
The Sovereign of the Dragons

Young omega Naruto Uzumaki is to be married to the future king of the Uchiha clan. His destiny as Itachi Uchiha's bride is set in stone until one day fate intervenes and makes him fall in love with someone else. Follow Naruto as he tries to navigate his tumultuous love life all while rising to power to become one of the strongest sovereigns the Uchiha clan has ever seen.

daniel99 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 15

Naruto was in excruciating pain. The pressure in his abdomen was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It felt like someone had taken a knife and had repeatedly struck him. There was a sticky wetness between his thighs too. He couldn't make sense of anything. The last thing he remembered was charging at Haku and then running to help Sasuke.

Sasuke! Naruto tried to move as he suddenly remembered his mate. He needed to make sure his alpha was okay. As he attempted to get up he was slammed back down onto his back. He moaned. The harsh action made the pain in his lower stomach throb. He felt like he was tearing open.

"Please stay still, Naruto-sama. I'm extracting your son. Your body is very delicate right now." Orochimaru cautioned. Orochimaru? Naruto was currently giving birth? How had this happened? He still had two months to go!

"Stop, it's too early, don't take him out!" Naruto opened his eyes only to find that they had already been open the whole time. It wasn't until that moment that he realized that he couldn't see. He couldn't see the doctor or his son or his alpha or anything-only darkness. He was blindfolded but why?

"Why can't I see? Where is my son?" As he spoke there was another sharp pain in his abdomen. He felt so much pressure that he cried. "It hurts what's happening to me!?"

"Kabuto, quiet him!" Orochimaru growled. His voice changed, he didn't sound like the calm toned doctor that Naruto had known over the course of his pregnancy. Orochimaru's voice was now filled with anger. He sounded as if he were in a great rush.

Naruto felt clammy hands snake over his mouth. He began to panic, what was happening! Another influx of pain seared in his gut. He lurched off the bed he was on and gritted as he got the overwhelming urge to push.

"Don't do that! I made an incision in your abdomen-you'll tear it!" Orochimaru barked. A few excruciating seconds later Naruto felt his son being taken out of him. The newborns ringing cry filled the room.

Naruto was shaking with how much pain his body was under. Despite the pain he still wanted to hold his son.

"Just as I expected." Orochimaru's voice was soft with awe; "he's encased himself in the peculiar white chakra. He's stronger than even I expected."

"Orochimaru-san, look-the other's encased itself in red chak-"

"Kabuto, quiet yourself!" Orochimaru hissed.

Naruto was in so much pain he couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't hear anything around him. He felt so lightheaded and dizzy. Had he lost too much blood? That was stickiness between his thighs. This was dangerous; he knew that omegas could die from blood loss during birthing. That mostly happened to older omegas that no longer had the chakra stored in their seal to help heal them during the process. Naruto had had barely any chakra left he didn't want to waste it now but he if he didn't he was going to die. The pain was escalating with each second that passed by. He bit the hand over his mouth and let out a piercing scream. Where was Sasuke? What was Orochimaru doing? And why did he still feel the need to push? His son was out already! Nothing made sense!

He screamed again as another wave of pain wreaked havoc through his body. Orochimaru hissed out a command to Kabuto. Naruto could make out the word 'sedative' but everything else was jumbled but then he heard another cry. It was much more subdued than the other cry but it was definitely the sound of another baby. "My babies." Naruto murmured, "give them to me." As soon as he asked he felt a prick in the base of his neck and then his body grew heavy. His last conscious thoughts were of his children and alpha.

"This is bullshit I should be in there!" Sasuke roared. He could feel his bond with Naruto wavering. His love was dangerously fading in and out of consciousness. Every time Naruto dipped too low it made his own mating mark ache. Like it was losing its connection and fading away.

"You heard the doctor. For Naruto's safety Orochimaru can't have anyone else in the room with him."

When they had brought Naruto to Orochimaru he had said that due to the amount of chakra Naruto had released his seal had almost broken. It was so fragile that Naruto was in critical condition. No one could be in the room while Orochimaru tried to simultaneously mend Naruto's seal while also delivering the baby.

"Listen to him he fucking needs me!" Sasuke cursed.

"Just wait until Orochimaru says it's okay for you to go in." Itachi was on edge too. He didn't have a special bond with Naruto to tell him how much the blonde was suffering but he could hear it. They could both hear Naruto's screaming. He was yelling so loud that you could hear his pain filled screams even thorough the thick walls.

"I can't-I need to go to him!" Sasuke pounded on the door. It was agony to hear his love suffer and not be able to do anything about it.

Itachi apprehended Sasuke. He grabbed Sasuke's shoulders and pulled him away from the door. "You need to be strong right now! For both you and Naruto! If you go in there you'll be jeopardizing his life!"

"I know that but you don't understand-it's fucking torture having to listen to him!"

"I do understand. I love him too." Itachi was just affected but he knew he could never truly feel what Sasuke was feeling. He didn't have that bond with Naruto like his brother did. Their bond was strong, not even his mangekyo could make Naruto forget about it. His brother was probably suffering just as much as Naruto was right now.

"Where is he?" Kushina came barreling down the hallway with her husband, mother, and Deidara in tow. The blonde had gone to fetch Naruto's parents as soon as he oversaw that Naruto was delivered to Orochimaru. Fugaku and Mikoto were a distance behind. The old Uchiha king didn't run for anybody or anything and Mikoto as his submissive had to keep her dominants pace. She was just as worried as Kushina though.

"He's currently being operated on." Itachi spoke for Sasuke. His brother couldn't focus on anything but the sounds of Naruto's screams.

"Why aren't you in there with him!" Minato was furious at Sasuke but his anger was muddled with worry for his son.

"He's not allowed. Naruto's seal was severely damaged. He used almost all of his stored chakra on Sasuke." Itachi explained again.

"On Sasuke? That chakra isn't for an alpha it's specifically for Naruto! If his seal almost broke then he barely has any chakra left he's going to suffer!" Kushina was in disbelief. This was her son's first pregnancy and now he could never have another child again without risking his own life just because of Sasuke! Her poor, poor baby.

"Don't yell at him auntie. It wasn't Itachi-san's fault." Deidara cut in. He didn't like his aunt directing her misplaced anger at Itachi. The alpha had done many bad things but this was not one of them.

"I know it isn't. Its Sasuke's fault! And to think I actually begun to like you!" Kushina stared Sasuke down but the alpha wasn't even paying attention to her. His eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched as Itachi held a restraining hand on his shoulder to keep him in place.

"It isn't Sasuke's fault either. It was inevitable. Sasuke would've died if Naruto didn't use the chakra on him! Orochimaru is trying to repair the seal as we speak!" Deidara was panicking. He had never seen his aunt so lost in emotion. She was strong willed and he had always admired that about her to the point where he emulated her strength but right now she looked as scared as a little girl in a dark room. Lost and hopeless. This situation was much more dire than even Deidara had realized.

"That snake of a man can't mend a seal because he doesn't know the techniques! I should be in there instead of him!" Tsunade boomed. She pounded at the door. "Let me in!"

"You heard what your nephew said. No one is allowed in. If you knock again and jeopardize my grandsons life I will personally have you put in the dungeon." Fugaku simpered. He didn't even care about Naruto's well being so long as his clan heir was fine.

"Don't you dare threaten my mother in law!" Minato growled.

"Should I let her go in the room then and put your precious sons life in danger too?"

"His life is in danger! That quack doctor doesn't know what's he's doing!" Tsunade hollered. "We're wasting time arguing out here!"

As the two families bickered the room door creaked open. Orochimaru stepped out. In his pale arms was a bundle. A bright pink face peered out of the blanket.

"Your son has been delivered safely, Sasuke-sama." Orochimaru held the baby up like a prize.

Sasuke raised his head. His eyes locked on his son. He was crying. His little face was crumpled and his tiny lips trembled as sorrowful cries spilled out of him. He was beautiful. Sasuke wordlessly went over and took his son in his arms. He kissed his baby's forehead. Naruto should've been the first person to hold him. He was the one who had brought him into the world.

"Is my mate okay?"

Orochimaru frowned. "He bleed a lot and I wasn't able to repair his seal-"

"Of course you weren't able to you quack!" Tsunade sniped. "Let me in there so I can personally fix his seal!"

