
Book 1- (Fairies and Warewolves)


Moving along the waves of water.. leaving the traces of bare footprints.... and concealing my emotions... .....

          ...    MOVE    ON...   .

Night on its full form and there is no sign of any living creatures........around me  ,except...that infinite sky over me like an umbrella full of decorated stars....

I sat on the bunch of rocks besides the sea and starts watching and thinking that .... just like water vanishes away my footprints ..does my past also....?? .

I standing in the same position.. ..where I was  before 3 years ago. The day I never forget... the time, location, each second strike my mind with that beautiful memories.... those experiences which turn my whole world upside down.. I never ever imagined that there is other worlds also co - exist with us . Our  Universe such an amazing ..seriously!!!.

My name is ERICK....I am a being of 21 st century..just like you . where our world is full of science., from home to office., or land to sky everywhere we can see science is overflown. and shown it's magical creations which not only affect our life, but also indirectly the life of other creatures of different world co- exist with us.. Now you are thinking ..why from the start ..i  mentioning the term Other World.. again and again... the answer to this question is here......

but before that I want you to know that today is my last day.

ooohh....don't misunderstood it....not of my life...hahha....but of my Beautiful memories and experiences which unexpectedly I got..I am going to  erase that totally and retain the memories which belongs to my world only.. that's good...for me... for them... and for every one.

BOOK -   1




hey...hurry up... we gonna be late today..... and it's your fault if this happens.... Alex said with full of rage. as because of late night game it make our waking program delay...

fine... I m one for this ..but for  canteen you are going to pay.. I said with smirk on my face.

Actually the real culprit is still in his dreams...that badass.. sound sleeping .

Vicky wake up.. you...scumbag....   I said it with loud tone. but that man is such a sleeping monster God's know when he awake.

forgot it.. I have to ..too much things to handle than this rubbish being. finally I take bath and dress up with my favorite cool T shirt which clearly shows my perfectly build chest and abs muscles with biceps... hell I got it with  such terrible workout.. Now the time come for display.. hahaa...

well I am student of Xavier's university., one of the top university in the area, as per the google . it's a really hard to get admission there... well not for me... credits goes to sports....it help me a lot. I was the captain of boy's basketball team in school.....God I want to be in college also..but it's not a big deal for me! .I m doing research in aerospace science there... well that's enough for me.

let me introduce to my roommates -cum - buddies... Alex and Vicky..

Alex... he is actually a topper of science department and I think his IQ level is seriously out of my coverage area.. whereas the one who is Vicky is seriously the bad boy sort of personality  ... I rarely seen him class and Mostly seen  in fights.. actually we can say he is gold digger.. the person born with silver spoon in his mouth.

and that's it ..we live together ... no matter how much we different. whenever there is chaos happens among us...i always found myself between angel and devil .

however we enjoy alot as it's our first year in such an amazing college where Children from the ellites family come. for me it's a dream.

     I am ready... are you.. coming.... I said to Vicky while hanging my backpack . I know he is one who is left, as Alex don't want to waste anymore minute with us., so hi is already left us.

Bloody  Hell... why don't classes start at night.. Vicky said with too much sadness , i don't reply as it is his daily portion of curse to college reason is...he come here because of his father wish  as  he is one of the trustees of university and also a big international business tycoon ..just leave it.

he then started walking behind me. he closed the door and start swinging the key with his fingers. I usually take stairs ... good for thigh muscle. Vicky as usual following me...hardly matters which way I taking.. because he knows we are destined to same goal.... The Xavier University..

there we are... our hostel is not much away from the university.

The entrance is  build with such beautiful sculpture of art ,           two main pillars ., on one there is lion with wings looking at the sky.. and the other with the wisdom owl wearing degree cap with holding notes...

as we both entered the campus gate the hot chic  gaze on us. I can't say only hottys but every corner of the college from where we have seen there is girl... they caught us. it's literally awkward feeling I got whereas ... in case of Vicky he is seriously... enjoying the moment. As the same time we see Alex is coming towards us with his few class mates .

hey fella... u can make it in time... good... I totally thought you going to be expelled in first day.. Alex said it

with laughter along with mates.

I have to make it otherwise who is gonna to pay for the canteen .... I said firmly smile.... and Vicky is still on his flirting mode with one of Alex friend. and after that we all start moving towards the class with laughter.

it is our first day of our college... and till now everything is going well. then I observe someone is staring from the start of entering in college.... Idk... but I m feeling something fishy. there... It may be ... I am hallucinating..

God's know!.

after two continues lecture  ... we are free..so we head to cafeteria.. idk but right now we are fully surrounded by bunch of boy's and girls around  walking with us..it is good to be so many friends..thanks to Alex intelligence and Vicky charm.......I know haven't any contribution in it.......because I am person of few words......well I am happy....

... ya.. we all not eat breakfast today... so everyone is freakingly hungry. so take the table where mostly of us can sit.. and gave the order... the university cafeteria seems like a big five star hotel.

after the meal .. Vicky take the billing procedure because of punishment of last night game or may be the reason to impress that girls in group. well whatever be the reason I have to go to sports department because of some paper matter.. after saying goodbye to everyone.. I move towards the sports department..

My god such a big university... if I don't have college navigation. I might have lost.

then I feel the same awkward staring of someone behind me.... right now I am alone... not charming Vicky... but me.... why.. .

I spun behind. but there is no one... who is playing prank with me.... I hate it..


ERICK   pov .....

Are you Erick..... voice comes in my ears. A middle aged man with perfectly maintained body standing in front of me..

Yes... sir.. I nodded I confirming his answer.

there is no one there except we two.. then who is behind me.. forget it..

okay , you the one who is state level basketball player... but competition here is worse than your imagination.. hope you can make it... ... ....... he said while holding my papers.

well.... I  try to not disappoint you.. sir !..I answer with smiling face. he smirk on it.. and we move to office.

