the commotion at Costa Dresses was suppressed.

The only thing the Co Family cannot suppressed was about Sierra Co chasing Marvin Kang. It was already out of hand so they cannot further aggravate the situation.

Stanley Co shook his head. "Nope. She's my dearest sister, Sierra Co," he said before glancing over his sister. His gaze was filled with tenderness.

The man raised his eyebrow. "Oh. The woman who has been chasing Marvin Kang," he said, stressing each word carefully.

The smile on Stanley Co's lips went stiff. It has always been the Co Family's bottom line.

Ria Zhang smiled tightly before turning her head towards her brother. She doesn't like the way the man delivered his comment.

So what? It's not as if it was Ria Zhang who chased after that Marvin Kang. She badly wanted to retort but thinking that she wanted to establish herself, she just took a deep breath.

"Who are they, brother?" She asked Stanley Co, ignoring the man's comment.

Stanley Co sighed when his sister ignored the man's comment. "He is the owner of this restaurant," he said.

Ria Zhang nodded. So, this man was loaded, huh?

"And you're catching up or something?" She further asked.

Stanley Co shrugged his shoulders. "You could say that."

The man's eyes went from Ria Zhang's face down to her feet. It stopped at her waistline before going back to her face.

His eyes were full of provocation. As if saying 'Yeah, I stared. What will you do?'

Ria Zhang pressed her lips in a thin line. Her palms gripped the arm of her brother a little bit tightly.

Suddenly, she regretted choosing the dress she was currently wearing. But hello? She was already 60 years old.

Let her show this man how she used to deal with her annoying suitors in her previous life.

Ria Zhang raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head. "Like what you see, Mister?"

The man's eyes that never left her face flashed with astonishment. He didn't expect that this woman would be bold enough to say that.

But he remembered that this was the woman who chased Marvin Kang all over the Costa City.

"Very much," he said as the corner of his lips turned up.

"That's too bad. You can't have it," Ria Zhang said, taunting him.

"Oh? How sure are you?" He asked, curious of her answer.

"I don't like you under my sheets."

Stanley Co's eyes went wide as he heard his sister's answer. He turned his head towards his sister harshly.


His sister has never changed her wayward ways. Did she think she can offend the man in front of them?

The man beside 'broad shoulders, nice ass' man cough incessantly as his face burned with embarrassment. He even slapped his own chest to stop.

The woman in front of them was sure bold to say that. Did she want to die? As much as he was surprised that this woman has guts, he was more surprised that his friend said more than two words to a woman.

So unlike him, he thought.

The man in question, meanwhile, just smirked as he put his hands inside the pockets of his pants.

Ria Zhang just shrugged her shoulders. Does this man think she would lose when it comes to battle of semantics? Dream on!

"It was just a harmless banter, brother. Don't get so worked up," she said. Then, she raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her. "Right, mister?"

The man nodded. "Of course."

But Stanley Co didn't believe it. "I'm very sorry for this. My sister has not stopped her naughty ways," he apologized.

Ria Zhang wrinkled her eyebrows. "Brother—"

Stanley Co's warning gaze stopped her. She pouted her lips as she glared at the man before them.

The man's eyes went darker. Really, this woman has been surprising him from the start.

Ria Zhang was already 60 years old and her brother who was only 32 reprimanded her in front of strangers. Was it a little laughable? What would her friends say?

"Hmmmmp. If you really want to reprimand me, at least wait till we're home. What happened to the so-called united front?" She cannot helped but murmured.

Since there were only the four of them in the lobby, the three men heard her loud and clear.

Stanley Co didn't know what to say. Blood rushed towards his face. How can he faced other people now?

Then a laughter rang in the lobby.

Ria Zhang gaped at the man who raised his head while laughing. He looked so carefree as the dominating aura around him lessened a bit.

"Young Master Co, your sister is indeed interesting," he said before extending his hand towards Ria Zhang.

Ria Zhang just looked at the hand that was waiting for her to receive. She took a deep breath as she also extended her hand to accept the handshake.

The man's palm felt rough against her soft hand. The man grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. However, it felt nice.

"Nice to meet you, Young Miss Co," he said, his mouth curved into a smile. "I'm Jacob Yun," he further added.

The name brought coldness to Ria Zhang's back. The blood left her face. Jacob Yun? As in the Jacob Yun that her brother told her about?

Jacob Yun clearly noticed the effect of his name to Sierra Co's face. So, she still knew how to be frightened, huh?

Ria Zhang tried pulling back her hand but Jacob Yun didn't allow her. His eyes were dancing with delight on her obvious discomfort.

"Nice to meet you, Young Master Yun. Now, if I can get my hand back, please?" Ria Zhang smiled brightly but only her knew how badly she wanted to strangle the man in front of her.

Jacob Yun tilted his head before releasing Sierra Co's hand. "Of course."

Stanley Co remained silent as he witnessed the exchange between his sister and Jacob Yun.

When Jacob Yun released Sierra Co's hand, he stole a glance at his sister's hand. It was still fine. He heaved a sigh of relief. In Costa City, everyone knew that Jacob Yun has a steel grip.

Stanley Co spent three days in his bed when he shook hands with Jacob Yun three years ago.

Since then, he avoided Jacob Yun as a plague. But who would have thought that they would see him here?

He just wanted to get out of here in one piece.

"It is nice seeing you here, Young Master Yun. My sister and I will go first."

Jacob Yun just nodded as he watched the brother-sister duo went towards the elevator.

His eyes followed the gentle sway of hips of the woman who was brave enough to glare at him.

He chuckled before turning around.

His friend was left in the lobby gaping.