
Episode 2

Robin sat at her desk in her office. Her office was a small square, which didn't have any doors. It was open to the hallway to other little offices. She sighed as she typed away on her computer. She wanted to be a big time reporter but always was in the shadows. She looked at her photo frame next to her computer. A picture of her and man were in the picture. "Dave...." She said picking the photo frame up. She rubbed her thumb over the mans face. "I miss you..."

"MRS. SPENCER!" A deep voiced man yelled.

Startled, Robin put the photo down and sat up. She looked at her bosses office. She swallowed hard as she saw him standing in his doorway. His arms crossed. He waved her over with his finger.

"NOW!" He yelled as he went into his office.

She looked around worried. She quickly made her way to his office. "Excuse me.." She said almost running into people on her way to his office. When she made it, she walked in slowly.

"Shut the door." He said as he typed on his computer.

She nodded and did as he asked. After shutting the door she sat down in front of his desk.

"Robin you aren't in trouble. So don't worry." He said as he smiled at her. "Sorry for acting that way. I have to keep up being the mean boss." He laughed as he grabbed a piece of candy and threw it in his mouth.

"Its no problem sir." She said nervous. She looked at him, trying not to make eye contact. Her boss was almost her age but he already was the head of the business. And he had two ex wives and five children who were going to college soon. He also had his first kids at a very young age and managed to keep four jobs at once. So being her boss he was someone to look up to.

"I just wanted to tell you that I know you have been wanting to get a good story lately and our city is full of it lately.." He took a deep breath as he leaned forward. He put his hands together. "I just wanted to tell you that you got the story with the murder case" He smiled.

Robin looked surprised. "Really?" She smiled a little. This was her first case. If she did this right than that was it. She would get better pay and get a better place for her siblings. "When do I start?" She asked almost wanting to jump out of chair with excitement.

"You start right now if you want." He leaned back in his chair.

Robin stood. "I won't let you down sir" She went to the door when he stopped her.


Robin turned to him.

"I know you needed this. But don't screw this up. I know you won't but know that you need this" He nodded to her.

Robin smiled at him. He truly was a good guy. "Thank you.." She went out the door.

At The High School

"I'm telling you Skylar." A girl with red curly hair, that bounced as she moved, said walking beside Skylar and another girl with short light green hair.

Skylar sighed, stopping in front of a row of lockers. "I don't know..." She looked passed her friends. She smiled as she saw him. A boy with short brown hair stood with some friends. She turned back to her friends nervous. "What if he says no?"

"Sky.." The red haired girl said grabbing her. "He wont'. He already said he was going to ask you"

Skylar smiled a little still nervous. She looked back at the boy. He looked at her. He smiled and waved. She waved back. "Yeah..."

Suddenly he started to walk towards her.

Skylar started to freak. "He's coming!"

"Calm down. He wants to talk to you. So go for it." The red haired girl and the other girl both left Skylar alone.

Skylar swallowed hard as the boy stopped in front of her.

"Hey.." He said with such a sexy voice that could make you only melt.

"Hey Matty.." She said staring at him.

"So...um proms coming up and stuff..." He scratched his head. "I was wondering maybe.." He looked nervous.

Skylar started at him smiling. This was it he was going to ask out her! "Yeah prom.."

He looked at the ground than back at her. "I was wondering if you..."

"If I?..." She smiled big.

"If you could ask Sara if she would go with me?"

Skylar's smile soon turned into a frown. "Sara..." She looked at her friends who were cheering her on silently. Her best friend who was just telling her to be brave and knew he was asking HER out to prom was actually asking Sara out. Skylar turned back to Matty. "No..." She shook her head. "No I won't" She started to walk away but stopped and turned back to him. "You know I've had a crush on you since the fifth grade!" Everyone started to stare. "I've been giving you signals but you never cared I guess. So fuck you Matty Bender!" She walked off mad. This was the last time she was going to get her hopes up for some boy.

Matty stood there confused.

Sara and the light green haired girl walked passed him. They were going after Skylar. But Sara stopped. She looked at Matty. "So stupid." She continued to walk after Skylar.

Sara and the other girl followed Skylar into the bathroom.

"Sky.." Sara said running in front of Skylar, blocking her way. "Tell me what happened.."

Skylar didn't make eye contact. She sighed. "He wanted to ask you..."

The light haired girl gasped. "Hey..." She walked to Skylar and hugged her. "Its okay.."

Skylar hugged back but quickly pulled away.


"No.." Skylar looked at Sara. "Please give me some time to process this..." She walked out of the bathroom leaving the other two girls.

"I can't believe that asshole..." Sara said pissed. "How dare he do that to her!" She kicked the trashcan. "Kora can you believe this?" She turned to the light green haired girl.

Kora shook her head. "No..."

They both stared at the ground.

A little ways down the hallway stood Micheal and Sophia. He was showing her his locker.

"This is where I store most of my books but I also leave most of them in the library." He shut his locker. "So?"

They started to walk.

