
The soul sucker

Dan was just throwing some knives to improve his knife-throwing skills but he accidentally throws them into his window a woman passed his home and got hit by the knife Dan threw and he came to grab his knife and he found the knife in a woman's dead body and something from his eyes popped up it says would you like to suck this woman soul and he pressed yes and the woman dead body vanishes into ashes.

Andika_Anindyaguna_8835 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

2000 souls

Dan woke up and instantly got to his assassin livery and pack more knives than yesterday and a katana he then goes outside and summoned all of his souls he have and the souls started to spread all over the metropolis and after a minute he receives countless notifications all of them saying +1 souls he decided to join the battles since he is bored. he arrived at the city he then jumps to the roof and started throwing the knives after a minute or two he already ran out of knives he then draws his sword and he jumps to the grounds and started running while swinging his sword after a while of running he was tired and he decided to take a break and let the souls handle it he then goes to his house, in the house he decides to make the souls disappear and he then speaks on his minds "disappear" after doing that he wants to check his notifications and he counted all of the soul that he had collected after 30 minutes of counting he have a total of 2336 souls.