Orochimaru ignored Tsunade, "But the sovereign will be fine. You may all enter. It was a privilege to aid Naruto-sama in birthing the future heir of our clan. I'll be leaving now."

"Where are you going?" Kushina glared. Orochimaru looked like he was in a rush. It was suspicious. A doctor was supposed to stay and oversee their patients.

"I'm giving you all privacy to be with Naruto-sama. I'm going back down to the party." Orochimaru easily replied.

Kushina raised her brow. "You aren't going anywhere-"

"You're excused Orochimaru." Fugaku said dismissively. "The Uzumaki queen has forgotten that this isn't her clan territory. She doesn't have the authority to make demands."

Orochimaru bowed. "Thank you sir." Orochimaru dipped down the hall and out of sight.

"You fool!" Kushina proclaimed heatedly.

"Let's focus on Naruto before starting any fights, honey." Minato calmed his wife; "Our son needs us right now."

Kushina nodded. Her husband was family entered the room. Naruto looked comatose. Orochimaru had barely even cleaned up the blood. It had only been hastily wiped down. His pretty outfit he had flaunted all night in was now dyed red.

"Such a messy doctor he can't even take care of my grandson correctly." Tsuande critiqued.

"My poor little princess." Minato was horrified. There was so much blood and Naruto was so pale he barely had any color.

"He's looks fine." Fugaku said in a bored tone. "I'll be back to see over my grandson shortly. I'm going to go announce that the party has come to an abrupt end." Fugaku calmly exited the room. He truly did not care. Kushina glared at Mikoto. She wanted Fugaku's wife out of the room too but the submissive held her ground. She cared for Naruto. They had had a bond once and their current non-existent relationship could not sway her to not care about his well-being.

Sasuke gritted as a searing pain abruptly enveloped the side of his neck. He raised his hand and touched his mating mark. It burned as if flames were eating at it.

"No!" Kushina cried as she saw Sasuke's mating scar turn black. "No, please no!" Kushina frantically cupped her babies face in her hands.

"What's happening?" Mikoto asked worriedly.

"Sasuke's mating mark turned black which can only mean one thing," Deidara's eyes watered as he looked upon his little cousin's face. The face that he had sworn to protect and had failed, "he's dead."

Naruto woke up what felt like years later. His body didn't feel heavy and there was no more pain. He opened his eyes and to his delight his vision had returned. He blinked rapidly to try and adjust to the influx of light. It was so bright. No matter how many times he blinked his eyes couldn't adjust. He looked around and realized that in the distance he could see the sun and all around him were fluffy clouds. Where was he? Naruto yelled but his scream was as loud as a feather falling onto the ground. It was swallowed by the immense expanse of the sky. Was this the afterlife? He couldn't be dead he needed to get back to his family. Sasuke would die without him!

A bright light suddenly shone down in front of him and in the bright light a figure materialized. Her three white eyes and flowing white hair were instantly recognizable. The sacred mother Kaguya stood before him. Naruto dropped to his knees and bowed. Was this a dream?

"This isn't a dream, my beautiful child." Kaguya's voice echoed as she spoke. Naruto didn't dare look up. He wasn't worthy to be in her presence even if this was a dream.

"I do not tell lies, my dear one. This is not a dream. You are dead and have arrived in my glorious kingdom you mortals call the afterlife."

"I can't be dead! I-I-please! I can't be!" Naruto sobbed. Shock washed over him in an instant and agony settled in its place. To be dead meant he could never again see his loved ones. His parents...his children...his love...gone forever.

"Quiet, my child. It isn't your time yet I don't expect to receive your soul for quite some time still." Kaguya's cold hand caressed Naruto's chin and brought his head up so that their eyes met. Naruto flinched as he made direct eye contact. Kaguya's face was as bright as the moon and her eyes were like sparkling pearls. His eyes were overwhelmed just looking at her. The eternal mother was beauty incarnate. The statues carved in her image did little justice to her true beauty.

"I see all with these eyes of mine. I can see the past present and future. I tried to warn you but the human mind is a very complicated thing. Your trauma was so severe you mistook my warning to be about Itachi. The man I was trying to warn you about is the man who is responsible for your death."

"Orochimaru-san? But he...he wouldn't-" Naruto stopped. "My sons. That was his plan all along wasn't it?" Right before Naruto passed out he heard a second cry. So it had been real! He had had twins! He had gotten what he prayed for but he was dead. He couldn't be happy while knowing he would never see his babies again.

"You will see them again. As I've said I'm sending you back." Kaguya vowed.

"So I will be able to see my children again!"

"You will be able to see only one." Kaguya corrected.

"One? Why one?" Naruto hissed when the reason why dawned on him, "Orochimaru's goal was only to take one? I won't let him have my child! They're both mine!"

"Orochimaru has succeeded in taking your son. There isn't much I can do at this point, I can sway events in ways I want them to be but I cannot physically interven. But you can still do much."


"Yes, but it will be difficult. Your body is weak. Because of that I will give you the gift of repairing your seal and inserting some chakra into it." Kaguya raised her hand and placed it over Naruto's stomach. The lines of his seal glowed white as they shifted into their normal form. "I only gave you enough to heal yourself once you awake. If you desire another child in the future you will not have the aid of your healing chakra."

"Why? Why help me?" This was a miracle why had he been chosen to experience it while other mothers died while giving birth all the time?

"I've heard your prayers, you are deserving of my kindness." Kaguya smiled and the sun in the distance shone a little brighter because of it, "don't think of this as help it's more of a favor. Your two sons shall be my favor in return. They are your children but they are also mine. They carry my will inside them and will do many great things on earth. They can only do that if they have their mother in their lives. If you were to not be there then their paths would be dark and evil. So you see my child I desire for your sons to live up to their potential. I have foreseen their futures and have been with them since their conception. How do you think they were able to produce chakra? It was I who intervened in order to protect your life. I gifted them power and you coupling with Sasuke and mixing your DNA heightened that power. Oh yes they will be strong and you must be strong too."

Naruto was speechless. All he could do was bow over and over again.

"It is time for you to return, sweet child of mine." Kaguya kissed Naruto's forehead. "You will have no memory of this place or the words I've spoken to you once you are back on earth. It us up to you to put the pieces together and save your son." Naruto's eyes fluttered closed and when he opened them he was surrounded by his family.

"He woke up!" Kushina cried.

Naruto looked to his side. Sasuke was sitting beside him holding his hand. His poor alpha had tearstains down his pale cheeks. His handsome face was full of sorrow it tore Naruto's heart in pieces. "Don't cry anymore, my heart. I have come back to you." As Naruto spoke the chakra Kaguya had gifted him enveloped his whole body. The bubbly red chakra was like a second layer crawling over his skin. As it dispersed it repaired Naruto's body. He was just as shocked as everyone else in the room. He didn't know where the chakra had come from. He wasn't aware he had that much left inside his seal.

"I thought you were dead. I almost-"

"Shh, I would never leave you." Naruto squeezed Sasuke's hand. He blinked as he looked around the room. His mother and father looked hopeless. His grandmother was comforting Deidara as Itachi stood quietly beside him. And Mikoto and Fugaku were here too though they were a distance away from everyone else.

"I'm so happy you're alive!" Deidara ran and hugged his cousin. The Uzumaki family joined in one by one until they were all hugging Naruto.

"We recanted a million prayers for you. Grandma tried everything to bring you back but not even she could heal you. It's a miracle." Kushina had cried more than Sasuke. She had just went through a mothers worst nightmare which was her baby dying before her.

"I was going to go on a bloody rampage." Sasuke hadn't let Naruto go. He held Naruto with one hand as he held their sleeping son in his other one. "I would've killed myself and left our son an orphan. The mere thought of leaving our son alone kills me but living without you is unbearable. At least he would've had your parents to watch after him. I'm so relieved it didn't have to come to that."

"I would never leave you." Naruto repeated. He'd say it as many times as it took until his alpha was reassured. "Don't say such a thing. I don't like thinking about Sasuke dead or our son without us in his life." Naruto frowned when he noticed Sasuke's mating scar was blackened over. In a few days it'd completely disappear. His poor alpha had suffered. He'd give him another mating mark and this time their bond would be even stronger. He kissed the burnt over scar as a silent apology.

