
The Son of Zeus

If anyone could take the time to look into the history of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, they might know about an ancient prophecy foretold to Zeus, the god of Lightning, and his first wife, Metis, the goddess of wisdom, prudence, and deep thought. The prophecy that spoke of a son, one of two children, that would be powerful enough to overthrow Zeus. What if that son had lived for centuries,in secret from his father? Where is he now? Who is he now? It's been hundreds of years since the beginning of the boy's time... Who will he turn out to be?

Jei_ · Celebrities
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19 Chs

Chapter One

Taehyung's birth was hidden from the gods he was connected to. His mother, whom he didn't remember fully, but had heard of through the waters and the power of his own wisdom, he had an idea of who she was.

Before she was betrayed by Zeus, his father, she had sent him to live among humans. When he was little, he thought he was human; normal. But once he turned eighteen, and then stopped aging, and watched as his family grew old, and eventually withered away into ash, he knew he was not normal.

From then on, his powers finally awakened, and he spent thousands of years wandering aimlessly. For a while, he lived in Greece, the home of the Olympians. Eventually, he left to Italy, and then traveled through Europe, followed by America after they had separated from Great Britain.

He discovered some of himself over the years, but after endlessly watching those he loved and cared for fade away into nothing, he stopped trying to find someone who would live forever with him. He stopped caring, stopped loving.

His emotions were trapped inside him, into the recesses of his mind, as he used his powers and immortality to his advantage, making sure he never stayed in one place for too long. He had never had a place to call home.

Until he came to Korea. The southern part, that is. From 487 BC to the 2000s, he lived, watching the times change. Cultures changed, clothing changed, and cities changed. Taehyung simply flowed with the times, not caring much about fitting in, and more caring of staying far from humans.

Until he came across a certain place; a school of the abnormal. A place where people like him were accepted with open arms, a place to call home. The large words on the building were cursed by a Fay, meaning that anyone who read it could see what the name was based on their home tongue. For Taehyung, it was Greek.

However, in the Korean tongue, it translated to something along the words of, "School of Acceptance." Something much needed for someone as broken and shut-down as Taehyung. And he found himself walking towards the heavy oak doors, pushing them open, and looking down the wide, open, and bright hallway.

- - - -


"Kim Taehyung."

The head of the school, Jeong Suhyun, was a sweet woman. She was an earth fairy, with delicate, fluttering coral wings and a white dress with pearl heels, followed by long, flowing blue hair.

Her smile was calm and motherly, something Taehyung hadn't seen in at least one hundred years. He found himself relaxing as she asked simple questions, filling out his enrollment paper, as he couldn't write in Hangul.

"And how old are you? I'll need your age in both human years and your actual age, Mr. Kim," she commented softly. Her emerald eyes were bright and youthful, and Taehyung didn't want to look away from such a calming presence.

"Eighteen in human years. All I know is that I was born in four-hundred-eighty-seven B.C."

Her bright eyes widened with surprise, calculating the years Taehyung had lived with a mix precision and shock plastered on her fragile features.

"You are well over four thousand years old, Mr. Kim... Why come here now?"

Taehyung could only sigh. His gaze finally left the Fay's, tears welling in his eyes.

"I have traveled the world twice, Ms. Jeong. I have seen numbers of family, friends, and lovers grow old, wither, and turn to ash. I came here for a second chance. A chance to have a friend, or a lover to spend my eternal life with. For sanctuary, safety from those who cannot be immortal."

The Fay reached out, cupping Taehyung's cheek and lifting his head, the pair meeting eyes again.

"Taehyung, if I may call you that, you are welcome here. I'm sure you'll find love, and friends, maybe even people to call family."

She smiled gently, her eyes gazing into Taehyung's with a tenderness that made the Olympian's tears fall down his flushed cheeks.

"But first, I need to know a bit more about you. The sooner you're enrolled, the sooner you can make those wishes happen."

- - - -

She had mentioned an advanced set of classes that were in a separate building, and then gave Taehyung the standard uniform meant for the advanced students. After Taehyung had changed and been given school supplies, his schedule, dorm key, and extra clothes and some money, he was on his way.

The dorm building for the advanced students was farther away from the common student's building and dorms, and the building itself was much fancier. Once he finally found his room, Taehyung took care of his things, taking advantage of the second bedroom, and then deciding to stay inside for the day.

He had come late into the day, and there were only two classes left, so it didn't seem like a big deal to him that he skipped the last classes. The advanced dorms were spacious and cozy, filled with a kitchen/living room mashup, space for a small dining table, a bathroom and two medium sized bedrooms.

Taehyung took the liberty of exploring what he would soon be able to call home, ending his adventure by laying down on the couch, and staring out the window of the first floor dorm room. Once the two hours had passed, it didn't take long for the lock on the dorm room's entrance to click, causing the door to swing open.

A boy who looked no older than nineteen stepped in, slipping off his shoes and hoodie before finally noticing Taehyung, who had moved to a sitting position.

For some reason unknown to him, Taehyung felt drawn to the man. The male inhaled deeply, his eyes fading to a crimson shade as he shut the door and walked closer to Taehyung's small frame.

"You... Are my roommate?"

His voice was soft, yet rough, a tone that had Taehyung's body shivering in both delight and submission. Slowly, the brunette Olympian nodded his head, not trusting his words as the man moved closer.

The moment that their skin came into contact, however, Taehyung immediately froze up. One of his abilities enabled him to see into ones deepest thoughts, whether good or bad. And almost immediately, he was sucked into a memory, his eyes changing to a bright emerald.

- - -

Flames. The fire had spread, and he was lost. He couldn't find where anything was anymore. The small Pack that had taken him in was gone.

He howled into the night, unable to contain his tears of pain, sorrow, and anger even in his wolf form. He cried out for his Pack, his home, until the flames died out and all that surrounded him was ash.

He had lost family, friends, and even his mate in the fire. There was nothing left for him. Nothing left for Jungkook.

- - -

As soon as Taehyung snapped out of the memory, he gasped, and pulled away, a hand covering his mouth to hide the pained sob rising in his throat.

Taehyung had felt such pain before. He felt it every time he lost someone important to him, and the unknown man's memory brought out all his pain again, like a wave crashing over him, pulling him into the depths of the ocean again and again.

"You... You lost... You lost everyone... Everything.. Like- like me..."

Was all that the Olympian could utter. And the man took a step back, seeming shocked. The memory had been ripped to the surface, and as Taehyung had seen it, so had the other.

"What- what did you do?" His face held a mixture of anger, pain, and shock. Tears had built up in his eyes, his lips trembled, wanting to cry but wanting to hold himself together.

Taehyung sniffled, and wiped his eyes, avoiding eye contact as he prepared to speak. "It's my ability. One of them. By making contact with someone else, skin on skin, I can pull up a memory buried away, whether good or bad. I can't control it, I never have been able to."

Taehyung shook his head a bit, and slowly moved to his feet, carefully approaching the man.

"I'm sorry, what I brought up was painful for you. I didn't mean to. Could you forgive me? It won't happen again now that it's already happened, so I can promise that it won't happen."

Slowly the other nodded, his backpack falling to the floor as the pair connected their foreheads, eyes fluttering closed.

"Jeon Jungkook... I'm your roommate."

Taehyung smiled lightly, opening his eyes to meet with Jungkook's, their foreheads still connected.

"Kim Taehyung. Thank you for welcoming me."