
The Soul Forge: Nephalem (Paused)

Flynn Whitfield was once a normal boy, practically raised by his step-sister after his foster parents demise years prior. One day after befriending an odd new girl at his school, Flynn would find his world changed forever. He would have to learn the secrets of his heritage to survive deadly threats and menacing foes. But in order to find out what happened to his parents, Flynn will have to learn what it means to be. The Nephalem. This is my first story, I hope you enjoy!

Ualer · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Mhm, Foolproof

Pressing her fingertips together, Oriel sighed.

"Well that's kind of a lie, I can't tell you everything, not yet anyway."

Taking steps forward, Flynn sat on the side of the bed next to Oriel.

"I don't need everything explained." He asked furrowing his brow. "I just- Where are we Oriel?"

"Now that I can answer." Putting her hands together, she took a quick breath. "We are in the Realm of Magicka, specifically the Kingdom of Flore. The southern regions if the device Pride gave me worked."

Hearing this Flynn rubbed his cheeks. "That doesn't answer anything." He groaned.

"Ah, sorry. This may sound a bit confusing at first, but you're a bright lad." She sympathised. Holding up a finger she continued. "The Realm of Magicka makes up one of the Four Realms." Now holding up three fingers on her other hand, she wiggled them. "The Realm of Sky, Realm of Deep and the Realm of Technology make up the remaining four. The Realm of Technology being the Realm you grew up in."

"So there's four Realms. I guess I can understand that. But what I don't understand- What are you Oriel? You had wings when you were fighting those g-guys." Flynn stuttered as he became flustered. "I don't-"

Reaching forward, Oriel put a hand on Flynn's shoulder to calm him down. "I'm an Angel Flynn and well, you aren't any more human than I am."

Flynn wanted to be surprised hearing this, but he found that he had already been expecting these words.

"I'm a hybrid aren't I?" He asked.

Hearing his question, Oriel nodded. "You are. Since you know the word, I'm sure you've already figured out what being a hybrid means."

"I'm the child of two separate races?"

"Quite, but. You're not just any hybrid. You're the son of an Angel and a Demon. You're a Nephalem."

Flynn recognised the name having heard it before.

"That's what that guy called me, the one with the cleaver... who turned into a Demon."

"They were sent to kill you. Because of what you are." Oriel added.

Hearing this, Flynn clenched his fists at the thought of someone being sent to kill him. Feeling something cold in his hand, Flynn opened it.

Seeing what was in his hand, Oriel asked. "Where did you get a mana potion?"

"Redford told me to give this to you," Flynn responded, holding it out for her.

Gladly accepting the potion, Oriel pulled the cork stopper off the top. Downing the vial. Flynn noticed that colour began to flow back into her cheeks, her skin turning a little less pale.

"Well you look better." He remarked.

"I feel better." Putting the stopper back in the vial Oriel placed it onto the bedside table. Hesitating for a moment, Oriel put her hands together as she decided on what she needed to say. "Flynn, have you ever wondered about your real parents?"

Although he wanted to say he had never wondered about them, about his real parents. Flynn had. It mostly happened at night, when he was tired. The nagging of wonder crept into his mind.

Why had they abandoned me?

Who were they?

Are they still alive?

"I've thought about them now and then." He whispered.

After a minute or two in silence. Oriel spoke up.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but if the plan is going to progress. You need to know. Flynn. Your parents are still alive."

Without thinking, Flynn shot his response back. "No they aren't."

"Flynn please-"

Standing up he faced Oriel, his bottom lip slightly quivering. "If they were alive they wouldn't have abandoned me." He snapped. "They wouldn't have left me alone!"

"But they didn't leave you alone, did they? They left you with a loving family, your foster parents, Brynn. I know you say they left you alone, but do you mean that?"

Moving to respond with another shout, Flynn closed his mouth. Dropping to his knees he laid his head against the bed gripping the bedsheets.

"Oriel?" He apologetically asked

"Yes Flynn." She patiently responded knowing this was a shock to hear.

"Why did my parents leave me on a farmers doorstep?"

Hearing his question, Oriel paused. "That's uh- that's a little complicated." Looking at Flynn, Oriel looked to the window before back at her hands. "Ok, it's not that complicated… So… how to phrase this. Your parents were being hunted. Your father by the demons and your mother by the angels."

