
The Soul Slotter

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, at least that's how the saying goes. This world follows that saying as if it were a creed etched in stone by the lifeblood of the soul itself. The twelve Zodiacs, the leaders of the twelve remaining provinces of earth, each and every one of them corrupted to their cores. The earth has been in a constant struggle for power between these provinces for 500 or so years now. The citizens were starving, enslaved, dying, or working themselves to death just to survive. The nobles of course walked upon the backs of those beneath them Zodiac willing, for who looked to a diety above those perched at the top of the food chain. The dynamic needed to change, the Zodiacs need to be humbled, and those lurking in the shadows pulling strings for those in power need to be taken care of. Join Damien and his sister Tessa on an epic journey to disrupt the status quo, will they fall short or will they surpass the expectations of the people, themselves, and the readers.

Sully_Munster · Urban
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29 Chs

The City of Daemons and Divines pt. 1

Damien walked through the other side of the doors. Into a bustling city at the dead of night. His body had grown to that of an older teen about to hit his younger twenties. He had stubble on his face again, it was short and close to the skin. His hair was shoulder length tied up in a warriors ponytail. He had a tattoo running up his left arms, a pile of bones with wilted roses growing throughout the eye sockets and cracked portions of the skulls.

He snorted "I think I like how I'm gonna look when I get older."

Finally he looked at his surroundings. It seemed he was in the middle of a city square. There was a massive fountain in the middle of the square with a chiselled statue of an angel and a demon standing back to back. The water spewing from the halo and devil horns perched on top of their heads. The fountain was surrounded by humanoid like figures. Each and every one of them has either the halo or horns. He was in a trial of angels and demons. He was confused though, "wasn't this supposed to be the trial of shadows?" He thought to himself.

As he stood there thinking to himself he didn't realize that most of the loudness of the crowd had stopped as those around had started to notice an irregular amongst them. "What are you doing in these parts"

One of the demons was looking at him, there was no malice just curiosity in the eyes of the one who had spoken. Damien looked around before pointing at himself "are you talking about me?"

"Well who else might I be taking about" his voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"Well I don't know there seems to be hundreds of people about, you could be taking to anyone standing behi..." Damien gestured behind himself and realized not a single person stood to his back. "Shit, um... I'm just visiting." Damien replied.

"How curious" the demon leaned forward a seductive smile appearing on his face. "Have you ever been to the city of Daemons and Divines before shadow walker or should I say Soul Slotter?"

"Shadow walker? Soul slotter?"

"Ah you do not know what you are just yet, well let me show you around this fine city, I'm sure I can explain along the way." The daemon held out his hand, his devilish smile not leaving his face. Damiens eyes fixed on the canines at the edges of his mouth gulping slightly before taking the offered hand reluctantly. What choice did he have anyways, he didn't know if these people or whatever they were happened to be malevolent or not. His entire body tensed up filling with adrenaline the moment he took the hand.

" Ah, come now let me show you our magnificent city young shadow walker."

Damien didn't argue as he followed the daemon. When he got over his initial hesitancy he paid more attention to his tour guide. The daemon wore an intricate set of clothes. In fact all of the people walking around wore clothing like that out of a royal ball. He had a cane in hand with the depiction of a skull where the hand rested two glittering purple amethysts hung in the sockets. They matched his attire with a black velvet like cloth with highlights of purples and golds lacing the edges and ridges of his wears. He wore a top hat that was jet black with wisp like designs carved in gold lace all around it. Overall his clothing was very flamboyant. On the mans back peeking through his suit was a pair of blackish grey leathery wings each with four matching pairs of bone like talons at the end.

Damien shivered before looking away finally paying attention to his guides words and the buildings surrounding him. " That one is the guild front, blacksmith, and armory... Have you been paying attention young shadow walker, I'd hate to be extending hospitality to unwanting ears." The predatory purring of the Daemon's voice sent a tingle down Damiens spine.

"No.. no I'm listening." Damien back tracked his attentions and recalled everything through his subconscious. While they had been walking he had been using his peripherals to take note of the buildings and shop fronts they had passed by. He also recalled the words spoken by his still nameless tour guide.

"Oh I realize I haven't introduced myself and since I will be your guide you may call me Black... Solis Black. As you may have noticed our city is a lot more... Colorful than anywhere you may have been." Solis pointed out all the building which were different shades of crystalline along with many made of solid golds, silvers, and other precious metals. The lights in the city reflected off the buildings causing a myriad of gorgeous archways throughout. Yet not a single one reflected into his eyes to blind him.

"To our left right outside the city square we have our multitudes of exquisite cuisines. Up ahead and to our right we have one of our many shopping centers throughout the city." He beckoned at a mall sized building made of what looked to be sapphire and emerald the middle coming together to look like aquamarine.

"Now that one though" Solis pointed straight ahead at a building that piqued Damiens interest the most. "That one is our guild front, blacksmith, and armory." About five blocks south of the city center was a building made of obsidian. "Have you been paying attention young shadow walker, I'd hate to be extending hospitality to unwanting ears."