"You look so much better the colors returned to your cheeks." Minato observed with relief.

Naruto felt better. He hadn't felt like this since before he fell pregnant. He was strong again. He could feel the chakra coursing through his body, buzzing around after being dormant for so long. He stood. His legs wobbled for a second but he quickly regained his balance.

"Give him to me." Naruto opened his arms and Sasuke gingerly placed their sleeping son in his arms. Finally their son was going to the person who should've held him first. "Hello my sweet beautiful baby." Naruto dipped his head and scented his son's soft baby scent. He smelled like a combination of him and Sasuke. Naruto loved it. "I love you so very much." Naruto kissed his sons chubby cheek. He wanted to cover him in kisses. His baby awoke under its mother's ministrations. His eyes cracked open and landed right on his mother. The baby smiled, delighted. Naruto's scent was the most familiar to him out of all the ones he had smelled so far. Even with his limited cognitive thought the baby knew Naruto was its mother.

Naruto gasped. "His eyes they're-!" His son's eyes were a muted red. It was faint but Naruto could see it.

"It's just the lighting. In the shadows they're black just like mine." Sasuke mused. They couldn't explain why but the baby's eyes seemed to appear brighter at times.

"He's perfect." Naruto loosened the blanket so he could see whose hair color his son had inherited. Naruto stared in shock at the little wisps of silver white hair on his son's head. He had never seen such a color where had his son gotten it?

"He has been kissed by Kaguya." Kushina praised. "The last Uzumaki to bear the sacred mothers birthmark was our clans founder king Hagoromo."

"Nonsense. He got that from our Uchiha ancestor Hamura. He was blessed by Kaguya as well." Fugaku declared pompously.

Kushina gritted her teeth but kept her insult at bay.

"I don't care who he got it from I love it." Naruto covered his baby's head again.

"I'm a bit sad, I thought you'd deliver twins." Kushina confessed glumly.

"As did I." Tsunade seconded.

His family's words saddened Naruto. He had thought he'd deliver twins too, until the very end even with all the people who told him it wasn't possible he still thought he'd have them. He had to focus on the positive; at least he had been blessed with one child. He looked back upon his son. He felt a jolt run through his body. He sensed a threat but there were none present. Was he just feeling extra cautious because of his son?

"What's wrong, love?" Sasuke questioned when he noted Naruto's guarded posture. "Are you in pain?"

"No, something's off." Naruto held his son closer. There was definitely something amiss.

"What is it?" Sasuke surveyed the area. He didn't sense or see anything. Naruto's guarded disposition was making him anxious.

"I don't know." Naruto admitted perturbed. He looked back upon his son. This wasn't right. It didn't feel right. His instincts were telling him that he was missing something. Like lighting striking earth his memories struck him. "Orochimaru! He has my baby!" Naruto gasped.

"Our baby is in your arms, love." Sasuke informed in a confused manner. "What are you talking about?"

Naruto rapidly shook his head, "No, I had twins! Orochimaru took one. He's going to get away if we don't stop him!"

"You speak nonsense just like your mother. Sasuke control your submissive for once!" Fugaku commanded. He was tired of the wretched submissive causing scenes. He had been that way since he married Sasuke and now that he had delivered what Fugaku had been eagerly waiting for it was time Naruto be put in his place.

"Can't you feel it?" Naruto urged his alpha, "our baby is calling for his sibling. There is a bond missing and he senses it!"

"Orochimaru was acting suspicious. I knew it!" Kushina voiced.

"Twins aren't possible. Your son has clearly lost his mind!"

"Sasuke please believe me. Our child is missing we need to go find him!"

Sasuke believed Naruto. How could he not? Now that his love mentioned it he did feel something was off. "I'll go find him you stay here and guard our son. He couldn't have gotten far."

"I'll go with you." Itachi announced.

"Me too." Deidara echoed, "If we split up we can find him faster!"

"You're wasting your time."

Sasuke paid no attention to his father. He kissed Naruto and the trio took off.

Twenty minutes had passed. Naruto anxiously paced as the time went by. He should be out there helping to find his baby. He walked up and down the room, his hair swayed behind him each time he turned to walk back in the other direction.

"They will find your other child. Don't worry baby." Kushina cradled her grandson as she spoke. Naruto was too anxious to properly hold his son at the moment. Though he kept casting worried glances at him every time he turned back in their direction as if his son would be taken just like his other one had been. "Why don't you go to your chambers and change in to a pair of clean clothes while we wait?" Naruto was still wearing the clothes he had delivered in. His sparkly ensemble was covered in dry blood.

"They will never find it because it doesn't exist." Fugaku mocked.

"Shut up!" Naruto snapped as he whipped his head and glared at his father in law. "Just shut up with your snide remarks already! No one wants to hear them. Not even your wife! So just shut up!"

Fugaku's eyes grew in size. He had never been so insulted before.

"For your own safety I believe you need to be confined." Fugaku blinked and his eyes turned bright red. "An hour in the dungeon is exactly what you need. It's what I should've done from the very beginning."

"Touch him and I'll end you wear you stand." Minato promised menacingly.

"Your wife can't fight but I can. I'll kill her first then finish you off after my husband is done with you!"

"No, no one is going up die!" Naruto urged for the sake of his son. His first day on earth he should not have to witness a murder even if those people were his insufferable grandparents.

"I'll go."


"Naruto what are you thinking?!" Kushina complained, "You can't!"

"If me going into the dungeon will prevent a fight then that's what I must do." Naruto walked over and gave his sleeping son a kiss. "Mommy loves you." Naruto whispered, "mother take good care of him while I'm gone."

"Why are you doing this you don't have to go!" Kushina pleaded.

"I do." Naruto turned to his father in law, "let's go." He stared passed Fugaku as he walked out the room.

Fugaku was beside himself. That was far easier than he had ever hoped. Minato was a fool but he was a respectful warrior. His techniques were revered as jutsus that would be passed down through the generations. And Kushina, Fugaku loathed admitting it but Kushina was a strong adversary. Fighting them at the same time would've been difficult. And then there was the old queen Tsunade...it was fortunate that Naruto had for once chosen to listen to him.

Fugaku dragged the heavy dungeon door open and pushed Naruto inside. The cellar was dark and cold, it was the last place a new mother should be. Fugaku pulled the gated door back into place. He gloated as he watched Naruto.

"This is where you've always belonged since my son could never tame you I will." Fugaku smirked then left.

A smirk of his own bloomed on Naruto's pink lips. Fugaku was an idiot if he seriously thought he was going to let him self be confined while his other son was out there still in need of being rescued from Orochimaru. The only reason he had volunteered to be put into the dungeon was because it was the perfect way to get out of the room with out incurring his family's protests.

Naruto squared his shoulders and got into a fighting stance. He raised his hand and took a deep breath. He summoned chakra to his hand but his rasengan wouldn't form. Why wouldn't it work? The only possible explanation was that the dungeon had a jutsu casted on it that nullified a person's ability to form chakra within its confines. It made sense since that way the prisoner wouldn't be able to escape by using a jutsu like Naruto was trying to do. He hadn't accounted for this.

There was no time to panic. Every second wasted Orochimaru spent it with his baby. Naruto got back into his fighting stance. He stared down one of the thick bars of the dungeon door. He took a deep breath then delivered a swift kick to the bar. It bent slightly but not much. Naruto cursed. He was wasting time in here! He should've never agreed to be confined but at the time he thought he'd be able to get out easily. Naruto took a breath then tried again and again and again.


A dry laugh sounded from the shadows behind him.

"Who's there?" Naruto whipped around. He had been so focused on escaping he hadn't noticed the presence of the other person in the dungeon with him.

"It'll never break." The voice taunted. "You can rot in here forever with me. It's what you deserve." The speakers face emerged from the shadows. A once beautiful face stared emptily back at him. So this is where Itachi had put Sakura.

"I'm glad Fugaku finally put you where you belong." Sakura laughed again. She was broken. Her dreams of revenge had been thwarted and now she had nothing else to live for. She was just a shell full of hate. It was easy to pity her. When Naruto had first laid eyes on her he had thought she was the most beautiful omega he had ever seen. Her pink hair and pretty green eyes were so rare and her kimono was breathtaking set against her fair complexion. Standing next to Sasuke she held her own. She had left quite the first impression. Seeing her now in this dirty cellar with her pink hair matted, cuts all over her face, and craziness in her eyes it was almost unbelievable that she was the same person from that long ago day. Obsession had consumed her. Killing her would relieve her of her suffering so Naruto chose to not attack her no matter how much he wanted to.

