
The Space in our Heart

Can a heart broken to pieces and mended back together again and again hold on much longer? With his words in her ear playing again and again like a broken record in repeat. "I don't love you anymore, I love your sister. I'm sorry." How can she futher fight when it's obvious that the battle's already lost.

Matsumono_jun · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 :: ma soeur répugnante.

The Space in our Hearts

Chapter 7

"Quelle beauté."

How would I describe this? I can hear my heart , slow but loud in my ears. Every beat hushing the crowds chatter. When his palm brushed against my shoulder, it's heat lingers like warm sun rays of summer. I shuddered.

"What?" That came out too quiet, did he even heard me? I blinked again but he already pulled us upright, the place where his hands were feel void as he let me go. The warmth and security he provided within such a short time was ridiculous. How could he shake my whole being in seconds.

With a sigh, I blinked my eyes in attempt to clear my mind. What am I doing? Clutching my chest I shaked my head. "Thank you."

I managed to muster, to which he gave me a curt nod. His set of dark onyx staring me down, but I don't feel small at all. Why? Why can't my heart stop fluttering? There something wrong with me, I should be worrying about my child.

With that I pressed my palm on top of my belly, are you alright there, my love? Please be. I don't know what I'll do if something goes wrong with my child.

"Jade! Mija are you alright?" My mom's rushing voice and sudden tug on my arm into a hug snapped me back to reality. Oh... Right.

"No, Mom. I'm not."

"Why are you hurt somewhere?" Gently, she began to check my arms , but I shaked my head, giving her a small reassuring smile.

" I am not hurt physically mom, someone had caught me before I fell—" when I turned to where that guy was standing before, he was gone. Weird , so I shaked my head. Sighing.

" I don't think the engagement—"

"Jade!" Zion, striding down towards our direction with a face twisted with frustration and worry, cut my sentence short. It made my stomach churn and my mouth vile. What else does he want?

"Mijo, there you are, you should be with you fiancee greetings guests." My mom scolded him causing him to stiff and stare down at me. I shuddered a chill. This feels disgusting compared to him.

"Mom." I held my mom's arm, stopping her as I stared down at Zion. And just in time my dad and sister, came.

"What is this commotion about, Jade?!" My Father's booming voice was enough to make me jump out of my shoes but I stayed still. My gaze never breaking. With clenched fists I stepped forward, taking a lung full of air. Then again till I reached him.

He stood there, gazing at me puzzled but carefully watching what I'd do next. I didn't back out, never again I'd do that.

"What promise did you tell me again when you proposed, Zion?"

I asked, and he didn't answer. But can clearly see how he glanced over my shoulder where my parents are , as well as my sister. But It is obvious where he's aiming at. Chuckling darkly I shaked my head, bitting the side of my lips in attempt to stop laughing.

"You know both of you, are so good in acting. You got everyone in here stupidly dancing on the palm of your hands." I laughed My voice, low.

While I may be smiling, my eyes stared sharp, glaring. My face reddening as I struggled to hold myself back and not seem ridiculous.

"Jade, what are you saying? What happened?." Jane, came with a worried look on her face, walking up to us and embracing one of her hands around my arm, while the other glided gently on my back. Woah, who deserved the Grammy awards again? I smiled, glancing towards her and leaning my head against her shoulder. Jane...

"I know what you both did." I whispered and she stiffened. My smile grown wider and I hugged her tight. "Thank you thought, now I get to realize how disgusting both of you are."

She didn't do anything for a second, but her hands stayed the same. Finally kissing the top of my head— sweetly—so tender I can almost feel my face scrunching in disgust.

"Oh my poor sister, he was bored!. And I am here, the kind  and lovely Jane to get him out of that." She whispered back, and it is my time to froze. What the hell is she saying?!

"What?." This gotta be a joke.

"What I am saying is, we are sisters." She chuckles."What's yours is mine, and just like any other thing, the youngest always gets what she wants."

this may be may last update for this month or smth lol. I won't be updating for a while, I've used up all my drafts but thank you for reading I hope you guys are enjoying it ^^

Matsumono_juncreators' thoughts