
The Sovereign's Crown

In the prestigious Psychic Academy, where gifted individuals train to become the elite of psychic society, Ain Griffin stands out as a prodigy with unmatched potential. His ability to manipulate emotions sets him apart, but his ambitions extend far beyond mere mastery of his powers; he dreams of achieving the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." Beyond the academy walls lies a realm of untold mysteries and untamed powers. The world of psychic society is a complex tapestry of alliances and rivalries, where factions vie for influence and dominance. From the shadowy enclaves of underground societies to the glittering palaces of the elite, Ain must navigate a treacherous landscape fraught with peril and intrigue. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Ain's focus remains unwavering: he is determined to attain the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." For in this world, the Sovereign holds real power, not just within the academy, but in the broader politics of the world. As Ain rises through the ranks of the academy, he learns that the Sovereign wields immense influence over the direction of psychic society. They have the authority to shape policies, broker alliances, and even declare war. With such power at stake, the competition for the title of Sovereign is fierce, and Ain knows that he must do whatever it takes to emerge victorious. But as Ain delves deeper into the murky world of psychic politics, he realizes that the path to Sovereignty is fraught with peril. He must navigate a web of intrigue and deception, where allies can quickly become enemies and trust is a rare commodity. With the power to lead Ain must come to terms with what it means to be the Sovereign and what it means to lead.