"I'll be leaving this dungeon but you Sakura-you will stay here forever. When my kids have grown and your pretty hair turns white and your skin prickles you will still be here. The only escape you will ever have from this hell hole is when you take your last haggard breath and die."

Sakura screamed. "Just kill me! I don't want to live if I'm going to have to reside in the home where you will get to live with the man you stole from me!"

"A shame for that is exactly what is going to happen."

Sakura's loud scream attracted attention. They heard the sound of people running in their direction. It was Itachi and Deidara. Naruto was bewildered to see them together. They had been searching together all this time?

"Thank the heavens you're here!"

"What are you doing in there?" Itachi hissed at the sight of the submissive he cared for inside the filthy dungeon. He quickly undid the lock and pulled the heavy door open.

"Your father." Naruto had no time to explain. "Have you found the snake?"

"No, we've looked in every room in the east wing. He has hidden himself well."

"You think he's still in the palace?" Naruto hadn't thought of that. He had been envisioning Orochimaru out on the road whisking away.

"He's definitely still in the palace." Itachi assured, "none of the guards have reported seeing him leave. My theory is that he's gathering all his things and plans to escape once more of the guests leave. He can't hide a baby. He believes he has the time to wait it out since he's under the impression that you don't know your other child exists."

It made perfect sense. Orochimaru was still within the palace. It gave Naruto hope that they'd be able to find him. It calmed him a little but he wouldn't be able to be fully calm down until he was holding his baby in his arms.

"Dei, you go back to the room with my mother. She has my son but she's emotionally compromised right now. Go watch over him and make sure no harm comes to him. Tell my family I'm not in the dungeon any longer, now I'm looking for Orochimaru. If they try to come and get me stop them."

Deidara nodded and took off.

"Itachi-san I need you to continue looking in the rooms down here. It's dark and quiet so there's a high chance he's hidden him self here in the darkness."

"What about you?" Itachi asked.

"I'm going to check the second floor. There's so many rooms so it's easy to hide."

"Take care of yourself."

"You too." Naruto meant it. Itachi was strong but he didn't want any harm to come to the alpha and besides he had a feeling his cousin would yell at him if the alpha got wounded on his behalf again. "If you run into Sasuke please tell him I'm on the second floor."

"I should go with you. If you find Orochimaru he could hurt you!"

Naruto shook his head; even after witnessing him slice Haku into two with his rasengan Itachi was still worried about him. "Thank you Itachi-san but I'm full powered right now. I don't need protection. It's Orochimaru who's going to need it once I find him."

"Promise me you'll be careful. When you died my brother lost it. I've never seen him like that. I don't ever want to see it again. He's already suffered a lot because of me. Your death would be the torture that'll lead him to an early death."

"I will never leave him again. That I promise you." Naruto assured. He didn't plan on dying again today the only person who would die was the man who had dared to take his child.

They exchanged a glance then Itachi continued his path down the darkened hall.

"You'll never find him." Sakura cackled at Naruto as he walked in the other direction. "He's long gone! Long gone! Long gone! You'll never see him again! It's payment for the son you took from me! Karma! Karma! Karma!"

Naruto ignored Sakura's taunting. He was going to find his baby and the words of a woman descending into insanity would not persuade him otherwise.

Naruto ran through each room. He threw every single door open and scanned for Orochimaru. He cursed underneath his breath as room after room turned up nothing. As he slammed the room door closed he caught a whiff of something. Fragrant-soft...he had smelled it before. It was the same scent of his son! He threw the door back open and ran into the room. His eyes darted around crazily and then he spotted his child. Wide awake resting in a cradle.

"My sweet baby mommy is here." Naruto ran to the crib. His baby was in one piece. His dark blue eyes twinkled when they landed on Naruto. "You missed me didn't you my love?" Naruto went to pick up his son but then the sound of hissing sounded out. A white snake was twined around the head of the cradle. It hissed again and it's tail rattled.

"If you try to touch the child again I will command my pet to strike you. The venom will kill you in seconds." Orochimaru came out of the shadows. Kabuto was by his side.

Naruto quickly made two rasengans and threw them at Orochimaru. The unthinkable happened. Quiet and unassuming Kabuto stepped into the line of fire and absorbed both of the rasengans. The rasengans obliterated the internal contents of his stomach and made them explode out of him in a gory spew of guts and blood. Blood sputtered out of Kabuto's mouth as he fell face forward to the ground. He was no match for the power Naruto wielded.

Orochimaru tsked his tongue, "a surprise attack is really beneath you. But I suppose I should thank you. You saved me the trouble of having to kill him myself. He would've been dead weight once we hit the road. Now that he's served his purpose he's useless to me."

"Give me back my son!" Naruto roared. He threw another rasengan but Orochimaru easily dodged it. "I'm afraid I won't be as easy to kill."

Naruto growled. "Why! I trusted you why are you doing this to me!?" He never foresaw this type of betrayal. He could make sense of Sakura's, Haku's, and Neji's hatred for him but Orochimaru? The man had been nothing short of pleasant to him since the day they met. He could think of no reason why Orochimaru would hurt him like this?

"Isn't it obvious? Your children are exceptional. I've always wanted to own that type of power. I found Kabuto on the streets as a boy and experimented on him. My experiment turned his hair white but he was not strong. I conducted various other experiments but each one ended in failure. I had started to accept that I would never have what I wanted but then your children came. I noticed how powerful they were from the very first check up I gave you. They were exactly what I had been trying to create and you had two of them! It wasn't fair so I decided to take one for myself." Orochimaru smirked, "My plan was almost ruined by your observant family but you were foolish enough to believe me over them. Kabuto was able to escape from the window and ran off with the child while I delivered the news to your family that you had given birth to one healthy baby boy. My plan went exactly as I had hoped. I now own a powerful child."

"You don't own anything! They're both mine!" Naruto roared, he produced two rasengans but his anger spiked his chakra. The rasengans turned red like two great balls of fire, "your betrayal will be repaid with your life!" Naruto screamed as he ran straight for Orochimaru. Orochimaru didn't even flinch. In fact his smirk deepened.

"Halt or else I'll have my pet bite your son. He won't die because I have the antidote but he will suffer. And I know you don't want to hear the anguished cries of your son."

Naruto came to a skidding stop.

"That's right. If you try that again I will not hesitate to deliver on my threat." Orochimaru sang in a giddy manner. He knew he had won.

Naruto was in a predicament. He wanted nothing more than to tear Orochimaru limb from limb but he could not jeopardize his son's safety. It wasn't even an option. He took a step back but kept his rasengans lit. They dimmed back to blue.

"I'm glad you've finally realized that you no longer have a claim on the child. He's all mine."

Naruto growled. His son belonged to him and Sasuke and no one else!

"You won't get away with this! Everyone knows what you did!"

"That isn't any of my concern. Where I'm going no one will find me. I'll raise my son in the shadows and when he comes of age I'll use him to conquer lands. I'll make myself king of those lands and finally get the power I deserve!"

"That's a pretty lofty dream for an aged doctor."

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried with relief. His alpha had found him.

"Itachi told me you were checking the second floor. Its good that I came right away. A second longer and I would've been too late."

The tomoes of Sasuke's sharringan whirled wildly as he glared Orochimaru down.

"Yes well not all of us are born into a royal family where becoming king is given to you. Some of us have to fight for what we want."

"So you think stealing my newborn child was the way to make up for the class you were born into?"

"You have two, you're lucky I didn't take the both of them." Orochimaru said graciously like he had given the Uchiha couple a gift by leaving them with one of their children.

"They aren't yours to take!" Naruto hissed. He lunged but Orochimaru tsked his tongue like one would at a misbehaving dog.

"Don't forget about my pet." Orochimaru raised his finger and the white snake followed as if hypnotized. It's tongue slithered out and it's tail rattled.

