
The Soul Queen saga:The beginning

In the kingdom of Kirth, war looms over all. The great Dark Empire of the north has finally set its sights in the kingdom and its valuable resources. To battle such an enemy, the king has sent out warriors of every rank from soldier to general in every direction in search of the fabled and fearsome Soulfire. With its power, the king hopes to turn the tide of war. But the kings own court has also issued orders to the few that they trust. Bring the soulflame to us. A young girl along with her family and allies that they meet along the way are on the path of destiny but can they claim their destinies or will they fall to the machinations of madmen?

DaoistRcc8W6 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Twenty years later

Rhynera looked over the small village with calm blue eyes. Her twentieth birthday was in two months time and she felt something was going to happen. She watched from the front of the house as her father, brothers, and little sister trained to fight. She had not been chosen by her father to fight as he thought she wouldn't be very good so her mother had taught her the ways of the elf. How to hunt, hide, and fight. She told her that the greatest mistake anyone could make would be to underestimate her opponents. Cassansa had been hard on Rhynera's training. Some would have quit but Rhynera didn't. Rhynera looked to the northern side of the hidden forest. Cassansa had been killed when one of the trusted ones told a slaver of the hidden village for money. Cassansa and the children were outside the barrier gathering things. The men rode down on them fast and furious. Cassansa quickly told the children to run and tell the others. Edgar and Lars had to pull Rhynera and Elise along. They ran to the main gate and quickly told everyone. The men then took up their weapons and killed the intruders but Cassansa was mortally wounded and passed away. The whole village then quickly packed and moved even deeper into the forest. Rhyera had cried for days. She was only twelve and she lost her mother. Elgar consoled the children,

his own heart hurting. Rhynera then threw herself into the lessons her mother had taught her. It had been twelve years since the death of Cassansa and Rhyera had trained hard and long. Day after day, learning new styles and methods from the few passerbys. She also felt that her life was going to change somehow. She watched with clear eyes as a man from the village came up the path to her father. He had a letter from the village elder. Elgar read it and nodded. As the man left, Elgar motioned for Rhynera to come over.

"What was that about, Father?" Rhynera asked Elgar as the others came forward.

"The elder has decided that we need to send a team to the Capital to join some competition of the king's. Everyone is to meet in the main hall at the bell. Let's go so we can be on time." Elgar said. The children looked at each knowingly. The village tolerated them but they really didn't like the half breeds. If course, no one would say that to Elgar's face as he would kill anyone who insulted his family. The family headed into the village quickly as they knew that the meeting was important. As soon as they got to the main hall they entered to see a few others there as well. The bell began to roll and the hall filled up quickly. Samura, the village elder, waited until the hall was full of the villagers.

"Quiet, please. The Lord of this sector has asked us to submit a group of fighters for a competition of sorts. More like a scavenger hunt. We are here to choose the team of 4 that we are going to send." Samura said. A portly man spoke up.

"Why not send Elgar's children? They are trained fighters." The portly man said. Elgar growled.

"I second that. They are trained to fight and most of us are not." Another villager said. Lars and Edgar gjared at them.

"Enough, they aren't going to change their minds." Rhynera said softly.

"Is it because we are trained warriors or half elves?" Rhynera said to the room causing a hush. Samura glared at the odd girl. The others could pass for human but her never. She looked like a demon in the eyes of the villagers and many were afraid of her. Rhynera met his glare with her cold stare. Samura shivered in return. The girl was cursed.

"Everyone agrees to send Elgar's children as our team! Good. Meeting over." Samura said.

"No! I want a say! These are my children!" Elgar roared.

"Elgar, that's enough." The seer Tomas said, gently touching his arm. Elgar looked at the seer.

"Tomas, they are all I have. I can't lose them." Elgar said. Tomas looked at Elgar.

"I know that but even baby birds leave the nest. This is the path destiny has chosen for your children. Rhynera felt it as she is more like her mother. You have to let them go." Tomas said. Elgar nodded, tears in his eyes. The villagers all left. Samura spoke to those who stayed.

"Elgar's children will go for us. Prepare yourselves for you leave tomorrow." Samura said coldly. Elgar turned to leave, his disappointment on his face. Once the family was away from the village, Lars spoke

"They chose us beforehand. Now we have to go to some stupid scavenger hunt probably for a princess or something." Lars said.

"I doubt that. It's probably a relic of some sort that the king wants. I mean, there has got to be more than just us going right. And we'll probably get the toughest trail if the assignments are biased as the village is." Edgar said.

"We can handle the toughest. Father's trained us to be strong! Let them do what they want." Elise said. Elgar smiled at his children's banter. Rhynera was quiet.

"You calling Samura out like that just pisses him off, Rhynera, but it was funny to see him glare at you and you glared back! I thought he was going to faint." Lars said a smile on his face.

"Truth hurts. Father, please don't worry. I heard some of Tomas's words to you. If this is fate, we are meant to go. And you said yourself many times that we needed to be out in the world to see it." Rhynera said. Elgar smiled. His children were dear to him but he felt that they were changing in front of his eyes. He looked at the sunset knowing it would be the last he shared with them for a a time. Suddenly, he felt a drift of wind move across his face and understood that destiny has begun to turn for his children. Only the unknown lay ahead and he prayed that they could face it without fear.