Looking to Oriel, Flynn took a shallow breath. "Why were they being hunted?"

"They made dangerous enemies. Those in higher positions than them. Some already looked at them in a dark light due to their marriage. To think, they wanted to unite angel and demon kind after the war, to show them that they were that different, but instead... Those who wanted nothing but war used their very union against them." Frowning Oriel wiped her left eye.

Sitting up slightly, Flynn had a question. "So, if my parents were being hunted. What was stopping me from being hunted."

"Your parents took precautions to hide you of course. They placed a soul bind on you when you were young. Then they left you in the Realm of Technology."

"... You say that like I'm supposed to know what it means…"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. So, the soul bind is the reason you're getting stronger. The reason those three sins were able to track you down. The more it breaks down, the more of your power will emerge, physical and magical."

Touching his chest, Flynn remembered the pains he kept feeling in his chest.'I guess that explains how I knocked a guy out."

"Y- you did what?" Oriel asked, confused.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you." Fingering his necklace, Flynn smirked at the memory. "As I was walking around, exploring. I came across these two thugs beating up a kid. Long story short, I punched the muscular one so hard I sent him flying into a wall."

Shaking her head, Oriel slightly smiled. "Oh you, why is violence always your go-to answer."

"Hey now, you should have seen him. They said they were a part of the 'Soul Stealer' gang." Flynn added

"I feel like I should remind you. We shouldn't try and draw attention to ourselves too much. We need to head north as soon as possible."

Sitting up, Flynn asked. "What's up north?"

"The capital city of the Kingdom of Flore. I need to speak to its king."

"The Kingdoms king? I feel like a step there."

"Which steps that?" Oriel asked, lying further back against the pillows.

"You can't walk can you? Do you even know how far north the capital is?"

Breathing in, Oriel shook her head. "Not really, I never paid too much attention during my geography classes. I remember there being a fairly big forest."

"And that's all, just a big forest," Flynn asked unsure about Oriel's current plan.

"Mhm, foolproof." She responded.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Flynn nodded along. "Fine fine, I guess you're the only one with a plan anyway. So how much longer till you can get up and walk?"

"Just a day and I'll be good, maybe less if Redford has any more of those mana potions. After I'm good to go. I'll just have to see if you can hold yourself in a fight."

"Yeahhhh." Starting to shake his head, Flynn continued. "Nooooo. Don't you remember how well my last fight went? I almost got blown up, like twice."

"I remember you being caught off guard with no weapon. But as the soul bind degrades, your reflexes will start to increase, your strength, your speed. If we're lucky your Soularm will manifest soon enough. Then you'll be on an even better level."

Deciding to just go along with what Oriel was saying, Flynn continued to nod as she spoke. "Riiight. Well, don't forget to sign up with the Guild. Any and Katar tell me it's got its benefits. Oh and there's a clothes shop on the way there. It's where I got these new digs." Flynn added opening his arms wide.

Admiring Flynn's new attire. Oriel nodded in approval. "You look the part of an adventurer. I'll make sure to remember that." Glancing at Flynn's necklace. Oriel mused. "Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

Taking a moment to consider her question, Flynn sighed. "I have hundreds of questions but, I'll save them for when you're better. You're doing a good job at hiding it. But I've known you long enough to know when you're tired. Get all the rest you need." Standing up Flynn put his hands on his waist. "Because you're going to need all the stamina you have if you're going to withstand my barrage of questions."

Looking at each other, the duo smiled.

"Night Oriel."

"Good night Flynn."

Moving to leave Oriel caught Flynn just as he put his hand on the door handle.

"And Flynn."

"Yeah?" He asked, turning around still with a smile piercing his lips.

"We will get Brynn back, I don't know how long it will take us. But I promise you I will do everything within my power. I'll find a way to move Heaven and Hell if I have to."

Hearing the determination in her voice, Flynn's smile deepened. "Thanks Oriel. I appreciate it."

Oriel gave Flynn a brief wave before lying down to try and get some rest.

Leaving, Flynn shut the door behind him.

Making his way back downstairs, Flynn's thoughts began to race again.

'My actual parents are alive…' Walking down the stairs, Flynn could help but smile. 'I guess I'll just need to add it to my things to do list.'