"So that's why Naruto hasn't killed you yet." Sasuke eyed the snake. The snake slithered its tongue out as it eyed Sasuke back in return. It hissed and bared its sharpened poisoned fangs. "That's the most venomous snake in the world, 'The White Viper' or as it's called in the north 'An Uchiha's Wrath.' Our enemies say it's not the dragons who we take after but the white viper because of how deadly they are...do you honestly think an animal who bears my clans name would kill Naruto or my son?"

"I don't think it will, Uchiha-sama, I know it will." Orochimaru taunted, "I've spent years training this snake to obey only me. If I point my finger at your son it will sink its fangs into his neck. It doesn't matter who the prey is because my pet will obey me because I am its master."

"Naruto go and retrieve our son."

"Huh?" Naruto asked bewildered. Had Sasuke lost his mind? Did he not see the hopeless situation they were in or hear Orochimaru's ramblings?

"Trust me, love. Nothing will happen. Go."

Naruto hesitated. He didn't want any harm to come to their son but if Sasuke said it was okay then he believed him. He dispersed his rasengan and slowly walked over to the cradle.

"I already told you what I'd do if you put your hands in the cradle." Orochimaru warned, "I won't be giving you a second chance!" He pointed his bony finger at the snake and then to the sleeping baby in a command for it to attack. The snake's tail raised and it's fangs elongated.

"No!" Naruto cried. The snake striked but suddenly stopped. It paused like it had been frozen solid. It was so close that a drop of venom from the snake's fang plopped onto his son's neck.

Orochimaru pointed his finger again. "What's the meaning of this? Strike I command you, Manda!"

"You may have spent years training this snake but all I have to do to make it listen to me is trap it in my sharringan." Sasuke chided, "it's been caught in my sharringan since the moment I locked eyes with it. You can no longer control it to do anything."

"No, you shouldn't be able to! I've trained it to withstand the sharringan!"

"Not well enough it seems considering he fell under it pretty easily." Orochimaru dropped to his knees. He muttered 'no' over and over again as he shook his head in disbelief. His plan was supposed to work!

Naruto snatched his son from the cradle. He pressed his baby to his chest and breathed in his scent. His baby was alive and back where he belonged. He couldn't celebrate just yet though.

"Hold him." Naruto passed their son to Sasuke. "And cover his face, I don't want him to see what I'm about to do."

Sasuke obliged. He pulled the hood of the blanket down so that his son's eyes were covered.

"You tried to take my son away from me." Naruto said in a cold tone. "You tried to take what was mine and claim it as yours." He grabbed the snake from the crib and stretched it out as he walked over to Orochimaru.

"You were never supposed to know! I was only giving my self a chance to obtain the privilege you were born with!" Orochimaru groveled. He clasped his hands together in a pleading manner still on his knees, "please forgive me, beautiful sovereign! Show me your merciful kindness!"

"Kindness?" Naruto snorted. He smiled chillingly as he stood behind Orochimaru. "The crime you have committed against me will get you no kindness from me." Naruto wrapped the slippery snake around Orochimaru's neck, "You see, I'm an omega and we omegas are fiercely protective of our children. You've committed an unforgivable crime which I can only forgive by taking your life." Naruto tightened the snake and pulled up. Orochimaru struggled as he tried to breathe. He gurgled out sloppy apologies as he thrashed around. Naruto didn't relent. He kept the snake held against Orochimaru's neck until the doctor stopped breathing. The snake had tore in half by the time Naruto was done. Naruto threw the remains on top of Orochimaru's lifeless body. It was only fitting that a master and its pupil died together.

Sasuke had known Naruto was going to kill Orochimaru but he hadn't expected that brutal display. He was shocked but slightly aroused. Naruto was so soft and sweet with him but he could be downright vicious. Sasuke's suspicions had been right all along. Naruto was just like the Uzumaki omegas, fierce and protective when it came to their babies.

Naruto collected himself and then went back to his son. "Mommy will always protect you my love." Naruto kissed his babies chubby cheek. He pressed himself against Sasuke and took a second to bask in the moment. He had almost lost a piece of his family today. Through sheer instincts he was able to realize it and stop it from happening.

"He's very fortunate that you're his mother. He'll never have to worry because you'll always be there to protect him." Sasuke wrapped his arm around Naruto as the omega began to cry. The fear of loss had at first enraged him but now Naruto was overwhelmed. His first day as a mother he had almost failed in doing what a mother was supposed to do which was to protect their children.

Sasuke consoled his submissive. He understood Naruto's feelings. He had failed as a dominant by even letting this happen. He'd never let it happen again.

"I'll have some guards come collect Orochimaru and Kabuto's bodies and discard of them. Let's get back to our other son."

Naruto nodded. He stuck by his alphas side and kept his eyes on his son as they ambled slowly to their other child.

Fifteen minutes later the two royal families were sat in the dinning room. A lot still had to be discussed. The shock over there actually being another baby was still settling in with Fugaku. Two for the price of one this was even better than he had hoped all those years ago when he had chosen Naruto for Itachi as a bride solely for the child they'd produce together.

Naruto held both of his sleeping sons. He wouldn't let go of them. He wanted to leave the dining room and lock himself with his children inside his and Sasuke's sleeping chamber.

"I knew that doctor was suspicious. And he's been your doctor for years? You should be ashamed for hiring a thief." Kushina complained. She wanted to hold her grandbabies but Naruto wouldn't let her. She couldn't blame him; her son had almost lost one he wouldn't be letting anyone hold them for a while until his anxiety went away.

"Let's not blame my husband for what happened. None of us could ever predict Orochimaru's true nature. He delivered both of my sons I trusted him as I would a family member." Mikoto defended her husband.

Kushina rolled her eyes at the weak submissives attempt to take the blame off of Fugaku. "There were signs about Orochimaru's true nature that should've been obvious to him that he failed to ignore. You would protect your husband even when he's in the wrong so your words hold very little meaning to me."

"Don't speak to my wife like that Kushina-san. She protects me because that is what a submissive is supposed to do for their dominant. You would do good to do as she does and for once learn your place!"

"My place?" Kushina laughed, "and where would that be? The prison perhaps where you put my son?"

"He needed to learn-"

"You what?" Sasuke's body grew rigid at the thought of his love inside a filthy dungeon.

"He was misbehaving he needed to learn his lesson." Fugaku explained offhandedly.

"You have no right to decide what is proper behavior when it comes to my submissive. I've dealt with a lot from you father. I've always wanted to please you and wanted your approval as king. Maybe because of that childish longing I allowed you to do as you pleased. You got comfortable criticizing my submissive when I should've never allowed you to do that in the first place," Sasuke stood, his large frame dwarfed the elder Uchiha patriarch. He was purely dominant, asserting himself over his father, "I said nothing to you as you plotted behind my back and conspired to reinstate Itachi as king but if you ever dare do something like that to Naruto again I'll have you banished from the Uchiha clan territory. Do you understand?"

Fugaku was speechless. He had never viewed his youngest son as someone to fear but at the moment he could admit he was finding it hard to go against him. Fatherhood had seemed to truly make his son a man.

Kushina was beside herself. Sasuke asserting his dominance over his father over Naruto was something she never believed her son's alpha was capable of doing. She shared a look with Minato. They were thinking the same thing. Sasuke was a good alpha. They had never thought so but it was clear the Sasuke not only loved Naruto but he could also protect him from the true savage of the Uchiha family, which was Fugaku.

"I said do you understand, father?" Sasuke repeated.

Fugaku nodded. He could agree to this. Naruto's children had his clan name so he would still count this as a victory. When he managed to convince Itachi to take his title of king back he'd punish Naruto and his son for defying him.

As if reading his fathers mind Itachi cut in, "As I've said before, father, I have no plans of ever reclaiming my crown. I'll make a formal announcement when the chance arises."

"But you were born to-"

"I said what I said and I meant it. I have no desire to be king. Sasuke will be a better king than I ever could be."

"But I trained you since you were a boy for the throne!"

"That doesn't mean a thing to me anymore. My brother shall have what should've always been his. My mind can no longer handle the stresses that come with ruling. If I snap I might revert and I won't chance that."

Deidara's chest ached at the sadness laced in Itachi's voice.

