
The Sorcerer's Totem: A Tale of Power and Magic

Andrew Robinson is a budding sorcerer from a world where totems reign supreme. But here's the thing. Andrew's totem is considered worthless by his family. Talk about a tough break! But Andrew is not one to give up easily, especially after experiencing a rebirth. He's determined to prove everyone wrong and unlock his totem's hidden potential. With vast experiences from his previous life, Andrew finds a way to enhance his abilities and become more powerful than anyone could have ever imagined. His hard work and persistence pay off as he transforms into a true magic anomaly with the power to alter the fortunes and features of everything connected to him. Armed with his trusty Book Totem, Andrew never encounters any obstacles in his quest for power. He can always rely on his reserves of origin and fate energy to edit the levels of his attributes, skills, and contracted companions. He only needs to accumulate the required energy before raising his sorcery powers with the power of his Book Totem. Join Andrew on this epic adventure through a world filled with sorcery, danger, and unexpected twists. Will he overcome all the challenges and become the most powerful sorcerer of all time? Follow his thrilling journey and find out!

Omnivorous_Patha · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Ambushing the Demon Camp

An enormous shimmering portal appeared at the base of the hill, its light casting a surreal glow over the gathered sorcerers in the painting world. They all quickly formed five lines, each brimming with resolute faces ready to confront the demon threat. 

Andrew was in the middle of one of the lines, surrounded by Princess Isabella's entourage. He could vividly feel the tension rising as they approached the portal. 

Layton Thorn, Gregory Thorn, Helen Galahad, Thomas Drake, Eleanor Ravenswood, and the twins, Clara and Lauren Blackwood, were all beside him. Their collective presence radiated formidable mana fluctuations, showcasing their powerful lineage, training, and sorcery.

Meanwhile, the sorcerers continued stepping through the portal five at a time, their forms vanishing into the shimmering light. When it was Andrew's turn, he felt a brief disorientation, like being momentarily untethered from reality.