After my physical examination he told the schedule of training and upcoming event of team selection. then he said... ERICK.... Be on time... tomorrow.. then he left me there.

Basketball court is in my front and there is no one around let's try some..... as I started 1...2...3.. yee goal.


A girl with blonde long hair falling to her waist .Her body is curvy..like a fairy ,standing in audience section and clapping with full of happiness... like she is enjoying the scene . Then she started moving towards me... as the moment she is approaching me .. my heart starts beating faster.... and my body started sweating more and more..

hell.. no.. what is happening to me.. it's just a girl..

As  she is in front me.. I can cleary see her facial features... damn she's soo beautiful... big eyelashes....kissable lovely lips..... and... and those baby blue eyes.... God... I just want to immensed in them... I want to make all of her mine..

..... ohh..no..some one help me..... I  m.. just drawing into her beauty... why.. I am thinking ridiculous things... don't say it the side effects of Vicky company

    it never happened to me before just like that.... what it is? does the girl hypnotizing me?

can't say... but I can't feel anything except her around me. and want that moment just stop there forever..

we stand there staring to each other may be for 2/3 minutes.... I sense... suddenly... ball strike between us.....

                                MiNE... a loud voice interrupted the moment.

STELLA   pov ....

Wakey wakey up.... bzzz bzzz.. my phone ringing.. oh.

it's daisy... hello... yaa.... yep....i already told you.... fine.... bye... Jesus... this girl is totally insane.

My name is stella.. and yesterday I became 18 years old and still don't find my mate.. yaa.. obviously, I m werewolf, and as per the rules on my 18 b'day I have gonna find my mate... which can be say.. soulmate of your lifetime.

     My big brother had already found lily as his mate on his 16 b'day. My father is the most powerful alpha of the blood moon pack, serving his duty as alpha he is well known among all the species whether it is fairies, witches, Shapeshifters, vampires, mermaids, and so on....

    in my childhood days.....i heard story of  contract from my mother ..,,the luna of the werewolf pack....As per the deed.

Due to increasingly amount of our fear among human being... they take several  means to extinct us.

then it is decided by the leaders of all species.....

we all species have to live in peace with humans,   then and only ,we can survive in human society.

we never ever let them know our true identity. no matter what ever the situation is... we have to handle in human ways.

because of this treaty we ( all species) can live happily and can exist for long run. ..

and that's it.... we all know who is human and others easily , but never let them know ,who we are....

and this treaty has to be followed by everyone who is not human.

such a ridiculous.... hiding all the supernatural powers.. and roaming with pathetic human beings,like a moron,seriously, I hate it.

   we the werewolves are highly trained fighters, and as the the daughter of alpha, I am super power ful as it is my blood.... too much of introduction.... let s come to present moment...

today is my first day of college.. my friend daisy,( omega, of the pack) from the past few days, keeps on disturbing me......

            what to wear on first day ? .....

finally the day come, I freshen up, and wear tight black jeans with White crop top.. small leather jacket...

with high ponytail, wore the knee length leather shoes, and that's all I do... it's enough for me unlike the other girls who spend 1 hour on decorating her each body parts. I am not like them.... my mother already told me..I have killer body  .... that's make many girls jealous... but I don't think so.. .


I drove the yellow Lamborghini to university., there I met already present my friend Daisy, and binnie( beta). we usually friend with someone of our kind, actually most of us. unlike some people as my brother, who is somewhat super friendly with humans also... idk why...


  This  year also too many other creatures .....than human beings ,and that's the relief..,....i said to daisy and binnie....as my brother already gave me the information ...well he is well popular among teachers.

we started gazing everyone, and there we can clearly see who is witch, and fairies something like that,than we see some humans 

God knows the reason for creating such weakling creatures... I said and start laughing.

we started making fun of them.

well stella....I don't think so.,!!...daisy said with surprisingly looking at the entrance ....you really have to look there.. .

     As I turned my face I smell lavender and minty captivating fragrance.... it is increasing my urge and my wolf within me ..... jumping saying mate mate..... What... I found the.. MATE. ..... and he is HUMAN...

    I am totally shocked... because I never heard in my pack that anyone have human mate... it never ever happened in centuries. but how's it possible?..

       Daisy and binnie continuously staring with jaw dropped at the two men, walking towards the campus auditorium. and I don't tell them that one of them is my mate.....

He is tall, pitch black spiked hair... I can clearly see with distance vision ability.. how perfectly masculine body he got with muscles... I never thought that human beings are also that level....ATTRACTIVE... .. even in my pack I never seen that kind of physique, .... I can say he is hot.


He seems like shy personality and try to avoid girls around him... whereas on the other hand ....boy beside him looks like taking the advantage of his eyes catching attention.

hah.! ... interesting!

    I makes me feel happy that I found my mate.. my other half... irrespective he is human... I accept him..

I have something urgent comes... see you guys in class... after saying this I left kept them in confused state. They looked each other and shrugged.

  I started stalking him wherever he goes I follow him. but I don't know why not the MATE thing arouse in him. may be because he is human or may be he is not my mate... moon goddess is joking with me.. right now...

why don't he sense me.. and come to me calling me......MY MATE  I found you.

No.. no.. don't says.. he is science student... what a stupid stuff.. he studying... ooooo noo.. we are not in same class., that's not good Stella.. how can I keep eye on him.

what if other girls try to imposing him.... no this not gonna to happens..... world know how possessive werewolves are for there mate.. and In case of alpha then.. u should not mess with them.

where are you.?. hell.. class has started... .....binnie mind linked with me. I forget about the class totally.

sorry guys.. I m coming... I said it..mind linking.

then I frequently move to my class.

