
Chapter 4

Hades POV:

We walked to Boss' office silently. I knew that these guys were the Italian mafia and I did not like that they are here with Persephone in the building. I just hope that none of them saw her, she unintentionally makes people fall in love with her due to her innocence. I especially didn't need any of these guys getting infatuated by her. We walked into the Remmingtons office and all sat down. I sat in one of the chairs as well as Marcello Esposito the Italian Mafia Don. "Alright. What's the issue? Why did you come here? And why won't you leave? I really don't have time for this shit." I spat annoyed.

The men already looked like they were holding back their anger. The one with the curly hair who looked to be twins with the one next to him started evilly smirking. "Well, it's about our missing twins. The prince and princess of the Italian mafia. We have found a lead which led us to them." Marcello spoke.

"What does that have to do with me?" I took a pause. You've got to be shitting me, does he think that it's me and 'Seph? "Oh yeah? And what would their names be?"

The oldest son Angelo then spoke with zero emotion, "They would be Hades and Persephone."

I took a second to look at them all. It was very clear that we were related, we had the same features and bright gray eyes. "I would like a DNA test. If it does come back positive, we will not be going with you. We haven't ever needed you nor will we ever."

"I'm afraid that's not your choice to make son. You are our family whether you like it or not. How about we tell Persephone and see what she thinks."

"How about we tell her about the family that left us when we could barely walk? I've had to comfort her while crying because she was convinced that she was never good enough. She used to long for comfort for a father or mother figure to console her. I've had to become that person for her. She's too naive to make her own decisions, she hardly knows what goes on in the world."

"And who's at fault for that?" Santino Esposito spoke to me with his tone laced with poison, "If you were such the great figure for her, why doesn't she know how to make her own decisions? She needs more than a single person to watch over her. How can you be so sure that she's safe at all times? You don't. You leave her with Remington's shittiest babysitters. She should be with her family."

"Y-" I started but got cut off by Marcello.

"It's final. Whether you like it or not we will be on a flight to Italy tomorrow. Until then we will be staying at our Serene Isle Hotel. We will have men pack and transport your things there ."

I sighed. Maybe it would be safer for Persephone with a mafias protection over her. I hope this is the right decision. "Fine. I'll wake Persephone. I make one request to stop at our house before the hotel, we have a few possessions which we would prefer to carry ourselves."

The men nodded as I walked out the door to a closet and grabbed some cloths. I quickly hopped into the shower to rinse off the blood. I dried off and got dressed. I then continued my way to Persephones room. I walked up the hardwood steps and to the room where Persephone usually slept. She claimed that she liked the brightness of the room, it reminded her of a snowy day. Her favorite kind of days.

I softly knocked on her door and walked in. She was on her side curled into a fetal position. I sat on the edge of the bed and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. I don't want her to be exposed to the barbaric ways of the world. She's so ethereal and peaceful, I don't want that to be taken from her. She doesn't need to see any of the harsh reality. I wanted her to have a safe and eventful childhood, with just me. I'm starting to realize that maybe it's time to let her live a little.

I started drawing little circles on her cheek. She yawned and stretched her tiny body. "Bubba?"

"Well it looks like the little princess got a good nap." I smiled at her. Which I only will ever give her.

She giggled and lifted herself into a sitting position. She threw herself into my arms and kissed my cheek. "Princess. Tomorrow we are moving to Italy! You always talk about wanting to move to Italy."

She shot up. She squealed and started to squeeze me the hardest she could, which still wasn't very much. "We have to pack Hades!" she yelled.

"No princess, someone will do it for us. We will stop on the way to a hotel to get a couple things."

She jumped to her feet nearly knocking her head with my chin. "Thank you bub."

"One more thing princess. Did you see those men downstairs?"

"Yes! They are so nice! I gave them brownies but then Remmy made me go to bed."

I chuckled a little bit at her pout and went to grab her sweater which she had taken off to sleep. I grabbed it and held it up for 'Seph to put her arms through. "Well little princess, we are going with those men to Italy."

She looked up at me with a smile. "When are we leaving?"

I checked my watch to see that it was 3 o'clock. "If we want to stop at home we should probably leave soon.

She ran through the door and walked down the stairs. I followed her and saw all of our brothers and father sitting around the bar chatting. "Let's go! We've got to get a few things from our home!" she giggled and ran out the door to my car.

"She doesn't know who you are yet. We'll tell her when the right time comes. Rocco the second eldest nodded while Santino the third eldest rolled his eyes.


What do you guys think?

I personally like writing in Hades POV.

You will see more of the brothers personalities in the next chapter.

1.Who's your favorite?

2.Who do you like the least?

3.Any criticism?