Sophia held her books in her arms. "I think I got it.." She looked at him smiling. "Thanks Micheal."

He nodded. "No problem." He looked forward.

"Hey Micheal...I heard proms coming up.." She looked at the ground.

"Prom?" He started to laugh. "I hate prom. Its just about how much you can spend so you can get laid. And no one cares about people that aren't popular"

They walked through the front doors, leading to the outside. Cars were lining up. Teens got into cars.

"Oh..." Sophia sighed. "Didn't know you thought that badly about prom.." She stopped.

He also stopped. "Yeah I just hate it.."

"Listen I got to go..thanks again for helping me.." She said walking off.

"Bye.." He waved at her as she got into a car. He noticed a large man sitting in the front seat. "I bet that's her dad..." He watched as she and her dad drove off.

"Whose that boy?" The man said driving.

Sophia swallowed hard. "He is nobody. He just helped me around school today...that's all." She stared out the window.

"Good. You don't need no boyfriend right now. Especially when you look like that!" He laughed. "You need some meat on your bones" He laughed more as he drove.

"Yes daddy.." She said crying some but she quickly wiped her tears away.

At the motel, Destiny ran around with ice cream in her hand. Skylar chased her around.

"Come back here!" Skylar said mad.

Micheal walked in, almost getting run over. "What the heck is going on?" He said watching both girls running.

"I stole some ice cream but Skylar is just angry because its the last bit of it" Destiny laughed as she ran behind him. "Save me!"

Skylar stopped in front of him. "P-please..." She took a deep breath. "Let...me...kill her!" She bent down almost passing out. "Damn it shes fast"

Micheal laughed. "Whatever..." He walked to the kitchen.

"Yes!" Skylar grabbed Destiny. "Got you!"

Destiny sighed. "Awe man.."

"Thank you" Skylar took the ice cream from her. "Now go play"

Destiny stuck her tongue out at her sister as she ran upstairs.

Skylar walked into the kitchen. "Thank god.." She laid the ice cream on a plate. She saw Micheal doing the dishes. "So..." She looked out the small window. "You know Matty right?"

He laughed. "Why would I not know Matty?" He turned to her, drying a plate. "He is the "hottest" guy at school that all the girls want"

Skylar sighed while she looked at the counter. "Maybe not for me anymore.."

Micheal raised a brow. "Not anymore?" He chuckled a little. "Since when? All you have talked about was "Oh Matty is going to ask me out this year I know it!" since you met the boy" He placed the plate with the other clean dishes. "So why the sudden change? Did he not ask you to prom?" He laughed.

Skylar placed her face in her hands. "Yes.."

"Oh.." he stood shocked. "Sorry..."

"No its fine." She stood straight. "Its my fault. I shouldn't have fell for a dumb ass"

Micheal laughed.

She looked at him angry. "What's so funny?"

"Him. He is so dumb that I don't know how he is still in school" He laughed.

Skylar smiled. "Yeah same. Thanks."

"For?" He looked at her.

"For helping me laugh today" She grabbed the ice cream.

"Hey.." He said as she was about to walk out the kitchen.

"Yes?" She turned to him.

"Can I ask you something?" He was nervous.

"Okay lay it on me." She laid the ice cream down.

"Okay...well today Sophia was asking about prom and I told her what I thought about it and she seemed sad. Did I do something wrong?" He swallowed hard.

Skylar shook her head. "You idiot." She walked to him. She slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He looked at her shocked.

"She likes you! She wants to go with you. And you turned her down." She walked back to the ice cream. "My advice is to go make it up to her. Ask her to prom. But make it special." She grabbed the ice cream and walked up stairs.

"Thanks!" He turned to the window.

As Robin's cab pulled up to the police station she grew nervous.

"Were here mam" The cab driver said turning to her.

Robin stared at the station. "Can we just wait here for a minute?" She looked at the driver.

He sighed. "Mam just get out. I don't have time for your problems. We all got them!"

Robin rolled her eyes. "Thanks" She said angry as she got out and slammed the door. The cab drove away fast. She turned to face the building. As she stared at it she took a deep breath. "This is it...this is your big break!" She started to walk towards the building but stopped. "Damn it.." She was still nervous. "Come on!" She started to pace back and forth. "You can do this!" She shook her head. "No you can't! Yes you can!" She argued with herself.

"Excuse me miss.."

Robin stopped to look up at a police man looking at her. "Yes sir?"

"Are you okay?" He said raising a brow.

She looked around and saw people staring at her. She looked back at the man. "Yes I am. Just nervous" She tried to smile but failed.

He took a deep breath. "Let me guess you're the new reporter on the case?" He crossed his arms.

Robin looked up at him surprised. "How did-"

"Your badge." He pointed to her badge on her jacket.

"Oh yeah." She smiled. "So.."

"I will take you in if you like" He said looking away nervous.

"Yes please." She needed someone to help her even if it was a complete stranger.

"Lets go" He started to walk fast to the doors, leading into the building.

"Oh we're going now" She walked fast behind him.

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