I can't concentrate on topic....this is my first day of college...why I want to go to my mate ? Finally,

when the bell rings.... such a relief I got ,can't explain in words.

Guy's I have to go somewhere... please don't mind..... I sorry.. I ruined our first memorable day.. but I have.... to...........before I complete my sentence.. daisy said....I know... you found him....

what.?  what did you say..?  I said not meeting my eyes with her... I found who??

....Mate..... she said with confidence.

she said and then she stand up looking straight into my eyes and asking.... why are you hiding it.?.. huh....

Don't you want it?  you are always imagining that day to celebrate with us....? or you not considered us as your friends.. ... after saying this tears comes in her eyes..

At last..,.....

I told them everything... .....

Trust moon goddess.... they say I unison and smile at me.

we do triplets hugs. and then we approach towards science department.

we don't find him there....

then we come to know they are in cafeteria.... but don't found him there also... then I used my sniffing ability then I come to know where he is... such a sporty freak....

As we approahing towards sports arena... his scent is mesmerizing me.... this time I come to know what's the mate bond.My friends are totally crazy to meet my halfsoul as compared to me...

and then I saw the scene in my front........ my blood boiling... ... like bursting out of my veins... that fairy going to take....what is mine...what is belongs to me.. ...

. MINE.... I shouted.


DAY before today..

Angelina pov 

I am roaming around the street with the ability of invisiblity . yet I am 19 years old fairy, not ordinary, best of the fairy land, my mother fairy godmother once told me... never hurt anyone, never steal anything from anyone. always be helpful and gave love to every species around the universe... no matter who..!

well that's the duty of each fairy.... To be kind, To be loving, To be helpful... and such sort of personality we  fairies are... TO BE FAIR..!!!

well... I am on my duty right now....

I see a man standing behind the pillar at the corner of shop in dark and continuously staring at eatable vending machine.He looks so pale and weak like he not get food from many days. Shop is going to shut down because it's too late, many people moving from there but no one notice him... I don't know why? ... why there is no humanity remains in humans.. ...

After an hour , I am tired of this pathetic situation and decided to help him..

suddenly, a young boy. may be  around of my age, come out of the shop. He has two handbags , he move towards the man and give one package of food to him.....with beautiful smile....he says goodbye to that man. Hunger man looks so happy and thankful to him.

Apparently, At the same time rain has started....I can't clearly see his face because it partially cover with hoodie.

He started running towards one direction. I can't take it... because ,every time I am the only hero left to help those needy creatures, but who is he? doing my work.... happily.

I want to know who is he..., some invisible force is pulling me towards him, idk why? but it is difficult to remain calm now. so I follow him.

it's a boy's hostel... Is it good to go.there ?..i never entered before in any manly area before permission even in fairy land .

But this curiosity gonna kill me one day. however I am invisible to them but outside there is clearly mentioned that it's  ,,,,,,BOYS,,,,,

Forgive me Lord... I entered in his room while he removing his soaked sneakers.. I saw two more boys playing something on Computer... full of enthusiasm.... hmmm.. young energy... they are loudly chatting and making noises.

Look here he comes... one of them says after seeing that hero boy ( idk name  of that boy).

God damnn..... you are so late... where are you wandering? I thought you meet us tomorrow... after that the three of them started laughing.

Here you go..... putting the package of food on table he said.

Only one...? what about yours?? huh?... one of them ask with furrow his eyes.

I already ate it there..... you two enjoy... I going to change my wet clothes.... he said showing no interest in answering his question.

Two of them now focused on eating... he started stripping his clothes  and then I saw him..    his bare muscular chest .. oh God.... I am blushing red..

.... his face is look like A Divine being.... he is not like any human... he seems like to me more than human being.

... I got distracted by mind message from other fairies... time to go home.. then with heavy heart I have to leave him..

Don't know why I am feeling so attached to him...

Does fairies also fascinated by some one?


It's around 5' O clock  in morning... after finishing my usual routine.. I ahead to college.... but My mind filled with that boy  I am fascinated by him.... I decided after college I will go to meet him ,in person.

But I am so happy ,when I see him in college cafeteria, he surrounded by many boys and girls, including those two roommates... I want to meet him and be friend with him.

but too many companion it seems highly unapproachable.

Then I see he says goodbye to everyone and running towards sports department.... well it's the time... I also move behind him..

so his name is ERICk... as the coach called him.... when he gone  .... he started playing basketball alone... he is so good player   .. Now there is no one around I removed my invisible spell.

I stand up.... clapping for the goal he made... he look stunned ..may  be..because of my sudden appearance from nowhere..

I started moving towards him... God...his continuous gaze

.... piercing me... on my whole body.... I am super blushing.... why he is not blinking? Damn it.... what I do?

stop staring me like that.. I am feeling nervous... ohh God.

Now I am in front of him... I fully dived into his brown eye.. so captivating..... I am feeling so much satisfaction.. so much happiness.... and loving vibes.. emitting from him.

Suddenly, a basketball flew with super fast speed between us.... if we aren't standing with distance of  ,one feet .

Any one head must be got smashed... .


ERICK pov.

what??.. what the hell it is?

who's  got ruined my moment.... I thought. as I turn my head in the direction of ball thrown...

I saw three hot looking girls standing with awe expression... and the one looking at me like she gonna kill me.  what have I done man!!!?

that girl move towards me.. her dominating aura I can sense, she's full of rage.

what the aggressive personality!!


what happened? Are you okay?  

I said firmly... but instead of answering me she's continuously staring me with death gaze.. even at that time she seems me beautiful, her eyes golden color  , pink lips.... no man! I again started.. I have to control my emotions... what is happening to me?

.......VI....C...KY.... I gonna Kill you ........

what's your?? you said... mine...! Don't say this basketball court is yours.. and if other use it, they have to pay the penality... does it?? hmm??