"Don't be mistaken Fugaku-san. You didn't imprison me I allowed you to imprison me." Naruto informed. He didn't want Fugaku to think he had submitted to him in any way, "If you plan on staying within Uchiha territory then things are going to change. Starting with you residence in the Uchiha palace. I don't trust you nor your wife near my children. As of today you will no longer live here. I'm sure with all the connections you have you'll be able to find a furnished palace that's ready to move into."

Fugaku could do nothing but accept. Mikoto let out a choked sob. "Before we go I want to apologize to you Naruto-kun. I was supposed to be your mother in Kushina's absence but I've done a horrible job of that. For that I apologize Kushina-chan," Kushina made no comment. She simply looked at Mikoto with neither fondness nor animosity in her eyes. "If I could turn back time I would've done many things differently. I just hope you'll forgive me and allow me to see my grandchildren."

Naruto remained quiet. At one time he had thought of Mikoto as his dear family. She had been an ally and friend back when he was dealing with Sakura when she was still married Sasuke. But now he wouldn't even consider her an acquaintance. She had turned her back on not only him but also on Sasuke. He found the latter more unforgiving than the betrayal she had dealt him. How could she turn her back on her youngest son just because her alpha favored his eldest son?

"I understand if you can't forgive me but please take this." Mikoto reached to the back of her head and pulled out the gold dragon hair comb she always wore. "It's a family heirloom that every Uchiha sovereign receives once they have given birth to their first son. It is now yours."

Naruto stared at the shiny comb for a second. He'd never forget what Mikoto had did but she wasn't completely unforgivable. It'd take time for him to forgive her. He wanted his children to know both of their grandmothers. He handed one of his babies to Sasuke and took the comb with his now free hand.

"Thank you, Mikoto-san." Naruto stuck the comb behind his ear as if it were a flower but instead it was a fierce golden dragon with rubies for eyes, "you may see my children once I decide the hatred I hold in my heart for you has diminished."

Mikoto nodded. It was the best she could hope for. She wasn't done apologizing yet. "And you my son." Mikoto's face crumbled with sadness, "I am the most sorry to you. Choosing one son over another was wrong of me to do. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I can." Sasuke wanted a fresh start. His mother's favoritism had hurt him but he could forgive her. She wasn't like Naruto or Kushina, she could be strong but when it came to her dominant she could only obey his every desire no matter how wrong. His father was the one who had made her choose.

Naruto had had enough of the emotional drama. He wanted to leave. His babies had yet to have their first meal and he wanted to bond with them alone with Sasuke.

"I'm going to my chambers. No one is to bother me. I thank you all for being here but I don't want any company."

"We understand sweetie." Kushina knew how her son was feeling. As a new mother his only worry was for his babies. "We'll be here in the morning. You go rest up."

"Please be gone from the palace within the hour, Fugaku-san and Mikoto-san." Naruto stood. He motioned for Sasuke to do the same.

"We'll see you in the morning." Sasuke gave his farewell and followed after Naruto who already took off.

The remaining family members sat still for a while. A lot had happened today. To think something as joyous as a birthing could cause so much havoc.

It was the kind of havoc that had led to many good things rather than bad, Kushina thought to herself contently.

Finally her baby could start his life the right way. She could now go home with her heart and mind at peace knowing that.

With Sasuke's help Naruto was able to bathe quickly and then change into clean, blood free clothes. Sasuke watched over the babies while Naruto rushed around their chambers trying to be as quick as possible as he cleaned him self up. Sasuke had both his sons lying in the middle of their enormous bed. They were wide-awake. His red-eyed son was calm as he waited for his mother. He stood perfectly still within his bundled up blanket. The other blue-eyed son was another story. He kicked and threw his eyes all around as if searching for his mother. It was their first day alive and Sasuke could already tell his sons had different personalities. A passing thought entered Sasuke's mind. Royal Uzumaki submissives were born with seals on their stomachs. He didn't have to wait until his children turned ten to find out what they'd transition into. Sasuke grinned like a loon as he undid his red eyed sons blanket first. They were still naked underneath their baby blankets. Sasuke smiled as his son pouted. Like he was telling his father to hurry up and cover him up again.

"I will let me just check your belly." Sasuke's voice raised an octave. He didn't even notice it. He checked his sons belly, "no seal which means you'll be an alpha." Sasuke wasn't surprised. He couldn't imagine such a serious little boy being a submissive. He covered his son back up then went to his other one. His other son smiled brightly as Sasuke undid his blanket. He gurgled and moved his legs rapidly. Sasuke scanned his son's pudgy stomach. He frowned. He had thought for sure this one would be a submissive.

"What are you doing?" Naruto questioned with a ghost of a smile on his pink lips. He dried his wet hair with a cloth as he padded over and sat on the edge of the bed by his two sons.

"I'm checking if they have your seal. Looks like Kaguya gave us two future dominants."

"We are blessed no matter what Kaguya gave us." Naruto's face was serene as he gazed at his babies. He didn't care what they were he loved them all the same.

"What are we going to name them?" Sasuke played with his son's toes. He was still uncovered because he was kicking his legs so much.

"I've been thinking." Naruto had been thinking of names inside his head for a while now. His sons were strong they had survived a chaotic birth that normal babies didn't have to go through-they were warriors.

"Our happy blue eyed little fox will be called Ashura. He his wild and hopefully he will be kind and fair just like his namesake." Naruto looked at his red-eyed son, "my quiet little fox will be called Indra. I hope he will be wise and brave like his namesake."

"I love it." Sasuke couldn't pick better names. His children were named after two great men.

As the parents watched their sons Indra began to cry. His little lips trembled as his tears flowed freely.

"What's wrong my love?" Naruto cooed. He set his drying cloth down and picked up his crying baby. Indra calmed slightly when he scented his mother but his tears still flowed. "You're hungry aren't you?" Naruto untied his juban and slipped one of his arms out of it. He adjusted Indra then brought his sons face to his chest. Indra latched onto Naruto's nipple and began greedily sucking. His wet lashes drifted to half-mast as he sucked at his mother's nipple. Ashura could sense what was happening. He cried out for his mother. He was hungry too.

Sasuke picked up his son. The blanket fell leaving Ashura naked. The baby would kick his way out of the blanket anyways Sasuke internally joked. He pulled the other side of Naruto's juban down and then placed Ashura in Naruto's other arm. Naruto adjusted both of their babies so that they could suck at the same time. They were still so small so for now Naruto could handle the position but in a few months it'd be impossible to hold two babies up at the same time with one arm for a prolonged period of time.

"They were so hungry." Naruto watched with adoration as his kids ate. He was happy to be able to provide sustenance for his children. They had been in his life for less than a day but he was already in love with his babies "I can't believe they're ours."

Sasuke couldn't believe it either. Naruto had given him these two beautiful babies. He brought them into this world while suffering unspeakable pain. Pain that Naruto would've never had to go through but because of him was forced to. Naruto had selflessly given him everything. He didn't deserve such love. Sasuke got to his knees and bowed at Naruto's feet. He bowed as low as he could. The last time he had bowed this low was when he found out Naruto was pregnant. The only person on this earth who could make him bow his head like a commoner was his love.

"What is Sasuke doing?" Naruto blushed.

"I'll be indebted to you for the rest of my life. Thank you for all that you have given me. Thank you for loving me and for being the mother of my children."

Naruto's blush reached the tip of his ears. "Sasuke's being silly. Of course I wouldn't want anyone else but you."

Sasuke laughed. He sounded carefree and so in love. Naruto's blush grew. His alpha was acting strange. He had never heard Sasuke's laugh so loud before. To think he was the reason Sasuke was so happy made him feel like the luckiest omega in the world.

"I love you, you know that?" Sasuke looked up at Naruto still on his knees.

"If I didn't know that then there'd be something wrong with me!" Naruto huffed.

"Good." Sasuke scooted over and wedged himself between Naruto's legs. He rested his head on Naruto's thigh. It was such a childish action for an alpha as big as Sasuke it warmed Naruto's heart. He wouldn't say it but Sasuke was like his big baby. His alpha craved love and Naruto would give it to him for the rest of his life in excess.

A week after the twins birth the bell was rung for them. It was the traditional way a royal baby was announced to the public. The bell had rung for two straight days, which could mean only one thing-two babies had been born.

