
The Sovereign's Crown

In the prestigious Psychic Academy, where gifted individuals train to become the elite of psychic society, Ain Griffin stands out as a prodigy with unmatched potential. His ability to manipulate emotions sets him apart, but his ambitions extend far beyond mere mastery of his powers; he dreams of achieving the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." Beyond the academy walls lies a realm of untold mysteries and untamed powers. The world of psychic society is a complex tapestry of alliances and rivalries, where factions vie for influence and dominance. From the shadowy enclaves of underground societies to the glittering palaces of the elite, Ain must navigate a treacherous landscape fraught with peril and intrigue. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Ain's focus remains unwavering: he is determined to attain the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." For in this world, the Sovereign holds real power, not just within the academy, but in the broader politics of the world. As Ain rises through the ranks of the academy, he learns that the Sovereign wields immense influence over the direction of psychic society. They have the authority to shape policies, broker alliances, and even declare war. With such power at stake, the competition for the title of Sovereign is fierce, and Ain knows that he must do whatever it takes to emerge victorious. But as Ain delves deeper into the murky world of psychic politics, he realizes that the path to Sovereignty is fraught with peril. He must navigate a web of intrigue and deception, where allies can quickly become enemies and trust is a rare commodity. With the power to lead Ain must come to terms with what it means to be the Sovereign and what it means to lead.

Sydonay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4: A Ruthless Beginning

