
The Souls of Destiny

Dylan is a shy, introverted guy with a troubled past. In 2012 due to the particle accelerator, several faults in the world will open and from them will come out different magical creatures and beasts never seen. Humans will be able to adapt as Dylan struggles to understand his role in this new world, full of new realities and moral laws

MaxRotterdam · Fantasy
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31 Chs

My life

"Hurry up, it's late," she banged her hand forcefully near the sink. I immediately ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and got ready properly, at the time my hair was a bit longer, in fact, I wanted to cut it, I also had two blue eyes that were the only thing I took from my mother, the rest I took from my father. My clothes were from yesterday, but I certainly couldn't complain, so I put them on, took my bag, and left. When I got downstairs, I found at least 5/6 men in front of me with cigarettes and who knows what else in their hands. My neighborhood was the most dangerous in Queens, every time I saw adults passing by with knives and guns without problems. The mafia wasn't that powerful at the time, but in my neighborhood, we lived every moment of that reality. The narrow street I walked down in the morning allowed me to immediately reach the school, and when I arrived, I saw two people. A tall, mustached man, and a woman in a long dress.

"Did you get the information?" said the man.

"Of course, but first the money and then the information," repeated the woman. At that moment, I wasn't thinking about what the two were plotting, I just wanted to get to school on time. So I walked alongside them, fortunately, they didn't pay any attention to me, except for the woman who looked at me badly. As I exited the street, I looked at the school, and at that moment.

"Dylaaaan.." a guy tapped my shoulder, I turned immediately. George Brown, a simple teenager, messy brown hair, brown eyes like a log, and finally a button nose, usually wore hoodies but this time opted for a jacket.

"Are you ready for the science test?" He said happily.

I stopped abruptly, I had completely forgotten about the test. If I got another failure, I'd be in trouble with my mother.

"Yes, of course," I replied, trembling. The guy then started encouraging me to enter the school, thinking he wanted to compete, but he didn't realize that I was already planning not to go.

On my way, I also met my best friend, Ellie Miller, as soon as we noticed each other she immediately ran to me, took my hands and without my consent, I found myself in front of the school.

"Where were you going?" She said looking me up and down.

"To school.." I replied.

"To school? But you were just around the corner.." she immediately crushed me.

"Uhm..I..uh.." I couldn't create a coherent sentence anymore, the effect of that girl was determinate on me.

"You didn't study, did you?" She made two huge eyes, at that moment I didn't know what to say, if not to agree with her, thus admitting my defeat.

"Decide what to do, I'm going in," her gaze was disappointed, I expected it. She had always been good to me, even when I wanted to be alone she would approach me to talk, to understand me... she was the one who helped me when I was feeling bad... for her, I would have given my life. However, my fears controlled me, because I decided to leave. My heart hurt, yet I wasn't running, it was that sense of anger and sadness for having disappointed my friend... I entered Astoria Park. I started to reflect like never before, thinking about how much I sucked. I didn't study, I was afraid, I couldn't improve... I was a mistake.

"Maybe it's better to die," my eyes began to darken more than ever, I looked at the path in the park where I had sat. My tears began to fall on my face until I noticed, a shape.. a shadow too big. The sound.. that sound, it was two wings pushing the air.. I wasn't sure, but I didn't want to look up, I didn't want.. because if it were true.. everything, everything around me wouldn't make sense anymore. In the end, my curiosity got the better of me.. and...

I looked in awe at a white dragon in the sky, at that moment I couldn't believe my eyes.. it was completely absurd, it was as if a meteorite had fallen to earth. People started staring at the huge creature moving from side, in that Moment, it breathed fire from its mouth, a scene from a movie. A building began to fall, people screamed, and anyone who noticed the scene from long distances remained there watching, even I remained immobile. The cars were crashing into each other, and in an instant several accidents occurred; one of the many cars ran over pedestrians, killing them. My movements were absent, my whole body was stiff. Destruction and death unfolded before my eyes, finally, I slowly fixated on a woman being crushed by debris. I couldn't do anything; I could only stare... stare at her lifeless body and anxiously hear the screams of the many who were dying, until the beast clung to a school, my school. My body began to move like never before; while people went crazy, I ran, I ran faster and faster... in that moment all the memories with my classmates, and with Ellie, came to mind. The strength and adrenaline flowing through my body made me feel good... I jumped over a bench and ran towards the exit, dodging pedestrians quickly, and passed under a truck blocking the road. Finally, I entered an alley before being hit by two cars that collided at that exact point where I was before. My legs grew stronger and stronger; in an instant, I emerged from the alley and looked at the dragon. The dragon looked at me for a moment... it almost seemed to silence the scene. I heard helicopters in the sky, and also police cars arriving immediately at the scene.

"SHOOT!" said an agent immediately, in the middle of the traffic.

I immediately noticed that the dragon was putting force into its legs to take off again.

"DON'T SHOOT, IT'LL FLY AWAY LIKE THAT!" I shouted desperately while the honking and desperate cries of the people silenced me.

My eyes dimmed, and I saw the dragon in an instant destroy my school to fly away; the rubble and destruction it caused made the city tremble in an instant. The helicopters were completely destroyed by the wings and crashed onto other buildings. Some cars flew away due to the impact; the whole world seemed to fall apart in front of me. What sense did my life have, everything was in my head...

"It's not true," I said to myself so many times the same words, until I fell to the ground... my ears, my eyes seemed to stop working, I was abandoned to that destruction happening before my eyes. My Ellie, my friend... she was killed from one moment to the next as if nothing had happened. Life, was it really so easy to lose?

"WHYYYYY!" I shouted desperately, but in that chaos, who could hear me... if not myself.

My anger grew more and more; after all, over the years, I was unsuccessful in the "hunters" selections. One day everything changed, one day that allowed me to become what I am today.

"Dylan, get up," that voice... I got up and...