Everyone in Fire country was ablaze with the news of the new arrivals to the Uchiha royal family. Royals and commoners alike flocked to the Uchiha palace to get a look at the miraculous Uchiha twins. They were the first of their kind. Twins were all but mythical for the Uchihas. The commoners were swiftly turned away and the royals were all politely asked to come back at a later time. A whole month had passed and no one had been allowed to see the new royal babies or the beloved sovereign who had given birth to them. Rumors began to spread that Naruto and the babies had both died during the labor. People also began to believe that it was Kaguya's punishment against the Uchiha family for how they went against tradition. Itachi should've been king and should've been the newborn heirs father and not Sasuke. Kaguya was mad and exacting her revenge. The rumors were completely debunked the day the emperor went to the Uchiha palace to see if the rumors were true. When he came out of the palace many people asked if the sovereign and his children were really dead. All the emperor replied was that the rumors were untrue and that the newborn heirs were blessed by Kaguya. No one knew what he meant by that but people could only speculate that the children must've been extraordinary for an emperor to praise them so highly. Another week passed after that day but people still kept talking. It was a grand mystery; when would the king and his beloved sovereign unveil their newborn heirs and show them to the world?

The maid's hand trembled as she poured tea into a porcelain teacup. Her small shaking hands were noticeably sweaty. Her grip loosened completely and the teapot slipped right out her fingers. Luckily for her a nearby butler had noticed her frenzied state and had been standing by ready to help in the event that she faltered. He caught the teapot before it fell onto the floor and shattered into thousands of little pieces. He had just saved her life. A painted porcelain teapot was worth more than her entire being.

The maid bowed in thanks then resumed her duties. No one could really blame her for her nervous state. Almost the entire Uchiha palace staff was in a similar state of extreme nervousness. It had been announced the previous night that finally after three endless months the sovereign would finally be coming out of his room. For the past three months only a select group of trusted people had been given the privilege to serve the sovereign and the new heirs who were both reportedly residing in a nursery in one of the secluded parts of the palace under the watchful guard of none other than the sovereigns cousin. None of the Uchiha staff knew whom the lucky few who got to attend to the sovereign were though. Just like the public they hadn't seen Naruto or the babies. The only person they saw was the Uchiha king himself and even seeing him had become rare. They would've all gullibly believed the rumors that Naruto had died during childbirth too if they hadn't witnessed the almost euphoric and proud look that was plastered across the Uchiha kings face during the rare occasions that they got to see him. It was the face of a happy new father, which meant that Naruto was alive as were his children.

"More tea, Mayumi." Mikoto signaled the maid. The maid bowed and obliged. It was awkward serving her old master. This was the first time Mikoto was allowed into the palace. Her presence here was the reason why Naruto-sama was finally coming out of the room. Well maybe not only because of her it was for the lunch he was throwing. All of his friends were here.

"I feel like I've won a prize to be able to be one of the lucky ones who get to see Naruto-san first!" Ten-ten gushed.

"For once I can say I agree with you." Ino smiled as she rubbed her large belly and sipped on her tea.

"Careful don't drink too fast you might choke!" Kiba fretted over his pregnant wife.

"Relax i know how to drink tea!" Ino snapped.

"Such a lovely sight to see that even after all this time you both still fight like cats and dogs." Gaara mused. His teal eyes held amusement as he taunted the married couple.

"I wouldn't quite use the word lovely to describe it." Shikamru yawned.

"I agree." Shino grimaced. He was a pretty positive guy but listening to Ino and Kiba bicker was annoying.

"Shut up!" Kiba and Ino yelled in unison. They smiled when they realized they had spoken at the exact same time. They stared lovingly at each other.

Shikamru made gagging noises at the disgusting display of affection.

"You don't like it when we fight or when we show our love! Get over it!" Ino scolded.

Mikoto kept her lips shut as she listened to the much younger royals converse. They were all friends she didn't belong here. She was uncomfortable but she wouldn't go anywhere. Naruto had invited her here and she wouldn't miss her chance to get into Naruto's good graces. Naruto had only invited her and specially stated in the invitation that Fugaku was to not come. When he had found out Fugaku commanded her not to go. It had been hard to go against her husbands demand but by the will of Kaguya she had.

She felt so happy here in her old home. It had changed. The portrait hanging in the dinning room was no longer of Fugaku but of Sasuke. The walls were no longer decorated with weapons but with art. Beautiful pieces of the sun rising, a foggy afternoon, fire flowers dripping with rain. They were art pieces that evoked tranquility. On the other side of the wall was a portrait of Naruto. It was an old painting of him but nonetheless it still hung in the great room. Fugaku had never allowed for her portrait to be hung in here. In the halls it was fine but never in here or any of the other great rooms. She felt so alone. Her son Itachi was sitting next to her but he hadn't said a word to her other than the customary greeting when she had arrived. Her son only spoke to Deidara. The wild submissive must've forgiven him on some level because Deidara didn't ignore Itachi as he had used to. So much had changed in the palace-even the relationships.

The door suddenly bolted open.

It was Naruto. The sight of the reclusive sovereign sent the room into a frenzy. Everyone was looking in his direction but they weren't looking at him, their eyes were glued on the silk blanket covered bundle in his arms. They couldn't see what was in the blanket but they all knew.

It was one of the heirs.

The royal blood in the baby's veins was obvious. The smell of him was an unmistakable mix of both Naruto's and Sasuke's scent. It proclaimed his royal parents loudly to all who smelled it.

"Your highness." One of the maids abruptly dropped to her knees and bowed until her forehead touched the ground. Immediately after every maid in the tearoom bowed as well. It wasn't for Naruto but for their future king.

A pale arm snuck out of the blanket. A baby's arm, chubby and round with baby fat. The little fingers prodded against Naruto's chest until it came into contact with what it was searching for. The small fingers wrapped tightly around one of the long hairs of its mother. It pulled down, trying to get its mothers attention.

Naruto's blue eyes stared down at the covered up face of the child in his arms. He wore the calm expression of a doting mother as he gently pried the baby's fingers out of his hair.

"Is that my grandchild?" Mikoto's eyes were already wet with tears. She hadn't seen either of them since the day they had been born.

"They are." Sasuke came in with another baby in his arms it had an identical scent to the other baby which could only mean one thing- Naruto had indeed given birth to twins.

Royal Uchiha twins. It was unheard of. In the history of the clan an Uchiha sovereign had never birthed twins. So the rumors were true.

"There really are two." Ino gaped.

"Indeed there are." Sasuke said proudly. His red eyes stared down at the baby in his arms. The way Sasuke was smiling at the baby was a type of smile Mikoto had never seen. It was so full of adoration and love; it was the smile of a parent. No one could deny that Sasuke was an absolutely enraptured with his children. Mikoto felt a set of new tears slip down her cheeks. She could remember long ago when Sasuke was still her little baby and now he was a father. Time passed so fast it felt as if she had blinked and years went by.

"Let us see him." Ino whined impatiently.

"I will show you my son but first I must ask one thing of each of you." Naruto spoke in an even tone.

"Of course anything!" Ino agreed.

"I must ask each of you in this room to remain calm. If you can't comply to this you may leave."

No one budged. Even the maids stood their ground. No one would dare to leave, the chance to finally see the scared future heir was too tantalizing.

Naruto looked at Sasuke. They exchanged a glance, Sasuke nodded. "Very well then," Naruto took a deep breath and then carefully they both pulled down the silk blankets covering their children's faces.

The guests gasped. The babies were beautiful. Wisps of faint silver hair crowned their heads. One of them had dark blue eyes while the other had dark red. Thick black lashes framed their peculiar eyes. Their complexion was pale like their fathers but they had inherited their mothers heart shaped face.

Ten-ten stood up and ran to Naruto's side. "They're adorable!" Ten-ten reached out to touch the baby in Naruto's arms but before she could lay a single finger on him Naruto pulled back. He had instinctually clutched his son closer to his chest and hissed at Ten-ten. Ten-ten was shocked at the primal display.

"It's okay, love. Remember she's not a threat." Sasuke cooed down lovingly at Naruto.

Naruto visibly relaxed. He looked up at Sasuke apologetically. The exchange led one to believe that this scenario had happened before.

