
The Soul Keeper

The smell of blood invaded my nostrils. I watched helplessly as the woman standing over me raised her sword. I was completely drained, I had no mana left, no items, nothing. As the crimson tendrils held me down by my arms and legs, all I could do was wait for my death. As the sword drew near, I felt the last bit of courage I had disappear. I was going to die. Alone. In this god forsaken place filled with evil. And for what? To protect those ‘friends’? The same people who mocked me, took advantage of, and used me? Oh, who am I trying to fool? I was here only because of my own greed. Because I wanted to be useful to someone. Because I wanted to that group to need me. To value me. To have a reason to keep me around. How naïve I was, thinking that power would grant those wishes. All it did was help build a wall between me and everyone else. The sword approached. I saw the purple light reflect off the sword’s blade. After everything I went through, I hadn’t expected my death to be by the hands of another player. I saw her smile, but this time I didn’t think it was beautiful. It was an ugly smile because it was genuine. She was enjoying watching me die. She was enjoying killing me. The sword struck my chest and pierced my heart. I let out a scream of pain and agony. The pain was so real, all of this was so real. It shouldn’t be, but it was. What should have been a simple game had become my new reality – all of our new reality. A reality filled with magic, war, blood, and death. My vision darkened as the pain slowly faded. I felt the last of my vitality leave my body. It felt cold. I wondered to myself, when would I stop being? When would my thoughts disappear? Soon, I saw those words I feared for all this time appear before me. “DEATH”, in the pale blue font the game always used. They remained suspended in the air for several seconds. It was over. After a long time of fighting, grinding, and exploring, it was finally over. I had died. This was the end of my story. Suddenly, words before me shifted and changed into something different. I took a shallow breath as I heard a faint heartbeat. * * * Cover art by me * * * We have a discord! Come say hi, chat with me and receive updates on status of my novels! https://discord.gg/2EFthae7XR * * * This story is my submission for the 2020 Webnovel Spirity Awards.

Dweia · Games
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341 Chs


With a loud splash, I fell into the water. It took me a moment to find my bearing and swim to the surface. Unsurprisingly, having two massive wings on my back was quite the hindrance underwater. When I finally broke through the surface of the lake, I gasped for air. I almost ran out of air just trying to get back to the surface.

"I'd be quite funny if you drowned while trying to fly." Vixia said with a chuckle. She was sitting on a large rock on the shore, dipping her feet in the jade green water. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the shore. "Aw, come on. It would be pretty funny."

"For you, maybe." I grumbled.

"Don't be so grumpy." She splashed some water my way. "It's been two days and you already learned how to take off and fly short distances."

"Not fast enough," I said as I closed my eyes and focused on the embers of my wings. The embers burst into flames momentarily, evaporating most of the water on my wings.

"You're too ambitious." She said with a sigh. "You have all the time in the world." She extended her hand. Purple flames danced on her fingers. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Who knows when you decide I'm not fun to keep around anymore?" I said with a dismissive tone. "I might as well find myself dead by tomorrow." With those words, I stretched my wings and leapt into the air. With a few powerful beats of my wings, I was already soaring in the sky.

It was an amazing feeling. The wind touching my face, the beautiful green forests beneath me. Despite everything that happened in the past weeks, I felt free. Like I could go anywhere, do anything.

Though that feeling was misleading, I did have more options than I did before. I still needed to train my muscles; I was feeling muscle pain all over my body. It wasn't too surprising, all things considered. I had never used my body this way before.

The most challenging part of flying was, funnily enough, flying in a straight line. I tended to veer towards wherever I was looking at. The second most challenging part was maintaining the proper rhythm required to actually keep flying. It actually took quite a lot of effort to move these massive wings. When completely stretched out, each wing spanned a whole three meters. And none of those three meters were wasted – it was all muscle. They were quite heavy.

For now, I could only fly for about ten minutes before running out of strength, hence my frequent visits to the lake. I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. I was slowly getting the hang of adjusting the rhythm to adapt to the wind.

Once I started feeling my muscles burn, I quickly turned back and folded my wings a little. The wind hitting my face only became stronger as I approached the ground. I stretched my wings and with a few powerful flaps, realigned myself and landed on my feet.

"Nicely done." Vixia clapped. Out of breath, I approached the lake and splashed some water on my face.

"This is exhausting." I mumbled as I lay on my back. The sun warmed my skin, though it seemed to be unable to get rid of the coldness in my chest.

"Of course it is." Vixia chuckled. "Did you expect it to be easy?"

I shook my head. I'd always wondered how she never seemed to get tired, despite moving around quite a bit. Now, it made a lot more sense. "It'll take a long time before I can fly any more than this." I clenched my fist.

"Yes," She said with a chuckle and splashed water around with her feet. "But don't you think it's worth the effort?"

I nodded. It really was worth it.

"Now," She suddenly said with a heavy voice. "I've played my part." She pushed herself off the rock and stepped towards me. I quickly stood up, that change in her tone and demeanour couldn't mean anything good. She looked me in the eye. "We've saved your life many times. You owe us a debt."

I flinched. She wasn't wrong, but I disliked the idea of owing them. "What do you want?" I asked after a moment's hesitation.

"When the time comes, I will ask you to meet someone." She brushed past me and walked towards the campfire. "You will not ask any questions; you will come with me." She looked at me over her shoulder. "I will promise your safety. Deal?"

I hesitated. I could feel Delthur's gaze on me as he gently stroked the hilt of his greatsword. I wasn't really given a choice, was I? With a sigh, I nodded. "Deal."

She smiled; it was bitter, almost painful. "We won't meet again until then." She said before stretching her wings. "Survive until then, Kai Friseal." She leapt high into the air, followed by Delthur. Their wings carried them far away as I watched.

I had survived another encounter with them, though at what cost? I glanced at my wings, then at the northern sky. What the promise I made would entail, I didn't know. I shook my head. There was nothing I could do until then. Thinking about it wasn't going to do me any good.

With a sigh, I looked to the south. It was time to go back. I opened my interface and checked the party panel. Everyone's names were still there, and two more were added – Rina and Alex. A smile appeared on my lips. At least they were safe.

I glanced around. I had enough food to last me a while in my inventory and Vixia had given me the chain back. All that was left of the campsite was just a bunch of fallen trees. With a sigh, I stretched my wings and leapt into the air. It was time to go back and find the others.

Hello everyone,

As of today, I've run out of pre-written chapters. Which means I will be writing and editing the same day, so please excuse any typos - I probably didn't notice. You're welcome to point them out however, I'll fix them immediately.

Anyways, thank you for all of your support and take care!

Dweiacreators' thoughts