
The Sovereign's Awakening: Shaping a New Realm"

In the epic tale of "Monarch: Creator of a New World," follow the extraordinary journey of Evan, the central protagonist, as he embarks on a quest for redemption, power, and the chance to reshape the very fabric of existence. Evan, a once ordinary young man with a tragic past, discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unimaginable abilities—the power to manipulate time itself. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a path of vengeance against those who have wronged him

demansalv · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: Unleashing the Sword's Power

The book also revealed another unique skill it possessed. It could grant me glimpses into the abilities and attributes of other beings. By focusing my attention on them, I could perceive their power, magic attribute, and even details such as their name, gender, and race. However, the use of this skill would consume my mana. At the first star of mana control, I would be able to use this ability five times a day. With each subsequent star, the number of uses would increase.

Excitement and determination filled my being as I realized the immense resources at my disposal. With the All-Knowing Book as my guide, I would unlock the depths of my potential, unravel the mysteries of magic, and shape my destiny in ways that surpassed the limitations of conventional wisdom.

I sat at my desk on June 4th, the weight of my past heavy on my shoulders. It was a crucial date, as in just six days, on June 10th, my youngest brother would come for a duel. In my previous life, that day had marked my defeat, plunging me into suffering . But this time, armed with the determination to change my past and shape my future, I knew things would be different.

I picked up my pen and a fresh notebook, ready to document my journey of transformation. With each stroke of ink, I poured out the memories of my past life, refusing to be bound by their limitations. I wrote about the pain and inferiority that had plagued me, the moments of defeat etched deeply within my soul.

But now, with the knowledge of my past and the resolve to rewrite it, I set forth on a new path.

With determination burning in my heart, I turned to Wise, the embodiment of all-knowing wisdom. I expressed my inability to address it as "All Knowing" every time and requested a name for it. Wise, in response, bestowed upon itself the name that reflected its essence - a name that resonated with its purpose: Wise, the one who knows everything. I accepted this name with gratitude.

Now, with Wise as my guide, I eagerly sought its guidance on the path to unlocking my magical abilities. Wise revealed that attempting to train in all magic attributes simultaneously would require an immense amount of mana, far beyond what my current weak body could handle. Therefore, it advised me to strengthen my physical self first, and the key to doing so was through sword training.

To unlock the potential for magic, I needed to first reach the level of a 1-star swordsman. At this milestone, I would gain the ability to harness and control one magic attribute of my choosing. As my swordsmanship prowess continued to advance and I achieved 2-star mastery, I would unlock the potential to wield two different magic attributes. And finally, when I reached the pinnacle of my swordsmanship journey at 9-star mastery, I would be able to command the powers of all magic attributes.

It became clear to me that my immediate focus should be on training in the art of the sword to reach the 1-star level. Only then would I have the foundation necessary to tap into the realm of magic. The prospect of harnessing a magic attribute of my choice filled me with excitement and anticipation.

Eager to begin, I turned to Wise once more, seeking its guidance on the fundamental knowledge required to achieve 1-star mastery in swordsmanship. In response, Wise assured me that it would transmit all the necessary knowledge directly into my mind.

As I braced myself, a surge of information flooded my consciousness. The intricacies of sword techniques, the principles of balance and precision, and the art of maneuvering in combat flowed seamlessly into my being. I absorbed this wealth of knowledge, feeling it settle within me,intertwining with my existing understanding.

The transfer of knowledge was not without its challenges, as my mind struggled to process and integrate the vast amount of information. Yet, with each passing moment, I felt a growing sense of familiarity and connection to the sword. It became clear that the path to mastery required not only physical training but also the cultivation of a deep bond between my mind, body, and the weapon itself.

I have only 5 days for training.

Armed with the knowledge bestowed upon me by Wise, I embarked on my rigorous training regimen. Day after day, I honed my skills, repeating the fundamental movements and techniques with unwavering dedication. The weight of the sword became an extension of my own body, and each swing brought me closer to the elusive 1-star mastery.

I could feel the energy within me shifting, as if a dormant power was awakening. The mana that surrounded me seemed to respond to my growing proficiency, pulsating with a subtle intensity. It was as if the sword itself recognized my potential, eagerly awaiting the moment when I would unlock the magic that lay dormant within.

With Wise as my constant guide and the fire of determination burning brightly within me, I continued to push myself further, striving to reach the coveted 1-star level in swordsmanship. The journey was arduous, filled with countless hours of practice, but I knew that with each step forward, I was drawing closer to the realization of my true potential.

After four days of rigorous training, I felt the progress within me. On June 8th, I finally reached the coveted milestone of becoming a 1-star swordsman. The elation filled my being as I returned to my room, ready to embark on the next phase of my journey.

With a sense of anticipation, I turned to Wise, eager to explore the realm of magic. I asked if I could now use magic, and he affirmed that I had reached the point where I could choose my first magic attribute. However, I found myself at a crossroads, uncertain of which attribute to select.

Seeking guidance, I turned to Wise and asked for his advice. He suggested that I begin with the dark attribute. Intrigued but perplexed, I questioned his reasoning. Wise explained that except for the space attribute, dark attribute magicians rarely lose in battles against those with different attributes.

He further elucidated the strengths of the dark attribute, highlighting its exceptional offensive capabilities, solid defensive techniques, and unmatched agility when it came to evading enemies. Moreover, dark attribute magicians exhibited accelerated growth compared to others. The prospect of these advantages intrigued me.

However, I couldn't help but voice my concerns to Wise. I questioned whether there were any drawbacks to choosing the dark attribute. Wise acknowledged that while there were drawbacks for others, for someone like me, there were none. He explained that the biggest drawback for dark attribute magicians was the inability to reach the 9-star level. Over time, the impurities within their mana would corrupt their minds, preventing them from achieving the highest level of mastery.

In response to my concerns, Wise assured me that my nine minds provided a unique advantage. With multiple minds, the risk of corruption was mitigated. The impurities within the mana would have little effect on me, allowing me to harness the power of the dark attribute without succumbing to its drawbacks.

A newfound confidence surged within me as I absorbed Wise's wisdom. The dark attribute called to me, promising strength, resilience, and rapid growth. With my unique nature, the potential risks posed by the attribute's drawback were minimized. I made my decision.

I looked at Wise and declared, "I will embrace the dark attribute. Together, we will defy the limitations imposed by others and forge a path that is uniquely mine."

Wise nodded approvingly, knowing that this decision marked a pivotal moment in my journey. The ink of my notebook captured the significance of this choice, forever etching it into my story.

As I prepared to delve into the depths of dark magic, I felt a sense of empowerment and excitement. The future held infinite possibilities, and with each step, I was reshaping my destiny. The days of defeat and suffering were behind me, replaced by a determination to claim victory and

create a future that reflected my true potential.