

Once upon a time, Magnot was ruled by four great Kings, the North being the greatest among them all. There was a conspiracy to kill the king of the North and to collect the power to the throne from the heir, whom the enemy thought was still the weak and soft hearted boy they knew. The princess of the South who was a trained assassin was sent to the North, disguised as a Kitchen Staff to save the life of the King. On the day of the Kings birthday, which was the day the enemy had planned to carryout their evil plans, the King of the North was shot. The princess of the South was caught holding a weapon, unknown to people that she had been trying to save the King who laid unconscious on the ground close to her. Since she was the only one seen in the room, all her plea that she was innocent fell on deaf ears. Prince Nicholas ordered her arrest. She was tried and found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to death. When a proper investigation was done, she was found innocent and the death sentence was removed. She found herself fighting the several love advances of the prince of the North, while trying to expose the perpetrators of the crime

Chioma_Mmokwe · Urban
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7 Chs


She closed her eyes to relax her body on the seat as the coachman drove the carriage down the wilds, going through the woods leading to the Northern Kingdom.

Her destination in the North was the palace. She was going their to resume work as a kitchen staff. She cringed at the thought and opened one eyes to look in the carriage, when she felt the carriage slow down.

Through the help of someone close to the head housekeeper, she was able to secure a job at the palace.

She was going to the palace on disguise and would leave as soon as she is done with the task given to her, without revealing to anyone her real identity. That was the agreement she had with her father.

She opened her eyes and turned her head towards the window, to stare out from it , when she started hearing voices.

Finally, they were out of the wild and had entered into the road leading to Abdera. She looked at the carriages and carts of other travellers.

A lady peeked out her head from the cart driving beside their carriage and stared at her. She saw the ladies lips move as she said something to the person sitting besides her. A second head peeked out from the window to have a look at what ever she was told.

A mad coachman driving a wagon filled with baskets of tomatoes, drove his wagon down the road, the wheels made a loud clanking sound and attracted the gaze of so many travellers.

She looked on as the coachmen began moving their vehicles out of the wagon's way to avoid colliding with the impatient and angry looking coachman.

Her coachman drove down the long road and turned into the many streets.

Not long, they were soon driving down the roads leading to Abdera, the city of Thrace. The home abode of the king of the North .

According to history, the Norths are blessed with the largest proportion of lands, and they are the largest crop production country in the Kingdom of Magnot.

She sighed and brought out a feathered hand fan she had packed in her bag, and began fanning herself. The summer hot sun was making the carriage heat up.

The carriage drove down Kale street, and when it was almost close to the palace, she returned the fan back in her bag and asked the coachman to drop her .

"Thank you, William, " She said climbing down from the carriage."I will take it from here."

The coachman bowed his head before turning the carriage around to drive off.

She pulled the old bag close to her side, and began walking wobbly down to the gate house. Her legs were feeling rigid from sitting for so long in the carriage.

Guest had already started streaming in through the gate house. Some of them had travelled from afar and had arrived a week earlier , pro to the function , to attend the Kings birthday party.

She learnt that the North King had sent invite to its three neighbouring Kingdom in Magnot.

At the side of the roads and even in front of the gatehouse, there were crowds gathered around, watching every carriages and carts that drove pass.

Some smart traders had set up their wares close to the palace and were calling the guest who had just come in from home and foreign lands to come and buy from them.

Few travellers who were attracted to a traders ware bought from them.

She walked towards one of the traders to make enquiries. "Can you tell me why there is a crowd in front of the gatehouse."

"We have gotten news that Prince Nicholas will be arriving today for the Kings birthday," The female trader she had chosen to ask turned to say to her " He had been out of the country for the past six years and the people can't wait to welcome him back to their hometown."

She thanked the woman for this new piece of information and began walking towards the crowd.

In front of the gatehouse, there were armed royal guards, confirming the identities of the guest.

The Stable boys are quick to collect the guest ride from them, while the guest are led to the guestroom to rest till dinner time.