I said to her..... and she looks totally broken... I can see in her eyes like she lost something.

I felt ashamed!!, but why she's not answering me.

she moves to that fairy looking girl and speak like a hell... it's the matter between girls.. don't you dare to put your nose in other business... got it... then leave....

she told everything while looking at that girl, and answering me.

I said Bye to that girl by nodding the head and she answer me with her beautiful smile. and left them there.

it's good to be not indulge in any rowdy activities on first day.. hope the girl is fine... .

  my phone rangs.... oh.. it's Alex.... what's up bro? ... where.. hmm.... okk I'll come.... hanging up.

After a week.....

it's been a week in college I have never met with that fairy looking girl, however, that Furious girl, looked everywhere ..... oh my... she must have told her something.

whatever be the reason, I don't know, why she always staring me., or stalking me.

6 'O clock evening, I was totally done with the match.... no more energy left...

finally I am free... I an coming Alex...! !  Alex has invited me on birthday of any one classmates at their home.

most of the students goes to these parties for little bit close introduction...

i love to make friends.... after taking bath.. I am ready for going... then I put on perfume....

I knock the door but no one opens... I push it.. it's not closed.. dj on its loud... and everyone is dancing like a crazy monkey.. I finally found Alex, .....hey there.....

vicky right now on his flirting duty... with some girls.

Erick....Meet my new friends, he is senior. Sam, major in aeronautical, Alex said...

  if you need any help just tell me directly..... Sam says with full of warmth. forwarding his hands towards me.

Nice to meet you..... it's my pleasure... I said with shaking hand with him calmly...

wow the man is body builder type.. heaving strong palm muscle and tight hold. what he eats??!!

after some chit chat..... to Sam and other Sam's friends

I asked to alex...by the way... who's birthday today??

hahh... birthday!! ...they all laughed in unison.

there is no one birthday it's just informal fresher party... organized by senior to  fun among juniors

oh it means.. you tricked me... hold on Alex !! you owe me this. suddenly I felt someone hands around my chest... I spun behind there is a girl standing with nasty smile on her face..

Ahh.!!  I forget something to do...after  saying this Alex sneaked in a second.

Let's enjoy your night boy.. Sam said with teasing and he went away. with his gang.

Now how to handle this awkward situation...

he..hello.... I said nervously. she smiled and raises her arms around my neck.. and then bringing her face an inch before my nose.... now I can feel her breathe easily.

ohh no....what is she's up to..?  No lady I don't want it.. Just Stop... she is going to kiss me... not a good idea...

sorry.... lady!! I have to go washroom... I said and run like a hell from there.


I bumped into someone...

oh so sorry.. I can't see... y.. you.... isn't she same golden eye girl at basketball court...... oh not here.... again..

she looks unconscious and fainted.

hey !! are you okay.! ... I said while holding her.

shh..!! don'...t ...as...k ....m..eh... . it's happening.... she's doing....she going to kill you.... she said with teary eyes..

I think you too much drunk... better is ... you go home! I said to her, but she didn't answer but she holding me tightly... I don't mind... unlike the previous girl... her touch didn't irritates me...

I grab her ... and then carry her in princess style... and carefully take her to one of the room of that house.

then I bring some water in glass.. and sprint some droplets on her face.

may be... it help.!!  after a second, she gradually open her eyes....

thank God!!  you are alive... I said start leaving, she grabbed my wrist .

I turned behind she says... Don't stay like that. .....Don't.... waste time......ERICK .. you idiot.....you will die... soon.... !!

you are the great guardian.... she's after us.... please I am begging you !

and then she fainted.

What is she saying? She's after me........ Is she knows what she's speaking..?  who's after me.....?

whatever....I sit besides her.... waiting till she comes in full consciousness...... her words pondering in my mind....

you are the great guardian!!!!!!

I think it's just her unconscious mind playing with her... I said to myself.

Maybe she heard me.

She grabbed my palm.. .....and intertwined her fingers.. with mine.  I can't understand, what is actually happening.

But something freakingly shaking me from top to bottom... but she holds hands tightly.

And then... some blurry flashback.. with the speed of second running in my mind...... it's too dreadful pain... owwww.... too much.... irresistible pain through out my body.

Third person pov

Far far away ... in the underworld.... destructive mind operating something cruel.

My lady we have made arrangements.... just order us.!! ...a

young lady wearing dark uniform said while bowing her head before ,a dangerous hidious looking,  middle aged woman.. sitting on throne , and area full of poisonous snakes..... even that black queen also wearing living snakes..

just do it as I said.... she said with confident look and smirk on he.. and Stella.

haha  ..... haa.. haa.... haaa.. haa... a loud voice of laughter filled the silent cave in horrible scene.

this is the beginning..... ...... ...she completes her sentence.... of the end .... ..

hi... haahaa.... hiii... haha... .


Two days after the college first day

Once upon there was a kingdom, ruled by mighty king with his seven most beautiful and powerful queens. Each queen were individually different from one and another,and belongs to specific species, and that's make them special.

Seven queens were - Fairy.....Vampire.... witch... werewolf..... Shapeshifter..... Mermaid..... and.. the Elf.

Each one were loving and caring to her husband as well as towards the country's people. And they serve for the wellbeing in their own unique way

. The king was most brave and mighty man in whole world at that time, and there was no one in his comparison, whether in terms of management or doing.He shows his loyalty and services in very well mannered,and protect the nation in any circumstances.He always put the interest of people before his desires.That's is the reason everyone loves him very much, despite of knowing he was Human. Yes.... He was human king who ruled over the seven territories with his seven wives, happily, and all the people of seven territories, respect him cordially and fully hearted

They ruled the world around 200 years, Human beings has short life period, but because he was the king, Divine sources blessed him with the power of longivity... ability to stops aging process, thus he remain young and enjoy his life with queens, for year after year....her wives already had this ability.

