
Chapter 3

As Raiden woke up he was still laying on the training grounds looking up at the sky noticing the clouds. Raiden felt Sarutobi sensei's charka standing a little way's away than me.

"So how long have I been out?" Raiden asked

"Not long. About 30min I didn't want to hurt you to much." Sarutobi said with he back turned to him.

Raiden got up and went over to Sarutobi and looked at his broken katana. Releasing a breath Raiden picked up both pieces then let them fall back to the ground. After not saying anything for awhile Sarutobi took him to the Hokage Monument to do there after trainin talk. After Raiden went to his fathers head and sat down, Sarutobi sat next to him looking over the village.

"So Raiden what do you think of this village?" Sarutobi asked

"I love the Leaf sensei, but ever since you told me what happened to the Hidden Eddy Village I want to bring it back and mabye be the Kage of it. I know that it'll be hard, almost impossible but I have to try don't I sensei?" Raiden asked looking down thinking of his mothers homeland

Sarutobi loked at his student thinking how hard he took it when he asked about the Hidden Eddy Village and he had to tell Raiden that it was completly destroyed, and now he was one of the last not only Senju but also Uzumaki. After Raiden gave him his mother's letter he understood his dream of bring back that paradise that she talked about.

"Nothing is impossible Raiden, and if it's your dream to bring back that paradise then know that as someone who raised you and as your Sensie. I support your dream all the way. So get strong enough to achive your dream, and make friends who believe in your dream so they can help you." Sarutobi said with a smile looking at his somebody he saw as his grandson.

Raiden looked in Sarutobi eye's deciding that no matter what he could trust his sensei with his secrets, and when he saw the love in his Sensei's eye's he knew he could fully trust him.

"So sensei what would you say if I wanted to move out to live on my own?" Raiden asked looking him in the eye's

"I would ask why. Are you not happy living with the Sarutobi Clan? Not to meantion my daughter Anna would miss you." Sarutobi asked confused as to why Raiden would ask to move out.

"I sense too many people around us sensei. Could we talk at your office?" Raiden asked after sensing 10 Jounin level shinobi around them in a 5 mile radius.

Sarutobi looked at his student and started thinking of the appointments he had today, and the only one that was important was that a shinobi from the Land of Water was coming with her daughter seaking a safe place for her daughter. After some more thought he agreed and Sarutobi and Raiden went toward the Hokages office.

In the Hokages office Sarutobi was sitting down on his normal Hoakge attire behind his desk having already activated the privacy seal, and Raiden was telling him all about the comound that he father told him about along with showing him he had Wiid Style. After listening to everything warning Raiden about the risk of showing Wood Style before he was strong enough to protect himself he gave Raiden his blessing to live at the outpost house next to the Senju compound so no one whould know about his true heritage.

"Thank you sensei. I won't need to pack as I already have everything in the scrolls on my belt, and I'm sure that Anna won't mind because she already has he hands full with Konohamaru." Raiden said smiling.

Not only at the fact he was going to stay at the home his family lived, but also at the chance of learing his Wod Style in secret without anyone knowing about it.As he was about to leave Sarutobi told him to wait for awhile to meet someone he wants Raiden to protect.

Soon a knock came from his door. Sarutobi keep the privacy seal in place and as the door opened three people walked in, and when Raiden was sensing their charka he didn't show it but was surprised that the man wearing a mask with the Hidden Mist symbol on it, wearing stander ANBU attire had the same charka of a Hyuga member in his right eye. The next person his noticed was a tall, slender woman with fair skin. She has green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. She wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper, and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wears a mesh armour that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wears a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. She intoduced herself as Mie Terumi of the Terumi Clan.

She was asking for saftey for her daughter Oormi Terumi since there Mizukage put out an order that any people with kekkei genkai was to be hunted down and killed, and she wanted to her child to be safe from the bloodshead as she was going to start a revolt against the Mizukage to overthrow him before he could end all kekkei genkai in The Mist.

"I understand why you wish to protect your child. The greatest pain for a parent is to burie there child. If I am to do this and she becomes a Shinobi she'll be a ninja of The Leaf. Is that exceptable Ms. Terumi.?" Sarutobi

"I understand and I am fine with it as long as my daughter is safe from the bloodshed that will become the Hidden Mist in the years to come. Now I'll will tell you that she has the Terumi Clan kekkei genkai of Lava Style, and I have the clans scrolls to help her, but Lord Hokage I ask that only she can look at these scrolls." Mei said bowing to the Hokage

"You have my word as the Hokage that only she'll know of your clans techniques." Sarutobi said.