The head guard announced the arrival of the royal carriage, she stepped aside and watched as everyone quickly made way for the carriage to go in.

"All Hail the prince ! All Hail the prince!" The crowd erupted with joy when they saw the royal carriage.

A man's hand came out from the carriage and waved to the people. The crowd erupted with screams.

"Prince Nicholas !" A love sick lady from the crowd screamed." I love you!"

"Touch me, my prince !" Another love sick lady screamed, trying to push her way closer to the carriage."Just once."

She stared on in amazement and got so engrossed with staring at the ladies and women, making a public embarrassment of themselves that she didn't know when the crowd pulled close on her.

She startled and looked around, when people started to push her around as they tried to scramble to the front of the royal carriage, to get close to the prince.

"Make way !" A lady said , bumping into her.

She clutched her bag tight and moved out of the crowd. She looked for a place less crowded to watch the crowd , and wait for the place to clear up.

The crowd soon dissipated after the royal carriage had gone in through the gatehouse.

She moved away from where she was standing and started weaving her way around the traders who were hawking and pushing their wares .

She had almost walked straight in front of a trunk carrying apples, if not that she had heard the sound of wheels speeding down towards her and had jump out of the way, she would have been toppled to the ground.

After the trunk had rolled away, she began walking down the short way to the palace gate. This town and its drama. She thought to herself.

When she was within the palace, she presented herself to the palace head housekeeper. She looked at the faces of five other ladies, who had also just arrived to resume work in the palace as maids.

They were led down to the servants quarters, each of them were given a room which they are to share with one other maids.

They were told to rest for today and resume work tomorrow.

She closed the door and looked around at the small room. There were two beds in the room. She looked at the bag close to the leg of the bed at her right side, and walked towards the bed at her right.

She began unpacking her things and decorating the side of her bed with the few things she had brought from home.

When she was done, she laid down to have a nap. She would tour the palace grounds to get familiar with things when she awakes. She yawned and fell asleep.

The great hall was filled with a lively atmosphere. All around, there were discussions and laughter's going round the table as most of the nobles took this opportunity to get reacquainted with themselves while they waited for the arrival of the King and princess at the dinner table.

Nicholas ignored the curious gazes and questioning eyes he was getting from the nobles seated at the table for dinner. He stretched out his legs and leaned his back on the chair, allowing his eyes to go round the table.

He listened to the two women sitting by his right hand side, gossiping about another married noble woman whom they were suspecting to be having a fling with the duke of the riverside.

"Oh no, That is abominable !" The woman being told exclaimed with an exaggerated shock."and to think she pretends to be pious around other noble women."

The other woman relating the news snorted in derision " Pious indeed. She is a green snake under green grass."

The woman who was sitting close to him, suspected he was listening in on their discussion. She shifted uncomfortably and feigned a cough to attract the attention of the other woman . The other woman raised up her eyes to stare curiously at her.

The one who had coughed, pretended to scratch her head, she took the opportunity to nod her head in his direction. The woman staring at her curiously, followed the direction of her head. She pretended to look at someone in their line of seat.

He saw her throw a quick look at him, She turned back to nod her head before lowering gaze . He knew they had forgotten they were in a public gathering, and weren't aware that there were people who might be listening to their discussion.

They quickly changed their line of discussion to talk about women's stuff and the weather.

Across the table, the four group of men sitting close together bursted out laughing. They were holding a discussion about past wars they had fought, and boasting to each other about their brave actions.

One of them who wanted to appear as the bravest among them, decided to sugar coat his own words.

"And I stared at the face of my enemy and said " Surrender ! And bow before thy master or die !" He said with all seriousness.

The others bursted out laughing , some of the men who had heard his boast joined in the laugh.

"You lie, Duke Rufus !" One of the men said.

"Nay, I know you lot won't believe me but this is what actually happened." He said with a straight face.

"And what did he do ? Did he surrender?" Someone asked him.