But, Time  constantly changes.... and then, it happens, which is not expected by any one around the world. Everything goes upside down. King killed his six wives..... and lastly, on regrets he killed himself and dies.

People starts protesting to the ruler and self banished the   kingdom rule. They disappointed by the decision of descendants gaurdians.

No one wants to cooperative and adjusting with other species.... Crimes goes on increasing, each species becomes the enemy of other..

Some other species starts moving towards exitnction.

As there was no protector left for them ,they demand for separation of nation, according to their species, so that each species can live easily without any compromising.

And then, By the time, everyone lives in their own territories, without disturbing anymore.

But the matter of fact is that, why King killed his wives, without any reason, ? Some of the Guardian tries to found the reason, but they unable to discover the truth, either they were dissapeared.. or murdered.

Fairy godmother is this story is true.? .... Angelina asked in confusion and surprisingly.

yes my child..!!!.. it is.... !! Godmother answered calmly.

But what happened to one wife of king who was luckily left..? ....

angelina questioned to godmother.

Well no one knows where she was.... after the death of king ...she's either not seen by anyone.....

But now the time has come.....my dear...when our distributed world needs a true ruler.... true saviour..... and king of the whole world.

it is said in the book of divine source.. that after each 500 years there will a king who ruled the whole world with his power and intellect.....along with his seven different queens from each territories... .

whoaaa.... ha haa... stop it mom....! !  angelina interrupted and starts laughing.

Now today is the world of robots and do you really think we need a ruler or royalty type ridiculous things..?? huh?

and if something like that going to happens then who will welcome the king queen traditions... ...and follow the orders...where, nowadays everyone is his or her own queen...

it will happens my dear.... it will.... ... before she complete her sentence knock on the door heard.

Angela grabs her stole.. and move towards the door as her granny, godmother, is to weak to do properly her daily chores, and needs help. so, angela help her out.

As she opens the door, a young beautiful lady, with her two bodyguard confronts her.... Angelina can sense the dark auro around them, she immediately activates her magical power, not let them know.

But instead of interested in Angelina, she asked permission to meet the godmother, as she make her way to enter the house. Angelina move aside and then lady marching to room where godmother is, leaving both the gaurd outside the house, Angelina follows her.

Welcome!! ma. Lady.!! Godmother speaks surprisingly as she look the lady, leaving astonishing anglina.... ....

how can i help you... she gazing the lady with so much expectations.

well.... thanks for your warm welcome.... gucci.... the lady answered while looking at the Angelina at the same time.


You become Beautiful ... little girl. I had seen you just like a peanut. but now you are so young .....that's good..

Now ...

come to the point..... I m here to tell you Gucci.... about...the one.... the protector.. ah...... ..

she stops while looking at Angelina.... and then.. she looks at godmother....

You can go now my dear.... mother says with pleasing look towards Angelina.

okk ....Angelina said and storm out the room.

But the curiosity within is killing her. she put something, ball like,in the room without making them sense. and leave the two ladies gossiping alone.


Angelina pov

it was too much for me , seriously, fairy godmother never mentioned anything about it earlier.. but today on my 18 th birthday, what is all these. and that lady, who's is??

and what so good about her cold lady, that mother at the moment she entered the room,  got excited.

huh... forget it I will find it out... myself, what's into her mind, and when she started hiding things from me?

There is no secrets between us from the day I born, she is everything to me, and never let me feel the absence of parents, and I am orphan. It doesn't matter, she loves me I know, but why she says me to left the room. Am I someone outsider. .....

Too many questions started bursting in my mind.

I then left the room leaving my ball spy there , and I m happy that no one noticed it. now I can know exactly what they are talking about.... the protector thing..... or whatever.... because it gonna record in that magic ball.

Hahaa... hah...

I move to second floor where is my room and starts  remembering how my first  day of college gone.

How I got new human friend?

Will he remember me ?

Will he different from  other humans?

I can't wait.. it.... when the day come....

oh why I suddenly starts thinking about him.

will I tell this to godmother?.

I am on my imagination world.... suddenly I heard loud voice from my mother room...

I flipped from the bed and hurriedly run downstairs......

while running I see in the window...the red light floating merging on the sky  ...that cold lady vanishing with the bodyguards on the sky in the red light.

what is this?

I fastly opened the door of my mother room...


it can't be happened..

and what I see... unable to see......

My Only left Mother.... The Godmother of all fairies..... She's is gone.... forever.... from this world... leaving me alone.....

I can't bear it....

all the superior fairies  around the territory rushing towards her some holding me.... I started falling.... this can't be done.... it's that lady... she's is the killer.

she is the killer... why I left mom alone with her, I earlier sensed her bad intentions. Why....??I am the culprit....PUNISH ME.....I am shouting.. loudly... No one listen to me....

please make her alive... I am begging to each fairy..... she look to me with pity in their eyes... they comforting me.

But I am begging


I am crying and weeping.... my vision became blurry...... and I fainted and I felt any fairy holds me before I fall to ground., and darkness took me into its world.


It has been two days past but investigation committee, didn't find any clue of murderers. Our house sealed, and no one is allowed to enter without any relevant reason, including me.

I have only few things with me, staying in one of the nomard shelter specially prepared for homeless fairies. and, totally forbidden to left the city, as the probing to be done with me.

From that day i can't sleep and eat properly, I hadn't taken bath, my clothes are totally messed, and dirty. And no one can imagine how many volcano blast within me on that night.

So many questions in my mind, running at the same time and my senses fully collapsed...i don't feel...the place where I am, who is around me.

Suddenly I remember the magic  ball, that I intentionally thrown in the room to record conversation between them.

