
The horrific

One year later~

After the storm had passed the people slowly started to get back to the town and repair what they had already lost. In about a year everything was back to normal the people were actually happy that now for atleast two years they will not have to run from here. The place which was earlier a port was now a place for children to play and have fun. Even though only one year had passed but things surely changed. The old port was one of the favourite spot for everyone. With the sea facing area, everyone loved to spend time their. Everything was good now except for one thing the Peach tree that was a fully grown one. The children loved to eat its fruits but the only problem was their mothers. Everyone thought it was horrific that the peach tree which was not even there a year ago is now fully grow with green leaves and so many juicy peaches. It was like a mystery that every one wanted to solve but they couldn't.

The summers had started and it was really hot. One day a girl in her teens came near the port. She was carrying a large number of pamphlets. She was sweating and thought to rest a bit. She saw the peach tree and thought that she could take rest under it. As soon as she got under it's shade she felt a different kind of relief. Even though it was too warm outside, under the peach tree it felt like mild winters. She was amazed. She closed her eyes when suddenly she heard a sound saying "Enjoying ", she was shocked. She quickly got up from where she was sitting and started looking around. She wasn't even sure who she was looking for. Maybe it was just her, maybe there was no one. After standing there and looking around for a while, she again went near the tree. This time she saw that one of the branches of the tree was a little down and looked like it was forming a bench.

Then the same voice again spoke " Come sit here". The voice was really sweet and it could make anyone stop and wonder if a voice like this ever existed. It was so melodious and the person hearing it felt at peace.

Even though she felt a little scared after hearing the tree speak but her heart wanted her to spend time there. As she sat down on the branch, for the first time she realised how leafy, green and soft it is. She felt really comfortable. After some time the tree asked again " What do you do", and the girl said I'm and student at an arts college and these pamphlets I'm working part time to earn money. The tree just hummed. After talking for some time the girl got up and said goodbye to the tree. As she moved a few steps away