
The sound of silenceee

The sound of silence is just loud enough…

_cynthia211 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I lay in bed, thinking about my life.

Who thought the black pages of the past would come back to stain my not-so white neatly inked pages of the present. I've not had the best life, I know. I was basically alone and in my own world. I knew some people described me as the lone doctor. I couldn't care less. What's even worse is finding out that the saint was a sinner after all. This was messed up. Before they hunt me down, I'll have to turn myself in. There was no going back, there's no delaying, I'm going to end up behind bars anyway that's if I don't get a death sentence. It was worse that I didn't know any family but him. I never had real feelings of love, my heart was basically a frozen space...cold soul! I never actually had any relationships or felt loved. I came to this world alone, been alone and I'd go back alone.

           "Life is short, build relationships. It doesn't matter how many times we get hurt, there're people waiting to get a chance and when they come in, they'd appreciate you for being a part of their lives".

Cleo, Daisy and for some reason Liam were the only friends and probably family I ever had. I didn't give them a chance to actually love me the way they wanted and were supposed to. I was, well, protecting my space. Guess there's nothing more to protect at this point.

Letting out a tear and a sigh of defeat I shut my eyes and welcomed the darkness I was already used to up until now. I loved the peace and silence, it helped me reminisce on how I had met my favorite people. Maybe I'll actually find something to live for, something that'd make me want to wake up tomorrow. Instead, the sounds of the silence made me think instead, how terrible of a life I had been living.

Liam and I had met on a very terrible circumstance. He'd saved me from getting rapped by the street hoodlums. When he came in and fought them off, they'd already thorn my clothes, he saw me naked!!! He gave me his clothes and carried me home and as Mother Nature must have had it, we attended the same high school. He tried and tried to get close to me but always got humiliated by my miserable self. He had ignored all warnings and asked me to be his date to prom. Well I agreed! The sweet cutest guy in high school and his terrible loner prom date. Cute!

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He had asked me in front of everyone when we won prom king and queen, stupidest thing ever.

"You're overstepping your boundaries, you really are". Was my reply.

Even after turning him down in the worst way ever I still waited for him to drive me home. You can add manipulative to my bio.  He was the sweetest person ever, then and now. We went on to the same college, we got our BSc(s) and parted ways, I went on to medical school while he proceeded to Harvard school of business. That's how relevant he has been. Even with my uncaring attitude, he still called and visited me at intervals. You can add Liam to the list of those sweet souls you can call "a friend indeed" he was always there when I did need him and when I didn't. Though our relationship was casual, way too distant, I never showed that I actually acknowledged him but I knew he was highly appreciated and respected deep down in my heart.

As for Cleo , she was my high school sweetheart. I really can't recall how we met but we have been best friends since. She always stood up for me. She was one person I felt comfortable laughing and crying in front of. To be clear, she only knew my name and nothing else. I never paid attention to her personal problems, at worst situations I didn't ever want to get involved. It hurt her most of the times but she came to understand me better, that was This being Thia. I didn't care the way everyone else did. Even her boy problems were disgusting to me.

"Don't you have other things to worry about besides him? like food or algebra??.." that was usually my only contribution.

Even when she mentioned that her baby brother was in a critical condition, I only just said,

"You'll be fine".

"You're a strong girl".

And only visited the hospital once.

Terrible, I know.

Even in the silence of the night, I could hear the footsteps of nemesis. I tore my eyes open and sat up scared. "You'll be fine". I muttered to myself and lay back down. Reason they said "evil has no peace of mind".

I really hope I don't die before I get killed because...

My phone beeped...

Unknown caller".

"Hello". I whispered from my end.

"Um...hi". Came a masculine voice "Doctor Angeles, it's Anthony, Anthony Jones..." my heart sank. He kept talking but my heart was busy pounding hard against my chest and mind was busy running wild...

"Hello?" He called from his end. "Can you hear me?"

With a shaky voice and salivary mouth I replied "ah..yes..I'm..im here".

"Yh okay, I was hoping we could have dinner together or something, just a casual dinner, I wanted to treat you to something as my little way of saying thank you".

What? It's over, my life is over!!!

"No, um I'll ... l'll pass". This was ridiculous "I mean you need at least 6 months to recover and..."

"I'm fine besides I'm gonna be with a doctor and my full medication". He teased half serious.

There's was really no need to turn him down. Maybe we could meet and talk about this besides I'm a grown woman and him probably a reasonable adult by now.

"I'll think about it". Was my response before I ended the conversation.

I bounced on my couch with a frustrated sigh. Before long I could feel hot shivers running through my spine and tears trailing down my cheeks. I began to breathe heavily, I think I'm gonna pass out.

"Thia..." came a fading voice.

"Thia what is wrong with you wake up". The voice sounded pathetic.

"Here". Came another voice and almost immediately I felt cold wetness all over me. I tore my eyes open... Liam, Cleo and...oh sassy Daisy.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh..yeah...I'm fine". I responded, my head was spinning. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to see how you were faring". Came Cleo.

"Of course, you told her..."

"Don't even get me angry ..." she was clearly already flaring. "We've been friends since forever and you couldn't even tell me?"

"We'll it's not something that should be announced on city television..."

"Stop being such a jerk...you cant always be your own hero. You can't always save yourself, you need to talk to someone, you have had the worst experiences in life agreed but you need help. The princess doesn't have to always save herself, in fact she doesn't even have to save herself in this one...." Was she crying?

"Oh you remembered"... I was trying to lighten the mood "enchanted: the princess saves herself in this one".

"Stop it...just stop it".

Wait! I'm confused, whose the one with the problem? Me or her? I'm the one that has chances of possible death sentence, I'm the confused one, oh I almost forgot, I'm the one going on a date with the man I killed with my own hands 14 years ago , my dad and she had the guts to cry? I'm facing nemesis and oh look my eyes no tears! She'd better not get on my nerves .

"You guys that's enough". Came Liam . "Thia, there's something you need to know". He said not smiling.

Oh I know, another heart breaking truth.

"It's about Anthony Jones".