Yess.... I can find you on my own..... I said to myself.

so the first thing is to grab that ball from house . yess... I have to go there.

Thankfully I have my invisible shrug ..,without it I will be hard to get what I want. reason is all fairies can sense each other invisible ability so, I covered myself.... and consequently, I  am invisible now. I head to home...


After an hour, I am standing right before my home. How can I forgot the days I spent there?

Flash back memories starts running...Godmother and me....in the courtyard playing hide and seek...., she floating me in the air,..... at night on the bed she's telling me stories and kissing my forehead........

and then, that cursed night recall automatically... and tears starts floating over my cheeks.

I control my emotions, with determination to bring back that lady to everyone and, put her, in the most terrifying prison of  hell, where her each day she beg mercy of death, even then she didn't get it. of course ,our prison is most terrible place in whole world. where, culprit want to die before get enter there, because if you are there, then you are not existed for others, but your each day pass more suffering than as painful as death.

And because of that, so many fairies who takes black as magic for Harassing the other creatures never come back once they caught and put in there.

As I entered the accident zone, the deadly scene of godmother emmerged, and I promised myself and to my mother that I will take your revenge. Without wasting any second, I starting searching the ball where I put, but, I didn't find it there. God....it will not taken by investigation


I have searched the whole room, even all the rooms in my house from kitchen to rooftop, basement, where did it go.?

I am totally done.. now, I not get the ball...Even a small ball I can't able to find, how can I beat that murdered lady... I sat on the sofa, folding my knees to chest and putting my head over it, and starts weeping, in low tone........, right there are no one, and everyone was doing the rituals of death ceremony, I am not there because they thought I am zinx for godmother

I think you are searching this!!

a voice from no where I heard.. and I jump off the seat.

wh..o..? who's there?.....

I say hesitantly

um.. mmm.. well I am not intended to scare you but... right now I am on duty.......

A man in uniform of sheriff emerged from the dark arena


Hello.... my name.. is Shawn........

he said raising his hand towards me. He looks young somewhat of my age, tall, perfectly bulid muscle, of course, he is in investigation department, ...

Wait what..? you can .?...How .Can you see me? ... I said with gasping.

of course..........he chuckle...why are you asking?....

Are you ghost? . he said while smiling at my stupid looking face.

No...... but... .... how can. yo... before i complete my word..,I see my blanket is on the floor, I dropped it while searching the ball.

yess the ball.. I see that man holding my magic ball and looking at me suspiciously.

That is mine............I said confidently and move towards to reach there,i raise my hand to grab the ball from him. but before i take it, he raise his arms above and I bumped into his chest. and, smashed my face.

Hold on..... girl... why the rush?... I already told you I am on the duty... how can I let you take this thing? ....

he said

He is saying the truth. The house under investigation not let any family members to sneak a peek... and I am the adopted child of godmother.

Seriously.....that's my house I can do anything here. I can take whatever I want.. .......you are not the boss.

I said while reaching  high with my toes.,as much as possible,

He put the ball in his pants pocket. And looks to me with furrowed eyes.

I am not here to explain my duties to you, but, I can tell you the direction of exit, because you are ruining my work,

Now it's too late, better you leave from here, little girl!!

by saying this he move to the room where incident occurred.

what little girl? what he thinks of himself?

if I am little girl, then who is he? .......... I am cursing myself, why I drops the invisible blanket.

Ooo God....... how can I solve this problematic person?

Hey listen!! .... just give me ball I promise you that I leave.

I said.

He stopped and said while turning his head..

If you want me to gave that thing,  then stay quiet and don't disturb me .


It's been two hours pass but the man never say a word to me after this, and it seems like he totally forgot that I am also here. He is busy in collecting each and every minor details of the scene.

I am tiring of staring him for long two hours and I yawn...

what the hell....sigh...

He stopped. and, stand up looking me and started move towards me.

I also want to be actively stand , but I can't able to move, my eyes seems sleepy, after that day today my body feels relaxed, maybe I am in my house, that maybe the reason , or whatever, but I feel safe and secure. I closed my eyes reluctantly.

At the same time I feel some one hold me in arms and walking, I don't want to open my eyes but I tried to peek a little, I saw that sheriff boy, seems so pretty from this close look. without thinking where he is taking me, I closed my eyes.

It's so relaxing and soothing. I am feeling so blissful like there is nothing left .....no worries.....only. satisfaction.... everywhere........

wait.... where am I??

I am on the large bed in king sized room. Painted with caramel color, two big window on both sides.

where am I ?  I spun the sheet over me. and I am dressed with new clothes,who gonna do this? I walk  towards the door right I front, as I place my palm over door knob, I felt vibration from other side, it means someone opening it.

I take few steps backwards, and be alert.

You wake up...looked so surprised... hmm??

that sheriff boy in his casual sweat shirt holding a tray entered the room ., and closed the door behind his back.

I.... I.... yaaa.. h..... ... I said while not making eyes contact... I am still confused.

Look....I bring some break fast for you....... Eat it... before you collapsed again

he said it while placing it on one side of table in room.

you bring me here? ... and you are one who changed my clothes

I said while staring at him.,Angerily....

well... yes... I bring you here.. but, not the one who changed your clothes..

he said nervously and rubbing the back of his neck, but not looking at me.

For more than 2 minutes we didn't speak anything,

Now I have to break this awkward moment .

okk.. then thank you for being so kind to me.

taking break fast... it will to much for me,

now please you give me that ball , it is  important to me, please if you really want me to help me please give it to me.

He looks sad after listening this...he move away and open the drawer and take out the ball and give it to me.

Woahh.... you gave it to me so easily. why don't you give it earlier. I said it sparking eyes.