Sydonay · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Fear's Grip

The thing about fear is that it's sudden. Some people believe they are unable to feel fear, but the truth is everyone fears. There is no exception; that natural response has kept humans alive for hundreds of thousands of years. Humans fear many things — the fear of falling, the fear of clowns, or in this case, the fear of getting hit. Most people can feel fear and shake it off, but what if that fear was all-consuming? What if the fear was so intense you couldn't even lift a finger? I can create that fear; even if the original fear is the size of a grain of sand, I can make it fester. That is why Quinn's punch can never reach me; it stops before it hits my back. The class falls silent as Quinn's punch, which should have landed, stops right before it hits my back.I turn around with a smile on my lips. "You had me worried there. I was scared you weren't gonna stop." I look at Quinn's face; she is shaking like a leaf, her face pale and soaked with sweat. Her teeth chatter as she tries to speak, but can't. All I can hear from her lips are whispers, "Please don't. Spare me... please spare me..." I decide to play with her a bit; I crank up her fear of me, and she drops to the floor. She begins to beg, "Please! Please, I will do anything. Please don't hurt me! Don't kill me, please! I'm sorry, I was wrong!" I inch closer to her, and she begins yelling, "Don't come closer! Stay away!" She throws random objects at me, and right before she snaps for real, I hear the professor's voice chime in. Mr. Nakamura frowns, "That's enough, Ain. Release her from your powers; it is clear she can no longer fight."I laugh a little more than I intend. "Very well." I release her from my hold, and she just sits there for a moment like a puppet with her strings cut. Mr. Nakamura adds, "You pass; please be seated. Quinn! Get up; that's not how an upperclassman should act!" Funny thing with fear; sometimes a good scare can cause a phobia. I may have gone a little overboard; likely, she will never see me in the same light. Quinn slowly rises, her legs trembling as she struggles to regain her composure.Mr. Nakamura's gaze shifts back to the class. "Fear is a powerful weapon, as Ain has demonstrated. But remember, power without control can lead to unintended consequences. Ain, you pass, but be mindful of how you use your abilities." I respond casually, "Yes, sir." As I walk back to my seat, the other students look at me with a mixture of awe and apprehension. Kaiser's eyes meet mine, and he gives a subtle nod of approval. I sit down, my heart still racing from the adrenaline. The room feels different now, the air thick with newfound respect — or perhaps fear — towards me.The class continues with a series of similar combat trials. One by one, students are called up to face Quinn, each trying to prove their worth. Some manage to put up a decent fight, while others are quickly dispatched. Throughout it all, I can feel the tension in the room grow. Each victory and failure adds to the pressure, a constant reminder that this academy is not for the faint of heart. The next name called sends a ripple of excitement through the room. "Reika Tsukino, please step to the front." Reika, with her calm demeanor and intense gaze, stands up and walks confidently to the front.Reika puts her fan over her face mockingly. "I'll try not to make this too humiliating for you. I guess it's too late for that, though." Her red eyes glow powerfully, setting a fire in Quinn as her rage surges forward. "You think you're so powerful? I'll wipe that smug look off your face!" Quinn dashes behind Reika with her teleportation. "Eat dirt!" Reika doesn't even bother moving; the strike lands cleanly on Reika. Hold on; it cleaves her in two? That's impossible; a simple punch couldn't possibly do that. Quinn never displayed such explosive power. It seems that even Quinn is surprised; she looks at her fist surprised, "I, uh? What?!"A ring sounds around us as a voice mocks, "So you thought you were gazing at me? Interesting." A laugh rings out, and that is when I see it; Reika is now behind Quinn. She slams her heel hard with her foot. The blow makes Quinn kneel. Reika mocks, "There we go, your proper place." What was that? Teleportation? No way; psychic powers are usually pretty unique, almost like a fingerprint. To begin with, not many people are born with psychic powers, probably like 1 percent or less of the population. On that same vein, lineage, personality, and experience shape a power to be unique for each person. I would say the chance that they have the s ame power is less than 0.0001 percent. It's not impossible, but there haven't been any reported cases of such a thing happening, and I don't believe that is what I just saw.That vanishing and that teleportation, the cogs in my mind turn, and I figure out the solution I am looking for. I just witnessed a very crafty trick; her power has nothing to do with teleportation. She never left that spot since the start. Her power, from what I can understand, is illusions. Reika continues to tower over Quinn, her presence commanding the room. Quinn, now realizing the true nature of Reika's abilities, is visibly shaken."Get up," Reika commands, her voice laced with unsettling calmness. "We're not done yet."Quinn, still reeling from the psychological assault, manages to push herself up to her knees. Her eyes dart around, looking for any way out, any strategy that could possibly work against this overwhelming opponent. With a swift motion, Reika flips her fan open again, its delicate patterns contrasting sharply with the brutal display of power she just demonstrated. Quinn, now back on her feet, takes a defensive stance, but it's clear she's still shaken. "Let's see how long you can last," Reika taunts, her eyes never leaving Quinn's.Quinn charges again, her teleportation ability allowing her to close the distance in an instant. This time, she aims a flurry of punches and kicks, each one precise and fueled by desperation. But Reika is ready, her movements fluid and almost effortless as she dodges and deflects each attack. "You've got spirit," Reika admits, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "But it's not enough. Let me show you the difference in our talent." Quinn yells in anger, "I am not done yet!" Quinn's eyes narrow as she focuses, trying to find any weakness in Reika's defense. She teleports again, this time appearing behind Reika and aiming a kick at her head. But Reika anticipates the move, spinning around and catching Quinn's leg in mid-air."Predictable," Reika says, her grip like iron.With a swift motion, Reika throws Quinn to the ground. Quinn lands hard, the breath knocked out of her. She tries to get up, but Reika is already there, her foot pressing down on Quinn's chest. "Yield," Reika commands, her voice leaving no room for argument. Interesting, after the original display, she didn't need her illusions. She just overwhelmed an opponent without even needing her power. Quinn struggles for a moment, but it's clear she's outmatched. She lets out a defeated sigh. "I yield," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. Reika steps back, allowing Quinn to rise. The room is silent, the other students watching in awe and fear. Mr. Nakamura steps forward, his expression stern. "Reika, you pass. Quinn, you've shown resilience, but you need to work on your strategy and composure. Both of you, take your seats." As Reika walks back to her place, the other students part to make way for her. She sits down, her expression calm and composed, as if the intense battle was nothing more than a routine exercise.The remaining fights are as predicted; a lot of students pass, but a good chunk fail. The ones that put up a good fight pass, but the others are out of the academy. With that, Mr. Nakamura smiles for the first time. "Test adjourned. To those of you still here, I congratulate you. You have proven you are elite and belong in this class. I will say I didn't expect anyone to actually beat Quinn. Ain, Reika, and Kaiser, was it? You have earned my attention. I look forward to seeing what else you have to offer."As the class begins to disperse, Quinn, still visibly shaken and humiliated, approaches me with a scowl. "This is your fault," she hisses. "If you hadn't messed with my emotions, I wouldn't have lost so badly. Your power threw off my concentration." I raise an eyebrow, my expression calm but my eyes cold. "You think I'm to blame for your losses? Maybe you should focus more on your own weaknesses and less on blaming others. I only amplified what was already there." Quinn's face flushes with anger and shame, her fists clenching at her sides. Before she can retort, Mr. Nakamura's voice cuts through the tension."Enough for today. Everyone, get some rest. Tomorrow will be even more challenging." As the students file out, I glance back at Quinn. The rivalry and tension are palpable, setting the stage for future conflicts. As I step into the hallway, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what's to come.