The next morning arrives with a crisp chill in the air, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon. I wake up early, the events of yesterday playing through my mind. This place, with its grandeur and its ruthless competition, is unlike anywhere I've ever been. I glance over to see Kaiser still asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily. For all his bravado and intensity, he seems almost peaceful in sleep. We ate in the dining hall last night; the food had its own menu like a restaurant. The specials rotated daily, and you could order as much food as you wanted—something that Kaiser took full advantage of. I don't think I have ever seen someone eat that much. Despite that, though, his body was small, almost frail-looking, but looks could be deceiving, especially in this school.I put on my uniform: the black blazer with the tie and black pants. I almost felt like I was going to a funeral. By the time I'm finished, Kaiser is starting to stir. "Morning," I say as he stretches and yawns."Morning," he replies, his voice still groggy. "Ready for our first day?"I nod. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's see what this place has in store for us."We head out of the dorm room and make our way to the main building where our first class is scheduled. The campus is bustling with activity, students hurrying to their classes or chatting in groups. There's an underlying tension in the air, a sense of anticipation and unease. Everyone here is aiming for the top, and no one knows who their real competition is yet.Our first class is in a large lecture hall. As we take our seats, I notice Reika Tsukino sitting a few rows ahead of us. She turns and gives a slight nod, acknowledging our presence. After a few minutes, a man with shaggy black hair walks in. He has tired eyes and large glasses. He is wearing a loose-fitting, monk-like robe; it seems lazy, almost like he threw it on before class. He hasn't shaved either, a shadow making its way over his face. This was not what I expected to see at an elite academy, but behind those lazy eyes, I get the impression he has some charisma. He holds a water bottle on his head and addresses the class in a tired way. He introduces himself, "Hello, students. Welcome to Amber Riddle Academy. I am your teacher. You may call me Mr. Nakamura. Today you'll be given a test. If you fail, I will ask you to leave campus right away."Murmurs echo throughout the class. Nobody expected something like this minute one of classes. Mr. Nakamura laughs a little. "The first test will be combat-based. Your opponent will be an upperclassman of my choosing. Your goal isn't to win, but to show that you have what it takes to belong in this school, money or not. Any questions?" One of the nerdier-looking guys in the front row raises his hand. "Combat, sir? What if your psychic ability isn't combat-based?" Mr. Nakamura laughs. "Guess you better pack your bags then. Or use your head a little. That could be a good start too. Anyways, enough dumb questions. Quinn, you can come in now."The murmurs grow louder as we all process the sudden test and Mr. Nakamura's harsh words. The door to the lecture hall opens, and a girl strides in with a confident air. Quinn is tall and lean, with striking blue hair cut into a short bob that frames her angular face. Her eyes, a piercing shade of green, seem to take in everything at once, giving her a perceptive, almost predatory look.She's dressed in the academy's uniform, but she wears it with a casual defiance—her tie is loose, and the blazer is unbuttoned. There's a noticeable aura of assurance about her, as if she knows she's someone to be reckoned with. Quinn's presence alone quiets the room."Everyone, meet Quinn," Mr. Nakamura announces with a lazy wave of his hand. "She's one of our top upperclassmen. Today, she'll be testing each of you. Her ability is teleportation, so don't be surprised if she disappears and reappears in an instant. Now, let's get started. First up is Ken Silver." He points to the nerdier kid in the front row with black hair and glasses. The kid stands up; he seems a bit shaky. He begins speaking, "I can only see the inside of machines and their history. Practical combat is not my area of experience." The teacher merely rolls his eyes. "Students who don't have multiple areas of experience aren't qualified for this school. Quinn, please show our freshman out the door." Quinn's green eyes flare up. "With pleasure." She cracks her knuckles, and Mr. Nakamura yells, "Begin!"Before I even have the chance to get myself ready, the fight is over. Quinn merely teleports behind the boy, Ken, and deals a blow to his back. The momentum of her speed sends him flying out the open door. He is down for the count. Mr. Nakamura adds, "You fail. Please sign the release form in the main office. Next." He doesn't even bat an eye. It seems that violence in this school is condoned by the teachers, not discouraged. Shit, this was not what I expected. I am not a fighting expert. My power is in the same boat as that Ken kid. I watch in panic as a few more kids go up; each of them meets the same fate—they fly out of the room, unable to even land a hit. Finally, a familiar name is called, "Next is Kaiser Cloud. Please step to the front."Kaiser walks up calmly. "This the best place to fight? I don't know if this small area will do for me." Mr. Nakamura smiles a bit. "Feel free to go all out. You don't need to worry. It's my job to worry about that." Kaiser steps forward, cracking his knuckles and stretching his neck, a confident smirk playing on his lips. The tension in the room thickens as everyone leans forward, eager to see how this match will unfold.Quinn eyes him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Ready to get a taste of the real world, freshman?" she taunts. Kaiser shoots back, "Maybe our second class activity will be mopping up your blood." Quinn smiles confidently. "Cheeky little shit." Mr. Nakamura gives the signal, and Quinn wastes no time, teleporting behind Kaiser with blinding speed, her fist aimed at his back. But Kaiser, almost as if anticipating her move, spins around and catches her wrist mid-air. The class gasps in unison; this is the first time anyone has managed to counter Quinn so effectively. Quinn's smile fades as she tries to release her arm. "Ahh, goddammit! What is this strength?" Kaiser licks his lips sadistically. "How many pieces should I break your arm into?" He presses down on it, causing her to show a flash of pain, but just as quickly as she was caught, she vanishes.She reappears at the far end of the room, a determined look on her face. "Not bad," she admits. "But let's see how you handle this." She teleports in rapid succession around Kaiser, her form flickering in and out of existence as she aims a flurry of punches and kicks. Kaiser's movements are fluid and precise; he blocks and dodges each strike with a calm, almost relaxed demeanor. He's not just defending—he's analyzing, studying her patterns.After a particularly fast series of teleports, Quinn reappears directly in front of him, throwing a powerful punch aimed at his face. Kaiser ducks under her attack and, with a swift motion, sweeps her legs out from under her. She teleports just before hitting the ground, reappearing a few feet away, slightly out of breath.Kaiser straightens up, his grin widening. "You're fast, but you rely too much on your ability," he says. "Speed isn't everything."Quinn narrows her eyes, her pride clearly stung. "Let's see if you can keep up then," she challenges, teleporting again.But this time, Kaiser is ready. As she reappears, he's already in motion, closing the distance between them with surprising speed. He lands a solid punch to her midsection, and the force sends her stumbling back it knocks the wind out of her. Before she can recover, Kaiser grabs her by the collar and lifts her off the ground."Had enough?" he asks, his tone almost casual.Quinn glares at him but nods reluctantly. Kaiser sets her down gently, and she straightens her uniform, clearly frustrated but also grudgingly impressed.Mr. Nakamura claps slowly, a rare look of approval on his face. "Well done, Kaiser. You've demonstrated exceptional skill and control. You pass." After Kaiser, my name is called, "Ain Griffin to the front, please." I walk up; my legs feel like rods of iron. I had formed a small plan in my mind, but I had no idea if it would work in real combat. Quinn glares at me, still a bit shaken up by Kaiser. "Huh, the next one looks puny. This should make me feel better." I mock, "Looks can be deceiving. Kaiser is my friend. He really had you on the ropes, didn't he?" My voice gets low so Kaiser can't hear, "Let me just tell you. Between Kaiser and myself, I am by far the stronger one. Oh, and one more thing: I don't know how to hold back." I lick my lips, hoping that she eats up my bluff. Just as I think that, Quinn shouts, "Enough talk, freshman! I will be the judge of that!" Suddenly, I feel the wind change, and a fist I can't even comprehend is about to strike me hard in the back. I prepare my body to take the blow, but it's far too fast. This could be the first time I have felt so powerless.