
Chapter 1


Sitting at his desk, he filled out a CYOA, munching on a sandwich as he did so. He shook his head at the distraction he had stumbled onto.

He was supposed to be doing research for a project he was working on. It wasn't anything school related, simply his own hobby. He was in the middle of his research when he stumbled onto an interactive CYOA.

He told himself that he was wasting valuable time but he couldn't draw his attention away from it. He soon found himself fully immersed.

The CYOA wasn't based on any particular power scheme, being a mix of different ones. He internally lamented that magic wasn't real, he would have enjoyed a new avenue to study.

He spent most of points on acquiring a magic library in a pocket dimension that only he could access. He spent more points on a security mechanism that allowed the books to only be read by him.

That alone said much about his priorities.

The books ranged from normal scientific books to magical books from different works of fiction. Another avenue his points went into was a single skill that he felt was useful.

High proficiency in mind magic.

The mind was a curious well of information and so he chose it accordingly. Was he being dumb? Maybe, but it was a harmless survey not a life or death situation.

Seeing that he had some points left, he invested some of it in wandless magic, increasing control of magic and increasing learning speed.

He chuckled to himself at how he had let his imagination and fantasies run wild. Though he had enjoyed the CYOA, he had work to continue.

Ending the CYOA, he felt his perception go blank. Immediately after that, his eyes shot open as he found himself looking up at a white ceiling.

Looking around the room, he was about to voice his confusion when an assortment of memories filtered into his head.

"Huh?" That was all he could mutter as memories of another life filled his head.

No longer was he in his dorm in England, he was now in a luxurious house in Japan. The information he was looking for came to his mind quicker than he expected.

His 'father' was a very rich but very busy man. Busy and rich enough that he gave his son whatever he wanted without a second thought. One of those 'wants' was to travel to Japan to personally learn more about the culture.

He then paused as the name of the town he was in came to mind. 'Of all the places to be…Kuoh.' He thought exasperatedly.

As soon as he thought that, memories of everything connected to it, rushed forward. He frowned in confusion as he turned to the stand beside the bed he had 'woken up' in.

He snatched up the black journal that lay on the surface. He always kept a journal to document his findings and things of interest. Some of his peers found it weird but he wouldn't change what was a part of him.

Opening the book, his eyes widened at what he saw.


Liam Ross

Race - Human


Strength: F-

Constitution: F

Dexterity: E-

Intelligence: A-

Charisma: B-

[Magical Traits]

Magical Reserves: D-

Magical Regeneration: E

Magical Control: B+

[Magical Skills]

[Mind Magic Mastery: Expert]

You are incredibly talented in the art of mind magic, able to defend your mind from intrusions and outside influences or pilfer the minds of others for their memories and secrets.


'At least my name is still the same.' He thought in consolation.

He recognized the mind magic skill as why his memories were so easy to recall. He paused as more information poured into his mind.

The book was more than just a conspicuous status page. It was a shop that used 'Essence' as currency to purchase a variety of things. The things he could purchase ranged from mundane items to magical artifacts and skills.

The method to harvest essence was simple enough, defeating an opponent. In the current world, it was easier said than done.

At the moment, he had no essence to spend. He frowned as he felt something at the back of his mind. Focusing on it, he disappeared from the bedroom, finding himself in a very large library.

He let out a low whistle, it looked exactly like the library he'd selected in the CYOA. 'That explains it.' He thought as he began touring the large library.

The sheer number of books stunned and equally excited him. He didn't waste time as he began to look through the covers, each book no less interesting than the next.

'I could stay here forever.' He thought as an idea came to mind.

-[Sona Sitri]-

They were supposed to have a transfer student coming to Kuoh academy and as the student council president, she was waiting for the new student to make his arrival.

Her annoyance grew with each passing minute as the morning bell rang. 'He's late.' She thought in annoyance.

The transfer student 'Liam Ross' was supposed to have arrived long ago but it seemed she had a troublesome student on her hands.

She did her research on every student that enrolled in the school and the new student seemingly fit the role of the usual spoiled child who believed they could do whatever they wanted.

Though his transcripts said otherwise, she would wait to form her own opinion. His lateness didn't help his image at all.


He had quickly figured out how his stats worked. Strength, Constitution and Dexterity spoke for themselves in their functions. Intelligence determined his ability to assimilate information and learning speed. Charisma determines physical attraction and appeal.

Magical reserves, regeneration and control were exactly as they sound.

He could spend some essence to increase a stat but he currently didn't have any at the moment.

How did he figure out most of this? It was part of the information that was pushed into his head. He also remembered his choice for his library to have books from different works of fiction, quickly picking out his first book to study.


[Charms Mastery: Novice]

You have a good understanding of charms magic and its many functions.


It was from the Harry Potter series but he knew many of the spells to be useful in a variety of situations.

Thankful for his earlier choice in wandless magic, he carefully read through the book in his hands. Just how would he fight magical beings while being the only wand dependent mage?

He had also lost track of time.

'I'll worry about that later.' He thought as he continued reading.

Next chapter