Actually, I want to give it to you tomorrow, but I want to know what so special in this ball. he said

what's is in??

why did you want it?

I tried too....hard ..almost 4 days to bring out some evidence from it.

he said while looking at me with curiosity.

Hah.. haa..... I laughed at him.

it been so long that I laughed .

well being a fairy., you don't know it's locked, and only be unlocked by the one who locked it......

I said it with amusement.

I know. it.....

but I don't know who locked it.

but tomorrow ,when you came under it's range,because of it.. ..... ball starts glowing....

then I know this belongs to you.

if you don't mind, I also wants to help you. I know everything, means what is really happened there, I can sensed how much pain you suffered.

Godmother was everything to me. she had done too much for me and my family....and, for her sake I want to help you... for taking revenge.

it will be better be two, than one... what do you think??

A little light of hope lit up in my heart.. after listening his words.

I hugged him happily.



Now we are two against her, I am so happy, yes we now opening  the magic ball

WE both sit on the bed and I opened the ball... ....................


  with the spark of golden  light it starting showing virtual images of whatever happens at that time there, the shawn..room...is exactly  become my godmother room and we are sitting there, scene created...my godmother sitting in front of that damn bitch...... and conversation starts.....

mi lady, now you can make your self comfortable.... Godmother said.

of course Gucci.......!!!!!  well I have found the choosen  one

... all I have to do , and the reason I am here because I want your help..... so you help me.

Sure...  tell me.... I will... if it is in my hand.... I will....!! Godmother said assuring her.

You have to give me the DIVINE GLASS HEART... she answered.

THE DIVINE GLASS HEART... godmother shockingly stand up... she looks serious and alert.

she creating some  magical  structure  behind her back, without that lady notice.

but first you have to tell me....who is he?  who is the choosen one.......the protector of all creatures........ Godmother answered seriously.

Yess.... why not..... I show you... she says happily, and she created the 3 D image of A Boy..... that's looks familiar..

He is the choosen one......ERIC... ...the Human boy.

The one with the pure heart among all the living creature      in this era.

He is orphan and I don't know anything about us, and his true super power,

He never hurt anyone during his lifetime, and since the day of birth I have taken various tests which he verify it, without any doubts.

And last but not least, you have to look at his heart, ....... she magnifies the screen and Eric barechest  display something blue and white light emiting.....flower like glowing thing, which twinkling with the pace of heart beat... under his skin.....

( as this can only be seen with fairies eyes) .

THE GLASS FLOWER... godmother said surprisingly

Yes.... it... is.... !!!The Most Powerful..... Divine Flower.... and with  having this ,any one, can rule over the seven territories..

Haa haa..... she started laughing loudly.

And why did you want ..... Our Ancestors Glass flower..... we keep it from centuries till that day, when we found the choosen one... so that... .........

yaar yaa.......   . so that you can merge the power of this divine flower in his glass flower heart............ the lady completes godmother sentence.

NO........ not this time.... it would never happened.....

i will not let any weakling creature to rule over us...

It's our ritual..... you can't go against the decision Of Divine sources. godmother answered

But I willl..... I will.....

How can you do that??

.. you see how I kill that damn human with the help of  excessive power of Divine glass flower..with us.... before the flower with in him, bloom, before it reap I cut out it from his heart and .......


You are not Daina..... ??

who are you??? .....

before godmother do anything.

that lady forward her wand pointing towards her......a explosive dark black and red light.....emitted and ...godmother ...she fell on the floor........

the lady flawless  floats in the air and with the lightning speed disappear from there...

Tears all over my face...my heart is burning.........if I was there it never gonna to happen.......it is hard for me to see the scene but I have to.... I have to find the... reason and truth behind the lady.....

Shawn put his hand over my shoulder for comforting me.

Look ....godmother is pointing to something... .......

Shawn  said with curiosity...

.while laying.... on the ground..... when there is no one there.... Does she knows about my magic ball??

ooh godmother ...I missing you... You know I put the ball there... you was such a clever lady...

what she wants to show? I asked while looking at Shawn.

maybe.... about the glass flower... he answered.

I am not sure but with my experience she wants to tell ....to protect something.

Yess .....the THE DIVINE GLASS FLOWER..... .


Angelina POV.....

After going through all this.....I still don't know who was that lady. But still I know... lot of information about which I never thought I'd be known.

She is a witch.... and she going to kill ....

The ERICK,.........and taking out his heart ,so that there's no one the protector,and, she will lead the whole world. with having the power of pure heart.


he is the prospective leader, I can't imagine that. it this really going to happen??.

I still on my thoughts...

Hey... angelina, I found out that book of divine sources... Shawn said and bringing out of my thoughts.

We have decided to take any further steps we must have the full knowledge of our ancestors history. and the saying of divine sources. But because the time is short, at the same time, we have to save ERICk life , from that bitch.

Stella  POV......

I can't imagine my warning Angelina took so seriously, that she don't even come to college from that day,

I am happy, but sometimes I feel guilty about my selfish intentions. She didn't do anything wrong, and I have said such bad words to her, because she's fairy, she dare not to hurt me, verbal and non verbally, but I badly felt wrong for her.

I need to apologize to her............i can't take it anymore...       .. I decided

it's been a week and she didn't come to college,

I have to go at her home, fairy land.

I run to forest alone,in the direction of fairy land in my wolf form, as it makes me faster . I block the mind link from anyone, other wise they stops me for doing so. As the moment I entered in the boundaries of fairy land, I have never seen such a beautiful and soothing scene before me.

As I headed to the gate, I felt rustling of bushes behind me, I turned back. some thing hit my head hardly. I fell on the ground, and at same moment something is injecting in me.....and I collapsed there.


I hope she woke up after this, but this will not help for long run she has to keep up....... I

I heard a male voice.

Are you okay?? .... a sweet familiar voice strike...