Stopping at the foot of the stairs. Flynn noticed that the tavern floor had gotten much busier since he left. Redford had already put Geld to work, the little boy was scampering across the floor collecting old drinks and handing out new ones.

Seeing Flynn out of the corner of his eye, Redford waved him over. "Oi Flynn! Come make yourself worthwhile and help Geld hand out these drinks."

Moving over to the counter, Flynn dodged between the occasional body.

"Redford? Where'd all these guys come from?"

Slamming four mugs onto the counter, Redford grumbled. "They've probably just clocked off from work and want to drown their joys in booze."

Observing the crowd, Flynn spotted a lone man wearing a cloak separate from the gaggle of merrymakers. Flynn gestured to him as he picked the mugs up. "What's his deal?"

Looking at the man Flynn was asking about, Redford grumbles. "He asked after Any and Katar, mentioned something about them not reporting in their findings about the golem."

"What? Any and Katar haven't come back?" Flynn's voice wavering slightly from concern.

Hearing this, Redford shook his head. "I'm sure they're fine, Katar probably just detoured them by picking a fight with a pack of goblins or something equally as time-wasting. Don't worry about them, they can take care of themselves. Now stop wasting time and give these drinks out." Sticking three fingers on three drinks he pointed at a table surrounded by three drunk men singing their hearts out to a tune Flynn couldn't understand. "And this one to your new friend in the corner. Got it?"

Nodding his confirmation. Flynn made his way back through the bodies of the merrymakers drinking to their heart's content. Seeing Flynn arrive with a fresh set of drinks the men cheered Dropping the men their drinks, they picked them up. Clashing them together as Flynn left to deliver the last drink, the men started a bet to see who could drink theirs the fastest.

Walking over to the final table. Flynn placed the mug down.

Acknowledging Flynn, the man picked up his mug nodding slightly. "Thanks."

Seeing his face under the hood of his brown cloak, Flynn thought. 'He doesn't look much older than me.'

"Hey," Flynn called as the hooded figure was about to take a sip.

"Yes? I already said thanks for the drink." He retorted.

Rolling his eyes, Flynn crossed his arms. "My friend at the bar said you're looking for Any and Katar."

Sighing the man put his drink down. "Yes, the two Adventurers that the Guild commissioned to scout out the golem after the crown asked the Guild to look into it and now I've been sent to figure out why those two adventurers and now I've been sent to figure out why they never reported back. Your friend over at the bar says they never came back which doesn't fill me with enthusiasm that they might have gotten themselves killed by the golem-"

"No," Flynn interjects, dropping his arms to his side, balling his fasts. "They aren't going to have gotten themselves killed that easily."

"Oh? You must know them well if you're so certain." He responded.

Hesitating, Flynn turned to leave.

"Wait." Wanting to ask Flynn a question, the man quickly got up grabbing Flynn's wrist. Feeling something cold run up his arm after the man grabbed it Flynn snatched his wrist back.

Rubbing his wrist Flynn stared at the man. "Can I help you with anything else?"

"I've got to ask, what are you doing in this place?"

"Huh? Redford's given me a place to stay. What's it to you?"

Looking Flynn up and down, the man snickered, sitting back down. "Oh nothing, just think of me as a passerby. See you around kid. Oh and, nice coat."

"... Thanks." Turning back to the bar, Flynn muttered his annoyance. Spotting Geld still running around helping Redford. Flynn called over to Redford as he was attempting to break up two drunks who were just able to start a brawl.

"Hey Redford!"

Turning his attention away from the two men about to go at it, Redford shouts back. "Yeah Flynn!"

"If it's ok I'm going to go to bed, I think I've got a big day tomorrow!"

Nodding he pushed one of the men back. "Yeah, no worries!"

Breaking free from Redford's hold, the drunkard he had pushed back onto the other. Trying his best to hit the man, most of his punches missed due to his intoxication.

"Heaven's sake!" Redford shouted.

Giggling at the sight Flynn ducked between drunk bodies making his way back upstairs.

Quietly opening the door, he made sure to not wake the sleeping Oriel.

Glancing out the window, Flynn took his coat off, dropping it on the foot of the bed.

Lying on top of the quilt, Flynn held his necklace, closing his eyes.

'I hope nothing bad has happened to them…"