
The Soul in the Dark

In "The Souls in the Dark," you'll walk alongside a lonely soul embarking on a journey through lifetimes. From the vibrant streets of New York City to the corridors of hospitals, explore life's mysteries, spurred on by a mysterious inner voice leading toward enlightenment.

Primordial_Turtle · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Eight years later, and the towering marble columns, ornate chandeliers, and rich tapestries adorning the walls still seem as imposing as the first day she saw them. Walking down the brightly lit corridors that echo with her footsteps, she peeked into the sun-drenched atrium where she likely would find her mother reading, as she normally did in the afternoons.

"Moira? Is that you?"

"Afternoon mom! Whatcha got there?"

"Hm? Oh just some books about biology," she says with a smile.

"Did you finish your tutoring lesson already?"

"Yep! It was soooo boring!"

Her mother smiles, eyes glittering with mirth and fondness.

"Why don't you head over to the library and pick out a book to join me?" 

"Okay!" she responds energetically, quickly running down the hall to the library.

Is it just me or do I seem to regress in age as I grow older? Oh well, no point worrying about that now. I should enjoy my short childhood while it lasts.

In the library, she loses herself among rows of leather-bound volumes and dusty manuscripts, immersing herself in the history and lore of her family's illustrious past. In the conservatory, she marvels at exotic plants and delicate blooms, their fragrant scents filling the air with an intoxicating perfume.

Outside, the sprawling grounds of the mansion offer endless opportunities for discovery, from the manicured gardens and tranquil ponds to the secluded paths that wind their way through the lush foliage. Moria spends hours exploring the estate, losing herself in the beauty of nature and the serenity of her surroundings.

"OH! I forgot about mom!" wide eyed, she turns around panicking. Running back to the atrium she discovers her mother had left a few hours ago after asking a maid nearby. 

"MOM! WHERE ARE YOU!" she yells as she sprints around the mansion. She passes many loyal servants, many of whom have served the Hasilon family for generations.

As she passes the dining room she skids to a stop, noticing one of her cousins. 

"TORI!" she greets as she runs over,

"Moira! It feels like ages since we last met!" She punctuates her greeting with a flurry of air kisses.

Her cousin, a mere two years her senior, often carried herself with an air of false maturity, often trying to appear older than her years.

Rolling her eyes, she reaches over to hug her cousin who she hasn't seen for over half a year.

Who are you fooling kid? I've seen you as a little brat crying your eyes out when you were a little toddler!

Keeping her inner thoughts to herself, she asks "What are you doing here Tori?"

"Your father invited us over to celebrate your birthday!"

"Birthday..?" Tilting her head to the side as she tries to remember the date.

"Yes, silly! Your birthday! It's coming up next month! How could you forget?!"

Psh so what if I forgot my own birthday? You should be glad it wasn't yours that I forgot!

Sighing internally she decides to continue her act, "OH! You're so right! Tori, you're so smart!"

Tori giggles, "Of course I am silly! I'm two years older than you, have you forgotten already? Of course I would be smarter than you!"

Tsk, if I didn't know it were because of your immaturity I would think you were insulting me.

Smiling as wide as she could, Moira could only grin and bear it, nodding her head to whatever nonsense Tori kept talking about.

Wow this girl just keeps talking! I need to change the subject.. What was I doing before this..? OH MOM RIGHT RIGHT! Why do I keep getting distracted these days? What happened to that near perfect memory of mine? 

"Tori, lets go find mom!" She suggested as she fought the urge to roll her eyes for the tenth time.

"Okay, where is Auntie Natalie?" 

"Don't know, lets go look."

Moira watched her cousin amusedly as her cousin's blonde hair whipped around, eyes wide as she searched the rooms.

If you ignore her spoiled personality, she actually has a kind disposition. 

Letting out a loud sigh, they walked down the long corridors.

"What's wrong Moira?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking."

Thinking about why rich kids have such weird personalities.. Or maybe this cousin of mine is just unique. I don't remember kids being this annoying before. Must be because of the years catching up to me.. I must be 32 this year.. Huh.. time passes so fast…

While she was feeling nostalgic, they ran into her mother and aunt talking in the grand foyer, and in her aunt's arms was her newly born, younger cousin.

"Mom! Aunt Jennifer!" Moira greeted them as they ran over.

"Oh? Moira, where have you been?" her mother admonished,

"Sorry mom, I forgot.." embarrassed, she scratched the back of her head,

"Moira! Come look! This is my younger brother, Will!"

She went over to look as her aunt let her older cousin hold him.

"Careful now," her aunt warned Tori

Oh? Why is he so small? Is this normal?

"He's so small," she spoke abruptly

"I know right? I need to feed him a lot when he grows up!" Tori says with pride in her voice.

"Alright kids, let's head over to the dining room, I told the cook to whip up a snack," her mother says.

As they switched locations her mother and aunt made small talk, catching up with each other.

How much longer must I stay trapped within these walls? 

Her mother and father refused to take her outside because they feared for her safety as their only child, and heir to the Hasilon empire. 

Suddenly, a sly look came over her face, eyes gleaming with mischief. 

I know exactly what to do. Heh, they'll never see me coming.