
Threat, Unseat The Stranger

And it was so that even at this moment the Eldest Witch remained critical with her words. According to what she said, every  living creature either living or dead, either a wizard or a deity, shall be with a source of power and so were they who had not been any different. 

For what the sorcerer held in his hands though had been of them but does not mean he can thus control them as he wanted. For no one can control the witches. And the witches had been of a coven and in their desire can they do anything and everything including causing him his death even now. 

And he must drop the egg thus gently and avoid the death hawking over his head even now. For it shall come to pass that when he had been defiance shall she call upon the name of death and death shall come to him and take him away. 

And if it shall be true had Baki thrown up the egg in his hand and caught it again and did it again and caught it.