I opened my eyes, then I see Angelina and a man sitting beside me .

I feel numbness.... .... pain....... suffocation........ I hardly able to speak words..

Easy.... easy....!! Don't speak.... Angelina grabbed my hands tightly. and, then she told me some one injected wolfsbane in me.

(wolf banes is a seeds used to stop the werewolf ability, make them unconscious, and high amount can even take life)

What?  But why?? Am I going to die now?

why anyone wants to kill me?

i am in such state still make to express my anger.

No.. no..... you will not die..... Shawn had already gave you antidote of banes, at right time. You will be okay, but it will takes time... but your power stops working until then

Angelina assuring me.

Damn ....my teleportation stops working, other wise, I have sent the message to others...I thinking...

Who  do this to me.?. I question to them.


Angelina POV.....

We read all the details of Divine sources. and power of Glass flower, which is surprisingly amazing.

Now we know why is she after that flower, because it is kept in high security of seven territory, where only the chief of all species, are allowed to enter. and no one else.

And they have to pass through the purity waterfalls, and, that waterfall would be passed by the only one ,who's pure by his / her intentions.

And if person is found manipulative, then he would automatically transferred to the,,,,ASKBANN,,, the top most prison of seven territories....., yess... I never heard of this prison before... ........

even the godmother didn't mentioned it.

So, the matter of fact is that she can't take dream of taking our ancestors DIVINE GLASS FLOWER  , but she can kill ERICK, of course he is in danger,

We left the Shawn home as quickly as can,and flying towards the human world. Shawn and I saw near the boundaries something weird thing is happening, which is not clear from up above

we move downward slowly, and I saw STELLA ,in the werewolf,form , lying on the ground screaming in pain .

I hastily run towards her , she is turning back in human form. I put some clothes over her with magic,

As Shawn arrived, he said her life is in danger, she has taken or maybe some one deceivly give her wolfsbane.

It's hard to see some one in so much pain. I and Shawn quickly prepared antidote and put into her body...

I pray to Lord..... please help her ... Please....

After some minutes she opened her eyes...

so thankful to God

.... Now she is out of danger......

Now the question arise.....

But who wants to kill Stella??

Stella POV......

I also asking this to me.... Stella.... Angelina replayed sadly

But why are you here?? she asked

ohh.. yes.... I come here to say sorry to you for that day., ... I said to her with pleasing look

I was so mean at that time, and thought of myself. only........

It's okay... I never mind it.... she interrupted me.

you are coming to me for apologize..... that's show how kind of you..... you are not mean at all. it's that only mate things that make you go possessive over ERICK.

What?? Stella is Erick's mate.... Shawn asked surprisingly.

yess.......we both answered together.

then it's had to be happened....  .. he said

we both shocking at his words.

Stella is Erick's mate,...it means she is prospective queen... or you can say she is holding a part of kings soul....

seventh   part of Erick soul... as per the saying....., each queen hold a part of soul of king within her,

it is very helpful as if sometimes king remain Offgaurd, no one can kill him easily..... as the part of his soul distributed between her wives....

Do you Know what it means.. Angelina ...he said.

Yes you are right.!!!  brilliant!!! Angelina happily praising  her.

what are you two babbling about?? I asked in depreesing mood.

You have to save ERICk now!!  we make clear it to you  later..... but you have to rush. now.... hurry up...

A witch is after you and your king..... save him for you and for our future.... He is our Future king... our protector.

What she's saying... I can't understand but I have to believe her because She is Saying Erick life is in danger.

But because you are too weak, I am giving you shield of Angels...my personal peotective layer. You just have to interlinked hands with ERICk, than no one can hurt you two..

.... she added ... and gave some thing shinning in my hand

.... Okay..... and with in a minute I dissapered in forest..


Stella POV....

I run as fast as I can.... my body is totally sore,even in my human form I am fast runner...that's good point. I am thankful to Angelina, and also shameful to my behavior towards her...

she saved my life,      

Right now in my mind is to save ERICk life..... so I am keep increasing my pace, but, it had enough on me, until antidote fully absorb by my body, I have to bear the effect of poison of bane.

Thank god...

I got my sniffing power firstly.. it will help ful in searching him... and make a protective layer around him.

He is in the party..... I have to go there.... I entered in house. It's hard for me to breathe properly.

too noisy..... ..

I could barely stand on my feet..... suddenly I bumped onto someone, and it smells like a mate...

ERICk..... I found him.... finally.....

I told him everything.. why he is not taking it seriously?

what should I do?

I am unable to stand anymore.

I felt he is holding me in his arms... and taking me somewhere...

He put me on the bed, I am feeling some negative forces approaching towards us. ... I quickly grabbed ERICk hands and intertwined fingers together.....

Angelina POV

It means she try to kill  queen of each species, I said

yes.... and , before the flower in him bloosm, Shawn answered me.

Because once it Will blooms, the divine power start taking over him......he will unstoppable.......then he gonna protect the whole world..... until then we all need to protect him

We are heading to SSF.. Secret Security Force..... as we know many of the hidden secrets.

Do you think they will help us?? I asked Shawn.

I think so.....

but at least they will aware about the arrival of protector, and it will make ...... other species to face the reality...

he added.

Shawn thank you for everything.... from the day I met you helping me..... like a guardian.... I said

It's for godmother..... I helping you to take the revenge for godmother....... he answered me hasitently.

..x.............x. .................. .x............x

Here book - one completed,

in this book we met the lives of fairies and werewolves.....

Next book... you may probable to meet the creatures of other species.....along with  how ERICk go through the struggle, adventure, mysteries of different World.

How he can become the ruler of seven dynasty?

How ERICk and his friend unveil the Secret of witch?

Thanks for reading... stay tuned... safe and healthy.