Nicholas had a twinkle in his eyes has he stared at the man and his lying lips. He flickered his gaze at the others and saw them staring at the man with great interest . They were eager to hear his next word.

He turned back to stare at Duke Rufus like the others, to hear his next word.

"Of course, he heard the voice filled with so much power and authority. The next thing I knew, he threw himself on the ground and started bawling like a woman. Begging for mercy."

A laugh flew out from Nicholas lips before he knew it. What a great liar, Duke Rufus is ! He thought to himself as he laughed.

The table around them was filled with lots of laughter, most of the noble had turned to listen to him and they were all laughing.

The voice of the royal announcer interrupted the word which someone was about saying to him.

"All arise and welcome the King and princess of the North, " The announcer said " King Maverick and Princess Esmeralda."

Everyone stood up, including Nicholas to welcome their King and princess. They watched the elegant entrance of the King and princess.

The King and princess strode into the hall, they each took their seat at the table. Everyone sat down when they did.

The King stretched out his hand to the cupbearer to hand him a drink, after which he picked a cutlery from the many plate of food in front of him. He hit the glass wine with the cutlery to get everyone's attention.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn to face the King, when they heard him hit the glass of wine in his hand.

"I welcome you all to the Winter palace ," King Maverick's voice boomed round the great hall "and I thank you all for honouring my invitation. I will like to use this opportunity to make a great announcement."

Nicholas nodded his head in greeting at his younger sister, who smiled at him before turning her head to listen to what her father was saying.

"My beloved son, the heir of Winter palace and the North Kingdom his done with his training at the Military Camp," King Maverick paused to let the nobles digest his words.

Everyone clapped their hands when they heard the Kings announcement.

"Not only that, " King Maverick said,calling for silence "He has honoured his father by gracing his father with his presence. Let us all make a toast to my son as he stands up to present himself to you all."

The nobles raised their glass of wine placed in front of them to the air. They all turned their heads towards the door, expecting him to stride in.

The chair at the dinner table shifted , it attracted their attention. They turned around in surprise when they saw him stand

"To Prince Nicholas the heir of Winter Palace and the North Kingdom." King Maverick toast.

Nicholas lowered his head to hide his smile when he saw Duke Rufus ears redden in embarrassment. He picked up his glass of wine and raised it in the air to accept their toast.

"To prince Nicholas !" Everyone Chorused and clapped.

Nicholas sat down and King Maverick gave everyone the order to start eating. The dinner table became lively once again.

There were different delicacies, served on the table for the kings guest to choose from. It is the kings way of ensuring that everyone eats to their satisfaction and no one leaves the great hall dissatisfied.

King Maverick sure knows how to entertain his guest, this is why the nobles never get tired of attending any social function he host.

Nicholas Chatted a bit with the duke and Marquis who were eager to introduce themselves to him after which he chatted with his father and kid sister.

When he was almost done with eating, he pushed back his plate and excused himself from the table.

He strode outside to stretch his legs. He had no idea of where he wanted to go, only that he wanted to take a stroll. When he had gone round the palace to see the changes that had been done in it for the past six years he was away, he decided to go to the stable to have a look at the horses.

He knew his personal guards were following closely behind, so he would end his tour of the palace at the stable and leave off going to the library for another day. He needed them to rest after the long journey they had just returned from.

He was almost at the stable when he saw a lady dressed in a maids attire just leaving the stables. He stared at her curiously, there is something about the air around her that looks off.

She raise her head up to the sky, and sighed as the wind played with her blonde hair which was left loose around her shoulder.

She felt someone staring at her, she turned to look around, her gaze lingered on a dark corner before she turned away to start striding back to the servants quarters.

He watched to see the direction she would take, and saw her striding towards the servant quarters. He hadn't been able to see her face , he stared at her disappearing back before stepping out from where he had hidden himself to go to the stable.

He went around to check the royal horses, to make sure they have been tended to before leaving the stables to return back to his room.