After hearing that Mie moved out of the way and the charka signature Raiden was feeling the whole time came out from behind her mother. Oormi was the same age as Raiden and like her mother she had auburn hair to was shoulder length, fair-skin, gold eye's; wearing a black shirt, white shorts that goes above her kness, black sandals, and the Terumi symbol was in white on the back of her shirt.

Raiden thought she was very pretty and just keep staring at her, much to Oormi's embarrassment and intrest so she looked at him with a flrity look that only the women of the Terumi Clan could do.

"Hey cutie who are you?" Oormi asked with a smile on her face

Mie saw how her daughter was acting and was proud of her for being strong and already finding a cutie.

"U-u-um my name is Raiden Uzumaki Senju" answer Raiden revealing his clan much to Sarutobi worry.

As of senasing his sensei's worry Raiden looked at him and smiled explaining.

" I know my heratiage is suppose to be a sercut sensei, but something tells me I can trust these people. Afterall I'm certain that leaving someone of a clan with a kekkei genkai not to menatin a young women in another village is a big risk. Especially when the council finds out about her. Which I suggest that you place her in your clans protection, or mine. The Uzumaki Clan anyway, so she'll be safe from the politics." Raiden said dumbfounding everyone but Sarutobi as he already knew how smart Raiden was.

"Well back in my day a kid wouldn't be appointed any so." the masked man said

Hearing appointment Mie started to look down in thought 'appointment...I was late for a weeding appointment...' She looked at the masked ninja with a smile that promised death

"Shutup or die." Mie said in a sweet and scary voice

Even with the mask everyone knew he was shitting buckets of fear. Raiden looked at Oormi praying to kami that she didn't pick up her mothers personality.

"I'll go with your sudgestion of placing Oomi under the Uzumaki Clan protection and the Sarutobi Clan for her well being." said Sarutobi

Mei thanked the Hokage said her goodbyes to her daughter and gave her a big scroll that had the Terumi Clan crest on it. Raiden offered to seal it in a smaller scroll so no one would know what it was and tried to steal it much to Mei gratitude. Mie beant down to Raiden kissed his cheek and asked him to Oormi as she left with the masked man.

After that was over the Hokage called a council meeting for the afternoon. As the Hokage was getting ready for the meeting he knew was going to give him a headach Raide and Oormi were on ther way to the house outside of the Senju Compound. As they walked they got to know each other there likes, dislikes, and dreams of the future

"I want to be the strongest kunoichi to ever live. I want to be as strong as the First Hokage Hashirama Senju among other things. What about you." Oomi asked looking at the forest area.

"I want to be the strongest shinobi that has ever lived which is kinda the same as you but in my case I want to become the strongest so I can rebuild the Hidden Eddy Village so peoople with a dying clan can have a chance to rebuild there clan and live happily." Raiden said as a staement not as a dream making Oomi believe that he could actually do it.

After a totally of 12 minutes they reached the outskrits of the Senju compound. Raiden told Oormi to stay behind her as he cut his finger walking holding Oomi had walking forward as seals started t glow and a underground door started to show in front of them. Raiden and Oomi walked towards the door they say the Uzumaki clan crest in the middle of the Senju clan crest. Raiden got on a knee looking at the seal that was placed on the entrance and put his finger that he cut on it. After that happened the seals glowed blue and as Raiden was about to open the door he noticed his blood was disappearing at a fast rate. He then remembered with his father letter said about allowing anyone else in, so he took is kunai and gave it to Oomi while she gave him a questioning look.

"Oomi I need you to cut a finger like I have and when your done place it over my print. I'm going to do it again to let you in." Raiden said

"Ok but why do I have to do this?" Oomi asked

"Because if you don't then the door wont let you in, and form what I've heard of my mother and father then would have but seals on here that killed anyone that tried to force there way through. So anyone wanting to come in needs my premission meaning me willingly giving my blood as well as the other person. As you can see from the seals around are still glowing., and please hurry we don't have much time as someone is following us not from the Hokage. I'll tell you about it later" Raiden pointing out the seals as he was tell her in a hurrying voice.

After understanding some of it cause in Oormi mind seals was way to complex to understand, but seeing the anxious look on his face she cut her finger and placed to on the same spot as Raiden when he finished. Both going into the door in a bit of a rush the door closed and the seals reactivated making it look it nothing is there except a clearing with the Senju Compound a distance away. Sometime later a confused man showed up wearing a blank ANBU mask looking around for the kids he following a few miles out 'how is this possible? Lord Danzo is not going to like this'