"I'm sorry, Ten-ten-chan." Naruto stepped close to ten-ten. "I didn't mean to hiss at you. It's a cultural thing, in whirlpool you must always ask the mother to touch their child if you are seeing the child for the first time. I couldn't help it." It was half true. It was a custom but that wasn't fully why Naruto had reacted like that. He was protective because of what Orochimaru had done. He was suspicious of everyone who came near his children, which is why he had kept them hidden for so long. He knew it wasn't healthy which was why he decided to host this brunch. It was harder than he thought though. He was already regretting it.

Ten-ten smiled. "That's fine!" She was too transfixed with the pretty babies to mind. "They're beautiful. Now I see what everyone means when they say your children are blessed by Kaguya. May I hold one of them?"

Naruto reluctantly smiled. "How about we stick to touching?" Naruto was not ready for that step quite yet. He only trusted a select group of people to hold his children and those people included his alpha, Deidara, and Itachi-san.

Ino had seen many royal children in her life but Naruto's babies by far were one of the cutest she had ever seen. Ten-ten glided her fingers down the soft baby skin. She kept touching as they all went to go sit at the table.

"What are their names?" Gaara questioned as he made funny faces at his nephews. They seemed to enjoy it albeit in a confused 'who is this crazy man making ugly faces' kind of way.

"The one I'm holding is Indra and the one Sasuke is holding is Ashura."

"After the great warriors?" Kiba intoned in amazement.

Naruto nodded, "Ashura-san was the most noble warrior from my clan and Indra-san is the most legendary Uchiha warrior. My sons come from two great clans I want their names to reflect that."

"They're very nice names, Naruto-san!" Ten-ten chirped.

"Thank you." Naruto smiled.

"Their eyes...why are they like that?" Ino observed. "Can I touch him?" Naruto nodded. Ino touched the babies cheek and very gently moved his face to the side a little. "You saw that! His eyes turned black but now they're red again?"

Indra's red eyes stared out passively at the stranger who had just touched him as if he were cursing her for daring to put her hands on him. Naruto laughed, his moody baby Indra was just like his daddy. Ashura on the other hand was wild just like him. "I don't know why their eyes are like that. They were born with them and I love them."

With Naruto finally present the maids bright out lunch. The set the meticulously prepared dishes out in front of the guests. Naruto's stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten since last night. He had spent all morning bathing and feeding his two babies. They were only three months old but they were quite the handful.

"Let me hold them so you can eat." Sasuke offered.

Naruto shook his head. His alpha hadn't eaten since yesterday either. "You need to eat too."

"Then let me. I had a very big breakfast. I have energy to spare." Deidara held his hands out. Naruto smiled at his cousin.

"Thank you." He handed Indra over to his uncle. Deidara cooed as soon as the baby was in his arms. As expected Indra pouted. He was a mama's boy he didn't like to be away from Naruto at all if possible. Deidara made a funny face, which prevented Indra from crying.

Itachi gazed at Deidara as he played with the baby. "Motherhood would suit you."

Deidara blushed and awkwardly thanked Itachi for his complement. "Thank you but I don't want children."

"Oh you will! Trust me once you fall in love the maternal urge kicks in." Ino said matter-o-factly. When she fell in love with Kiba she wanted to give him children right away. "Is there a dominant you have your eyes on?"

Deidara's blush grew. He forced himself to not look at Itachi. With Naruto's babies in the palace he had contracted a form of baby fever and when he thought of having kids he always imagined Itachi as his child's father. He would never admit to wanting a demon as his children's father though. Well he wasn't a demon anymore but still the nickname had stuck.

Ino smirked knowingly. His crush was obvious to everyone in the dining room. Itachi didn't push Deidara though. Time would make Deidara's feelings known and when that time not even he knew what would happen.

"Here, I'll hold Ashura. It's been a while since I held my nephew." Sasuke gave his brother his son. Their bond was closer than ever. The past was left there in the past.

Mikoto smiled sadly. The new generation had left her behind. She was witnessing the royal clans of the future. She didn't belong. She had done this to herself.

Naruto caught Mikoto's sad gaze. He smiled at her. She had been invited for a reason. He had finally found it in his heart to forgive her. Today was her last evaluation. If she had disobeyed his command and had come here today with Fugaku he would've ended their relationship forever. She had passed.

"Thank you for coming, mother." Naruto greeted.

Mikoto became teary eyed at Naruto referring to her as his mother again. Maybe she would have place in this new generation of royals after all. This new era was different than the one she had reigned in. Naruto had done as he had told her all that time ago as they sat by the fire watching it burn. Naruto had changed the Uchiha clan and in this new era there could be no better submissive to reign over it than Naruto.

Mikoto stood up and raised her teacup, "I'd like to propose a toast to our sovereign and the heirs he has given the Uchiha clan."

"Here, here!" Kiba yelled joyously.

The table occupants stood and raised a toast. Sasuke was the last one to stand. He kissed Naruto's cheek before he picked up his own cup and raised it "A toast to one of the greatest sovereigns the Uchiha clan will ever have."

Naruto didn't think today would turn out this way. He raised his own cup, "thank you."

"Let's eat now!" Mikoto took up her role of mother as if it had never left it. If Kushina were here she'd want Naruto to eat his fill.

Naruto took in the comfortable feeling of family. These were his closets friends and family. He had to start small but slowly the circle of people he trusted would grow. He'd make sure of it.

There was a cool breeze in the air. Butterflies fluttered around making shadows in the sunny sky. The gathered crowd murmured excitedly amongst each other. Today was finally the day that the sovereign was making a public appearance. Commoners and the wealthy alike lined the front of the Uchiha palace. A hushed silence fell over the crowd when the door opened. Out came their king and Itachi. Some members of the Uchiha clan did not like Sasuke; some didn't see him as a true king while others regarded him as their true king. But neither those who hated him or loved him could deny the foreboding image the king made. His large figure dressed in royal robes commanded respect. He was a king no matter with which feelings you felt for him.

"Good morning fellow clansmen." Sasuke greeted. "I have invited you all here today for an important reason. But before we get to that I'd like to publically thank my brother and those loyal to me for keeping faith in me as king."

Itachi stepped forward, "Good morning to you all. I have a message for those of you who have reservations about my brother's status as king. I have formally renounced my claim to the throne. I have no desire to be king. If you were ever truly loyal to me then it is my desire that you place your loyalty on my brother. Thank you." Itachi stepped back into the shadows.

"As your king I vow to uphold the safety of the Uchiha clan. We have enemies more now than ever. The Hyuga's want us dead and the Bloody Mist want to see the destruction of our clan more than ever. I will do all I can to make sure our clan reigns victorious!"

The crowd cheered feverishly.

"Now the moment you have been waiting for." Sasuke signaled the guards posted at each side of the palace doors. They opened them up. The crowd collectively fell silent as the sovereign walked out. His blood red kimono was tied with a golden corset. The long sleeves were embroidered with golden flowers, as was the trailing tail. His blond hair was tied into a top knot and placed in the center was the familiar golden dragon hair comb every sovereign owned once in their lifetimes. Even the people standing all the way in back could see the three red dots on Naruto's forehead. The crowd's reaction was instantaneous. They bowed. Sasuke smiled fondly. Even if all his clansmen didn't all approve of him one thing was true. They all loved Naruto.

Deidara came out the palace carrying the twins. He handed them to their parents and went to stand in the shadows beside Itachi. The babies were for once on full display. The crowd dropped to their knees and bowed their heads in the greatest sign of respect. Ashura and Indra were not even a year old but already they held power many men could never dream of attaining.

Sasuke gazed at his kids proudly. "May I present to you for the first time my sons!"

Itachi watched from the shadows as his brother basked in the moment. Sasuke was living the life he was once destined to live. His little brother deserved happiness though. There was no better submissive for Sasuke than Naruto even if Itachi still sometimes wished Naruto could be his again. If he could turn back time he would've done so much differently. He would've paid more attention and made Naruto his far before he could ever fall in love with Sasuke. But time did not work that way, it wouldn't move back just for him.

"Hey, don't zone out, demon. People are beginning to notice." Deidara scolded.

"Sorry." Itachi smiled softly.

Itachi Uchiha had been born into this twisted world, the heir to one of the most powerful clans to ever exist. He was supposed to be the future ruler of the Uchiha clan but Kaguya had other plans for him. He couldn't wait to see what those plans turned out to be.